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vol.35 Chapter 35 Super Power Out of Control (Part 1)

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    Even after a few days, the pain on his body has disappeared a lot.

    Jian Yun still hates the culprit!

    That day, she was doing cleaning work in the lobby as usual, but when she got to the elevator room, she was knocked over by a man rushing out of the elevator.

    Without any precautions, Jian Yun fell to the ground with her bucket.

    Not only did she fall to her knees and arms, her whole body was soaked in dirty water, and she was so embarrassed that she couldn't get up.

    There were many people present at the time, but none of them were willing to help her.

    Under the gazes of pity and mockery, Jian Yun felt extremely embarrassed.

    And the person who brought her great pain and humiliation ran away without a trace.

    Although the cleaning company later gave her a compensation.

    However, a mere few hundred yuan is obviously unable to smooth out Jian Yun's psychological damage.

    What pained Jian Yun the most was that.

    She can't rest yet.

    Because Jian Yun has to send most of her salary to her parents in the countryside every month.

    ? To pay for mother's medical expenses, younger siblings' tuition fees, living expenses

    and in debt.

    Jian Yun came to Taijiang to work five years ago.

    ?Every day I get up early and work late at night to do two jobs, and the income basically fills the bottomless pit of the family.

    She looks older in her twenties than in her thirties.

    Jian Yun has had enough of these days!

    Enduring the occasional pain in her knee, Jian Yun squeezed onto the No. 9 bus.

    ? I came to the Taijiang Charity Welfare Institute.

    Jian Yun is a part-time cleaner of this social welfare institution, working from 6:00 to 9:00 every night.

    Although the salary of this job is not high, the advantage is that it is relatively easy.

    It can give Jian Yun, who has been busy all day, a bit of respite and recovery time.

    When she arrived at the orphanage, she changed into work clothes.

    After greeting the aunt who was changing shifts, Jian Yun came to the bathroom first.

    The Taijiang Charity Welfare Institute has adopted hundreds of abandoned babies, orphans, and homeless street children.

    Many of them are disabled.

    Including mentally handicapped children.

    Taking care of these children is no easy task.

    When Jian Yun went in with a mop, a life aunt was carrying a baby out of the tub, put it on the table to dry off, and then put on talcum powder.

    A few-month-old baby is white, tender and chubby, and looks particularly juicy and cute just after taking a bath.

    And he is very well-behaved without crying or making trouble.

    "Tiantian is so obedient."

    Auntie Life wrapped diapers and dressed her, with a loving look on her face.

    Tiantian came to the charity welfare home two months ago.

    She was found abandoned next to the trash can in the park. Because her parents could not be found, she was placed here temporarily.

    The staff of the orphanage gave her a nickname "Sweet".

    Tiantian never cries, and she looks very sweet when she smiles.

    Auntie Life really can't think of how cruel parents would abandon Tiantian!

    Tiantian's body is very healthy, without any disabilities, and she looks so beautiful.

    It's not like it used to be.

    Girls are very precious, and some families are looking forward to having daughters.

    Unless there is a congenital disease or disability, no one is willing to throw away a healthy baby girl.

    Even if you really can't afford it, you can give it away.

    Auntie Life really can't figure it out.

    She couldn't help but picked up Tiantian and kissed her.

    Tian Tian giggled.

    Auntie Life smiled brightly: "Tiantian, we will definitely find you a good family and make you a rich and beautiful girl!"

    She asked Jian Yun next to her: "Little Jane, do you think so?"

    Jian Yun, who was mopping the floor, forced a smile.

    Auntie Life didn't pay attention.

    The word "Bai Fumei" was learned from her circle of friends.

    At present, the police are still investigating Tiantian's life experience and trying their best to find her family members.

    And if she cannot be found, the Charity Welfare Institute will arrange for her to be adopted by a family in accordance with the regulations.

    With sweet conditions, there are definitely a lot of people vying for it!

    Of course, welfare institutions have to choose the best.

    Let Tian Tian be in the best family?? was brought up.

    After a moment of intimacy, Aunt Life put Tian Tian in the cradle next to her.

    Then bathe another baby.

    She turned her back to Jian Yun.

    Jian Yun stood beside the cradle and stopped what she was doing.

    Eyes stared at Tian Tian.

    The little baby girl was holding her finger in her mouth, her big black eyes looked cute and beautiful.

    However, not only was Jian Yun not cute, but she felt an indescribable disgust!

    The other party reminded her of her sister.

    Jian Yun is the eldest daughter in the family, and she has never been favored by her parents since she was born.

    She has helped with housework and taken care of her younger brother and younger sister since elementary school.

    I came out to work before graduating from high school.

    The same is the daughter, but the status of the younger sister in the family is completely different.

    Everyone said that Jian Yun's younger sister is well-behaved and beautiful, with good academic performance, and she will definitely marry a good family in the future!

    As for Jian Yun.

    It is a money-losing product, a broom star!

    She was ugly from birth, and she was very crying and sick.

    As a result, the mother failed to get rest and recovery during confinement, and her physical fitness was greatly reduced.

    After giving birth to the twins Jian Yun, brother and sister, they were no longer able to work in the fields.

    According to what my father said.

    This is what Jian Yun owes her family!

    Jian Yun hated such a statement, but did not dare to resist.

    Father's slaps never show mercy.

    A nightmare in memory.

    But at this moment, the inferiority complex, pain and despair accumulated deep in Jian Yun's heart were ignited by the pain from her knees and arms, and what Auntie Life just said.

    Why?  !

    ?Why are some people born rich and well-clothed, why are some people able to do whatever they want, and why are some people able to get favoritism

    In Jian Yun's eyes, the baby girl in the cradle overlapped with her most hated sister!

    In the eyes she stared at the other party, the malice was about to condense into substance!

    The little baby girl seemed to have sensed something, and she frowned and pursed her mouth.

    A look of displeasure.

    Even you look down on me, laugh at me, despise me?

    The anger in Jian Yun's heart suddenly rose!

    She quickly glanced at the auntie who was bathing the baby, and then took off her hairpin.

    Breaking out the pin, she pointed the tip of the pin at Tian Tian's soles.

    Stab it!

    It is not the first time Jian Yun has done such a thing.

    When she was at home before, she used the same method to deal with her younger siblings.

    Watching them cry.

    Jian Yun was very happy in her heart, with a strange sense of satisfaction.

    The position of the sole of the foot is not easy to bleed.

    It is not easy to be found.

    Even if someone sees the red dot left on it, it will be mistaken for the result of mosquito bites.

    It's just that Jian Yun's behavior towards her younger siblings was accidentally discovered by her mother.

    After being severely beaten by her father, she dared not do it again.

    However, the evil thoughts in my heart not only did not get rid of it.

    Instead, it continues to ferment over time.

    There is no monitoring in the bathroom, and the living aunts present have no eyes behind their backs.

    A look of excitement appeared on Jian Yun's face.

    She seemed to see the little baby girl crying in pain!¡ª¡ª

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