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Text Chapter 314: Rolling

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    It only took less than ten minutes for Yue Heng to arrive at the Shenzhou Alien Management Bureau.

    Xu Junhao was waiting at the gate.

    Seeing Yue Heng who came quickly, the uncle was a little surprised: "Your motorcycle is good."

    Of course, Yue Heng didn't come here by running. He was driving the Harley that was seized in Maiguo.

    "Made in China."

    Yue Heng turned off the engine and got out of the car, threw the car keys in his hand: "If you like it, I will give it to you to play."

    He still has one in his storage space.

    "I have a car."

    Xu Junhao shook his head: "Your car doesn't have a license plate, right? I'll help you get Zhang Jingcheng's license plate to be put on later."

    Motorcycle license plates in Beijing are not as rare as car license plates, and the bidding process is not complicated.

    But he saw that Yue Heng's motorcycle looked like a parallel import, so he offered to help.

    Yue Heng didn't refuse the uncle's kindness: "Thank you."

    "You are welcome."

    Xu Junhao anxiously dragged him inside: "Help me get rid of Maozi, I'll get you a card number 666!"

    Yue Heng burst out laughing.

    He had heard Xu Junhao mention the fact that the delegation of superpowers from the Mao Kingdom came to the capital for exchanges.

    However, Yue Heng has no intention of participating.

    In fact, Xu Junhao called just now to say that the superpowers from the General Administration of Different Administrations were defeated in the arena, and when they lost four games in a row, he didn't even think about making a move.

    Only by knowing the shame can you be brave, and experiencing some setbacks is not a bad thing for a superpower.

    Because the new generation of power users generally have arrogance and arrogance, especially the power users of the super physical system, the mentality tends to expand with the increase of strength.

    There are such signs in the team of superpowers of the Jiangnan Bureau of Different Administrations, and the Beijing Bureau of Different Administrations is no exception.

    It is completely acceptable for foreign powerhouses to break one's own mentality of sitting in a well and watching the sky.

    However, when Yue Heng heard the victorious cries of the mobs on the phone earlier, he was quite upset.

    In fact, he has some small collectivist feelings and is also a nationalist.

    ? When encountering outsiders running wild on the home turf, the fists will inevitably itch.

    Under the leadership of Xu Junhao, Yue Heng came to the training hall.

    "Who else?"

    At this moment in the arena, Mao Xiong was still roaring.

    ? As a representative of the visiting group of superpowers from Mao, Great Ivan has won six games in a row.

    Since each competition ended quickly, his physical exertion was very small, and his continuous victories made him proud and arrogant. He scanned the power users of the General Administration of Different Tubes with the victor's gaze.

    ? Search for your next target.

    And the superpowers who were caught by the big Ivan's eyes were all ashamed and angry.

    Most of them are young people. Although they are very brave, they also have self-knowledge.

    The strongest group of people has already entered the ring, and none of them can fight Big Ivan for a full round.

    The gap between each other is extremely obvious.

    Under such circumstances, those of them who are weak seem to be humiliating themselves!

    "Is there no one else?"

    Big Ivan was very disappointed. He spoke Chinese. Although he had a blunt foreigner accent, everyone present could hear him clearly.

    Many of the superpowers in China blushed, and couldn't help but clenched their fists.

    The atmosphere in the training hall became solemn and gloomy.

    At this time, the head of the Mao delegation sitting in the auditorium coughed and gestured to Ivan the Big on the ring.

    Instruct the latter to accept it as soon as it is good.

    After all, Shenzhou is not Myrican. They came here for the purpose of peaceful communication. As guests, they made the host lose face, which violated the purpose of communication.

    Of course, Big Ivan's crushing victory over the superpowers in China also made the boys feel a little contemptuous.

    In the future, if the superpower organizations or teams of the two countries cooperate, they will definitely take the lead.

    The logic of the Maozi is as simple as that - speak hard with your fist!

    And Big Ivan, who received the signal from the leader, curled his lips, shook his head and prepared to leave.

    He hasn't played enough yet!


    At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, and it was heard clearly in everyone's ears.

    Everyone greeted in unison??Looking in the direction where the voice came from, I saw Yue Heng striding towards the big arena, and suddenly jumped up two meters away.

    It landed firmly on the ring!

    There was a buzzing discussion all around.

    who is this?

    The same question arises in everyone's mind.

    Among the people present, except for Xu Junhao, no one knew this young man who had just come on stage.

    Only Hong Hui saw Xu Junhao who came in with Yue Heng and guessed his identity.

    However, the director of the Bureau of Different Administrations was very skeptical that Yue Heng's strength was as strong as Xu Junhao said.

    After all, the two sides are not of the same order of magnitude in size.

    The height of Big Ivan is about 2.1 meters, and Yue Heng is only over 1.8 meters, a difference of nearly 30 centimeters.

    Moreover, Mao Xiong's physique seemed to be much stronger than Yue Heng's. The previous competition proved that his reaction speed was not bad at all, and his combat experience and combat skills were even more superb.

    Can Yue Heng beat it?

    Not only was Hong Hui suspicious, Big Ivan also grinned when he saw the new challenger.

    He shook his index finger at Yue Heng and said, "You, no, my opponent!"

    Big Ivan regarded Yue Heng as a hot-blooded young man. Although he admired Yue Heng's courage, he didn't take the latter seriously at all, and he didn't even bother to make a move.

    ? Against an opponent like Yue Heng, it would be no honor to win.

    Ivan the Great, who was about to step down, was in a slump.

    Yue Heng smiled.

    He raised his right fist: "You, as long as you can receive my punch, you will win."

    Big Ivan's face suddenly changed.

    This bear's Chinese level is very low, but he can understand Yue Heng's meaning.

    Most importantly, he heard the contempt and disdain in Yue Heng's words.

    Big Ivan suddenly felt that his dignity had been seriously challenged, and the way he looked at Yue Heng changed immediately.

    He changed his mind.

    "You make me angry!"

    A pair of bear eyes stared at Yue Heng, and Big Ivan let out a deep growl: "I'm very angry!"

    "Get used to it."

    Yue Heng took a step forward and punched the opponent.

    With this punch, Yue Heng only aroused one-tenth of the power of Shengwu Nuclear Fist.

    However, in the direction of his fist, the surrounding air was pulled and shrunk by an invisible force in an instant, and then erupted loudly, slapping Big Ivan with overwhelming force.

    Above the arena, there was a muffled sound like thunder!

    Before the strength of the punch reached his body, Big Ivan already felt the threat of suffocation.

    He was horrified to find that his mighty strength was so weak in front of this oncoming mighty force.

    This furry bear wanted to struggle, resist, and evade, but as soon as he raised his arms, his whole body seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, and suddenly flew backwards.

    He slammed into the side rope fiercely, turned somersault and fell down the ring!

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