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Text Chapter 272: The Prologue of the Great Era

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    Chunzhao Road, Laowu BBQ.

    After completing the task, Yue Heng planned to return to Taijiang on the same day.

    As a result, all the high-speed rail tickets were booked, but Captain Duan insisted on staying and asked Yue Heng to rebook the tickets until tomorrow.

    In the evening, he invited Yue Heng to have a barbecue, not only to thank Yue Heng for his help, but also to show the friendship of the landlord.

    The owner of Lao Wu BBQ Restaurant is also surnamed Duan, and he is Captain Duan¡¯s cousin. The signature dish in the shop is roasted whole lamb.

    Select about 40 catties of sheep from the grasslands of Inner Mongolia to kill alive, add onion, ginger, pepper, salt and other seasonings to the abdomen with the skin removed, and roast it on a red fire with apricot knots.

    Baked until the surface is golden red and oily, the fragrance erupts, and the outside is charred and the inside is tender.

    It took a full three hours.

    ?The mutton roasted in this way has crispy skin and smooth meat. It is golden in color and delicious, and it tastes fat but not greasy. It is crispy and delicious!

    After Yue Heng tasted it, he felt that it was right to go back tomorrow.


    Captain Duan raised the wine bottle in his hand, and said with a trace of drunkenness: "Consultant Yue, I respect you again!"

    He has a good capacity for alcohol, but after killing half a box of big Wusu, he is also a little drunk.

    Yue Heng smiled and touched the bottle with him: "Do it!"

    With the blessing of an extraordinary body, Yue Heng's metabolism is far superior to that of ordinary people, and he will not lose to anyone in drinking.

    "Good drinker."

    After Captain Duan "Ton Ton" finished the bottle of beer, he couldn't help giving Yue Heng a thumbs up: "Consultant Yue, I, Duan Laosan, have never served anyone in my life, so I will serve you, this is you!"

    Although it is a drunken speech, it comes from the heart.

    Captain Duan put the empty wine bottle on the table, and said with a wry smile: "We should have asked for help earlier, if you could have come one day earlier, then Daqiang wouldn't have"

    He didn't say anything later, but the atmosphere in the small private room suddenly became depressing.

    The few super fighters next to them all showed sentimentality.

    Daqiang is the super soldier whose body was hung on the iron fence after the sacrifice, their colleague and comrade-in-arms!

    Although this is not the first member of the Hongzhou Alien Administration Super Team to die after its establishment.

    And choosing to become a member of the super team also has the consciousness to sacrifice their lives.

    But everyone still feels extremely sorry.

    A team member whispered: "Daqiang's son just celebrated his third birthday, and his parents are not in good health"

    Yue Heng thought for a while, took out a check from his pocket and put it in front of Captain Duan.

    Captain Duan was stunned for a moment, then asked in astonishment: "This is?"

    "This is my hard work from your bureau."

    Yue Heng said: "Help me hand it over to Daqiang's family, it's my kindness."

    Yue Heng is not a staff member of the Taijiang Bureau of Different Administrations. This time, he was invited to come to Hongzhou to support, of course, it cannot be for free.

    After confirming that the group of alienated rats had been wiped out, the Hongzhou Alien Management Bureau readily issued a cash check of 500,000 yuan as a reward for Yue Heng's adventure.

    "How can this work!"

    Captain Duan, who understood, blushed immediately, and quickly refused: "We have a pension, and the bureau will also arrange the life of the family members. How can we ask for your hard work!"

    Yue Heng smiled and said: "This is for my family members, not for you."

    In his previous life, Yue Heng distributed the bonuses and trophies he had won to the families of the sacrificed team members countless times.

    This money is really nothing to him.

    But to a certain extent, it can make life better for the families of those who died for the country.

    This makes sense.

    Captain Duan finally accepted the check.

    He wiped his face and said hoarsely, "Consultant Yue, on behalf of Daqiang's family, thank you!"

    Yue Heng waved his hand.

    No thanks.

    The next morning, Yue Heng set foot on the high-speed train back to Taijiang.

    He was sitting in the first-class seat, and when he saw that there was no one next to him, he took out the laptop from the storage space.

    Go online to pass the boring time of travel.

    As a result, just after connecting to the 5g network, a news pop-up window popped up.

    Headline news: Shenzhou officially launched a new urban construction plan, and it is expected to invest 5 trillion yuan in five years, so that the domestic urbanization rate will reach more than 99%!

    The core of this grand plan is to move villages into cities and towns, and bring remote areas, poor areas, mountainous areas, etc.of the rural population have all migrated to live and work in cities.

    At the same time, the country has completely stopped the afforestation project that has been implemented for decades.

    Invest funds in the construction of large farms and food factories!

    Seeing the news of the past few days, Yue Heng seems to have seen the prelude to the great era being drawn.

    Since ancient times, China has a lot of people and little land. There are a large number of farmers living in remote areas and mountainous areas. Although the pace of urbanization has been accelerating since the beginning of the new century, a large number of farmers still stay in their homes.

    Although China's urbanization process will eventually achieve the intended goal.

    But the problem now is that time waits for no one. With more and more alienated creatures appearing in the wild, the lives of these people have encountered serious threats.

    It is impossible to guarantee the safety of the areas outside the city only by relying on the different administration bureaus in various places.

    The alienated creatures that appeared in the city, as well as the out-of-control superpowers, have made them do their best to deal with them.

    In this way, abandoning remote areas and mountainous countryside, and even some small towns, has become an inevitable choice!

    In fact, in the future, many small and medium-sized cities will disappear, replaced by metropolitan areas with hundreds of millions of people, relying on large farms and food factories.

    When the star family descends, this historical process is touched, and it cannot be reversed!

    But Yue Heng knows that this is not a bad thing for human beings.

    It is from this that the golden three hundred years of human civilization on the earth broke out again!

    Just as a witness of history, Yue Heng felt an indescribable wonderful feeling in his heart.

    He who returned from the Star Sea is both a witness and a witness.

    Even an enabler!

    In addition to this big news, Yue Heng also saw several small news.

    One of them is that unless there are special circumstances, there will no longer be official rescues for tourists who enter unsafe tourist areas in violation of regulations.

    That is to say, those donkey friends who go hiking in dangerous areas in the wild without permission, don't expect the country to send people to rescue them.

    And the family members of donkey friends also have a way to save people, so let¡¯s find a private rescue team at your own expense!

    This news may seem ruthless, but it is actually reasonable.

    Everyone is responsible for their own choices.

    Especially adults, don't expect help from the state if you make irrational decisions.

    You must know that the wilderness, forest and mountainous areas will be dominated by alienated creatures in the future. Rescuing a few guys with their heads in the water may require a huge sacrifice.

    Such a price is not worth it and should not be paid!

    And the last piece of news is that the country will start a new census.

    Everything is preparing for the future
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