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Text Chapter 325 Wind and Rain Journey (Part 1)

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    Yue Heng won more than 200,000 yuan in one stroke.

    The "Eight-Power Allied Forces" who participated in the rescue mission all carried a large amount of cash. This gambling game emptied most of their pockets. The French banker even lost all Manny on his body, and even borrowed some from his companions to make up enough  bet.

    A group of foreigners in the dining car stared at Yue Heng, all of them looked very unfriendly.

    Johnson was helped up from the ground by his companions.

    His right arm was drooping, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he looked at Yue Heng viciously.

    As if to eat people!

    Yue Heng smiled coldly, knocked on the dining table full of Maiyuan and said: "If you are not convinced, then wrestle with me, win all these and take them away, who will come?"

    His English is so good that foreigners can understand him.

    The audience was silent.

    These foreigners with superpowers are not fools.

    They could clearly see the process of Yue Heng defeating Johnson.

    During the competition, Yue Heng performed with ease, and his strength steadily surpassed his opponent.

    And Mai Guo captain Johnson is already the strongest among them!

    Johnson has lost, and the substitution is also self-defeating.

    Yue Heng glanced around, no one dared to meet his eyes.

    Shaking his head, Yue Heng touched the table with a light wave, and instantly put all the Maiyuan into the storage space.

    Mosquitoes are meat even though they are small.

    And this miraculous scene, which seemed like magic, made the people present have an unfathomable feeling about Yue Heng.

    Although the "Eight-Power Allied Forces" side had an absolute numerical advantage, the momentum was suppressed by Yue Heng's side.

    Everyone fell silent.

    "Your arm is dislocated."

    It was Yu Guangrong who took the initiative to break the awkward atmosphere and said to Johnson: "I will help you reset your bones."

    Although he is not a doctor, he also knows a lot of first aid methods.

    Including bone setting.

    Johnson really wants to show his toughness, but there is still a tough battle to come, and dislocation for a long time will cause ischemia of the surrounding tissues, leading to swelling or even necrosis.

    Therefore, the Mai Guo captain obediently accepted Yu Guangrong's treatment.

    After being slapped heavily and then rubbed again, the arrogance of the Mai people disappeared, and they no longer clamored for command power.

    Everyone was able to sit down again.

    The atmosphere of this negotiation has become a lot calmer and more pragmatic.

    Yue Heng did not participate in the negotiation, but his existence is the greatest confidence of Yu Guangrong and others!

    After some not very intense negotiations, the two sides barely reached an agreement of a provisional nature.

    Johnson no longer seeks command power, and the two sides help each other and cooperate for a win-win situation.

    Returning to the original carriage, Yu Guangrong said sincerely to Yue Heng: "Consultant Yue, this time is really thanks to you."

    He changed the name of Yue Heng to the latter's temporary position in the Different Administration Bureau, and his tone could not help but carry a trace of respect.

    There is also a deep sense of gratitude.

    Before Yue Heng appeared, the negotiation between Yu Guangrong and Johnson was extremely difficult.

    Relying on his large number of people, the latter insisted on taking the command of the rescue operation and placing the superhuman beings from China under his command.

    Yu Guangrong argued hard, but he was not as good as others.

    The current result is the best.

    Yue Heng smiled and said: "You're welcome, I don't want to listen to the Mai people pointing fingers."

    Everyone laughed.

    Gao Haodang, the special operations captain from the Central Plains Province, asked curiously: "Consultant Yue, how did you put away those banknotes just now? Magic?"

    He was really very puzzled.

    These Maiyuan are not magic props, and there is no entrustment at the scene. I really can't figure out how Yue Heng disappeared a lot of banknotes.

    Yue Heng explained: "This is my ability."


    Gao Haodang suddenly said: "Amazing!"

    He did not ask Yue Heng what kind of ability this is, because it is very taboo to explore the roots of other people's abilities.

    Yue Heng is not his subordinate.

    "Come, come, come."

    Yu Guangrong called Yue Heng and the others to sit down: "The road is still long, let's chat while drinking."

    This armored train carried a lot of supplies. In addition to weapons and ammunition, there were also a lot of medicine and food.

    Yu Guangrong asked someone to bring a few cases of beer over,Give it to everyone to drink.

    Due to the large number of welded steel plates attached to the outside, plus personnel and supplies, the speed of the armored train is not fast, only seventy or eighty kilometers per hour.

    When driving to the border between the two countries, it was already sunset and dusk.

    The armored train stopped at a station on the border.

    Further ahead is Sagangda.

    Now it is a temporary stop to rest and check the condition of the train to avoid problems in the following journey.

    The power users who have been stuffy in the carriage for a long time can come out to breathe fresh air.

    Yue Heng also followed.

    Outside is the vast African prairie, and the setting sun in the distance is like blood, which is so magnificent that it makes one's heart palpitate.

    "Would you like a cigarette?"

    Yu Guangrong handed over a cigarette.

    Yue Heng shook his head.

    Yu Guangrong apologized: "I forgot that you are not yet an adult."

    To be honest, Yu Guangrong doesn't treat Yue Heng as a boy at all now.

    He lit a cigarette by himself and took a deep drag.

    The smoke clouded the eyes of this burly man. He looked at the sun that was about to sink below the horizon, and suddenly said: "Consultant Yue, if something happens to me"

    "Will not!"

    Yue Heng directly interrupted him: "You have to have confidence in yourself and everyone!"

    Yu Guangrong was silent for a while, then nodded and said, "Yes!"

    He clenched his fist hard.

    After half an hour, the diesel locomotive restarted and pulled the armored train to move on.

    Entering the territory of Sagangda, the atmosphere in the carriage became tense.

    During the running of the armored train, news from all parties was continuously transmitted through the satellite communication system.

    In the current Saganda, the disaster of alienated beasts not only shows no signs of being contained, but intensifies.

    Many villages and even some tribes and small towns have lost contact.

    This country is like a storm-ravaged ocean. People are huddled in big cities like isolated islands. The Saganda army can only guard the city's defense line, and is unable to sweep away the alien beasts to conquer the lost ground.

    Although there will be no major problems for a while, but after a long time, food and medicine will inevitably be in short supply. It is impossible to satisfy the appetite of so many people only relying on the assistance of the international community.

    Therefore, under such circumstances, if the alienated animal disaster is not resolved, Sagunda will face a terrible humanitarian disaster!

    Of course, this has nothing to do with the multinational joint rescue team. Their task is to evacuate the overseas Chinese trapped in the major mining areas in Sagangda and transport them to a safe place.

    But the so-called cold lips, if the situation in Sagangda deteriorates in a short period of time, it will definitely greatly affect the rescue.

    Even the safety of the rescue team itself will be seriously threatened.

    Everyone's heart is shrouded in thick dark clouds!¡ª¡ª

    The first one is delivered.

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