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Text Chapter 444: Conquest (End)

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    When Yue Hengteng jumped up, the giant beast's head, neck and long back had completely drilled out of the ground.

    Its head is shaped like a spindle, its thick skin is densely covered with black armor plates, and a row of huge bone plates extend from the neck to the tail, the tip is as sharp as a blade, making people shudder.

    This so-called "Karoo Beast" is obviously the Dasong tribe's killer weapon. Its appearance boosted the morale of the Dasong warriors, brandishing their weapons and screaming.

    Yue Heng jumped into the air, and pulled out the Xuanjie Hengdao fixed on his back with his backhand.


    He held the knife with both hands, and swung it condescendingly towards the Kalu beast!

    This behemoth had reached at least the fourth level, and Yue Heng also felt threatened by the terrifying aura it emitted, so he aroused his strongest power with this knife.

    The super-blessed soldiers suddenly shined brightly, and the bright blade light soared, breaking through the air barrier like lightning, and slashing straight at the huge head of the Kalu beast.


    The Kalu beast seemed to be aware of the power contained in Yue Heng's knife. It raised its head and opened its bloody mouth, letting out a deafening roar, and at the same time ejected a mass of hot flames from its throat.

    Boom to Yue Heng who is rushing in the air!

    Almost instantly, the flames from the Kalu beast engulfed Yue Heng.

    However, in the next second, a fierce sword light cut through the flames, and hit the Kalu beast's head like a bamboo.

    The bright silver knife light cut through the thick skin of this giant beast without hesitation, pierced through the extremely hard skull, and then penetrated through the lower jaw.

    Yue Heng followed and fell to the ground.

    The Kalu beast that was close at hand swayed, and a striking blood line appeared in the middle of its ferocious head.

    Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

    The scarlet eyes of the Kalu beast stared at Yue Heng, the light in the purple pupils quickly dimmed, and its body fell to the ground.

    The surrounding Dasong fighters were all stunned.

    The Kalu beast is one of the strongest ground beasts. The difference between it and the burrowing beast is like that of a tiger to a sheep. Its combat ability is very powerful, and it has a natural ability to cast spells.

    An adult Kalu beast can easily destroy a small tribe.

    The Kalu beast of the Dasong tribe was raised in secret, which consumed countless resources of the tribe. Because it has not been completely tamed, it is usually kept in the animal prison under the temple.

    If it wasn't on the brink of genocide, it wouldn't be summoned up to deal with the enemy.

    Unexpectedly, the invincible beast in the eyes of the lizardmen was killed with a single blow.

    The mentality of the Dasong fighters collapsed.

    With the tragic casualties and the failure of the trump card, those surviving Dasong fighters gave up their resistance and fled in all directions. The scene in the temple was extremely chaotic.

    On the contrary, the morale of the Rockfire tribe reached its peak, and they swarmed up and began to destroy the altar.

    The altar in the temple is not a military facility, nor is it the last fortress. Instead of chasing and killing the enemy, the rock fire warriors are fighting against a stone building, which looks very absurd.

    However, this is precisely the war rule of the Lizardmen tribe, because the temple is the core of a tribe, and the altar is the belief of the tribe, and being destroyed represents a complete failure, and there is no possibility of turning over.

    It doesn't matter how many Dasong fighters present run away, as long as they occupy the temple, they will surrender to Rockfire.

    There are also a few Dazun fighters who are still dying, desperately resisting the attack of the rockfire fighters.

    However, after Yue Heng killed two warriors in a row, the rest of the rebels dropped their weapons and knelt down on the ground.

    A few minutes later, the seemingly indestructible altar was forcibly pushed down by hundreds of rockfire fighters.

    completely occupied the temple.

    In fact, there are still many lizardmen who survived, including hundreds of warriors who escaped into the passage, but all resistance ended the moment the altar was destroyed.

    Many Dazong fighters surrendered to the victors dejectedly, and were then incorporated into a team.

    The decisive battle between the two tribes that broke out in the temple lasted for a short time, but the clean-up work lasted for two full days.

    The Rockfire tribe has completed an incredible operation of snake swallowing elephants.

    Although they also lost hundreds of fighters, what they gained was a large tribe with a population of more than 10,000 and a territory rich in resources, and their strength expanded rapidly.

    However, Yue Heng did not participate in the annexation operation of the Rockfire Tribe. He just asked Sukara to search for cathode energy after the dust settled.mine.

    Regarding Yue Heng's request, the leader of the lizardmen treated him like a god and dared not disobey him in the slightest.

    Originally, he didn't know that the Dasong tribe actually raised a Kalu beast. If he knew, he would not dare to come out to fight this war of genocide.

    As a result, the giant beast that almost caused the priest to collapse was easily handled by Yue Heng.

    Realizing that Yue Heng's real strength was stronger than he had guessed, Sukara put away all the little thoughts caused by victory and called his tribe to look for mines for him.

    In this matter, Sukara did not deceive Yue Heng, and the Dasong tribe did have a source of cathode energy stones.

    In fact, for the lizard people, neither the anode energy stone nor the cathode energy stone has any effect.

    It is nothing more than a special stone.

    The lizardmen of the Rockfire tribe regard the anode energy stone as useless and dangerous, while the Dazun lizardmen regard the cathode energy stone as a costume gem, polished and strung together to wear as necklaces.

    Their cathode energy stone was excavated from a mine.

    A natural mine!

    When Yue Heng came to this mine accompanied by the lizardmen, he couldn't help but gasp because of his knowledge and knowledge¡ª¡ªit's a big profit!

    This natural mine, which is 100 meters deep underground, is dozens of times larger than the mine that Yue Heng discovered for the outpost earlier, and there are countless cathode energy stone crystals stored in it.

    And the quality is very high!

    The most important thing is that what Yue Heng can see now is only the tip of the iceberg, and the specific reserves cannot be estimated at all.

    But it's not over yet, he found a special plant in this mine.

    Star Mushroom!

    Star Mushroom is a special fungus. It looks similar to shiitake mushrooms in appearance, but its surface is blue-purple and densely covered with silver spots similar to stars.

    According to Sukara, this thing is one of the lizard people's favorite foods, and it only grows in specific areas.

    is a very important resource.

    The original territory of the Yanhuo tribe was not suitable for the survival of star mushrooms, so there was no production.

    Star mushrooms are indeed edible, but Yue Heng knows better that its extracts are the raw materials for the production of various extraordinary medicines.

    It can even be used to treat cancer!

    Yue Heng never dreamed that this time he not only found a large cathode energy stone mine, but also found star mushrooms.

    The resources on Tai Chi Star are beyond imagination.
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