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Chapter 111 Surrender without killing!

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    "Bastard! This damned bastard! You're so arrogant!" A leader of a player force roared with a livid face after seeing Ye Chen really return to the battlefield.

    "This bastard actually looks down on us, he must look down on us, have you seen that? This bastard, with a thousand cavalry, just came back like this!" One person blushed and screamed.

    "Kill him! Be sure to kill him! This bastard! Ahhhh!" An angry body trembled and roared angrily.

    "Don't worry about Diao Chan, if you have a chance, you can kill that bitch together! Maybe Ye Chen will be afraid of Diao Chan!" One person suddenly remembered something, and then shouted.

    "Yes! Don't worry about Diao Chan. If you kill him, you will kill him. Even if you can't get the king-level skills, you can't let Ye Chen, a bitch, live! Not only will he be killed, but the reality will be him!" One person agreed.  roared.

    The middle-aged man looked gloomy at Ye Chen who was riding a horse and wearing black armor in the distance, and then shouted in a deep voice:

    "Command! The whole army attacks, who dares to retreat, cut! Order the archers, as soon as Ye Chen comes into range, attack immediately, don't care about anything, just attack!"

    As soon as the middle-aged man's words fell to the ground, the scene immediately fell silent.

    After a few breaths, the leader of a player force stood up and roared viciously:

    "Okay! Let's do this! Isn't it just a loss of some soldiers? There is not much money. I can afford to lose such a small amount of money. If I don't kill Ye Chen, this bastard, I can't swallow the sigh in my heart!"

    "That's it! Damn, I don't believe that Ye Chen will be safe and sound this time!" One person clenched his fist and shouted in a deep voice.


    Soon, the soldiers of the million-dollar coalition army received orders to attack Ye Chen with all their strength, and those who flinched, beheaded!

    As for the archer troops, they also received an order, as long as Ye Chen is within the range, don't worry about anything, just attack.

    Forget about the other soldiers, they didn't know, but the archer troops were in an instant uproar.

    Don't care about anything, just attack, how could they not understand what it means.

    For a while, these archers looked at me and I looked at you, and all of them looked unhappy.

    It is very likely that they attacked their robes, their friends from the same village, or even relatives from the same village.

    This is how they deal with it.

    Their morale had already started to drop, but at this moment, their morale dropped even more.

    And all of this, the leaders of the player forces standing far away don't know at all.

    In their view, these soldiers are all npcs, but a piece of data.

    They didn't treat these soldiers as human beings at all.


    Three thousand horses galloped on the ground, and the charge started immediately.

    Accelerate, accelerate again!

    The galloping reincarnation army quickly contacted the millions of coalition troops, and then easily tore a hole.

    Chisel through!

    All the way whistling past, setting off countless corpses.

    Ye Chen, who took the lead, flew up and down with his murderous spear, and there was no one enemy, and the enemy soldiers who killed him were terrified.

    Dian Wei, who was guarding Ye Chen's side, danced wildly with his two halberds, roaring again and again, and the enemy soldiers who smashed them cried like ghosts and howled like wolves.

    The reincarnation legion that follows behind is cold and ruthless, pointing steel, guns, and guns are deadly, recklessly harvesting the lives of the enemy soldiers.

    A road intertwined with blood and corpses reappeared on the battlefield.

    No one can stop, no one dares to stop!

    The morale of the millions of coalition troops dropped rapidly, and then fell to the bottom, with no morale.

    "What's going on? Why is Ye Chen's cavalry more powerful?" A player leader who saw the changes in the battlefield suddenly changed his face, and then shouted in surprise.

    "No, it's not that Ye Chen is more powerful, it's our soldiers His, are they scared?" One person's face sank, and then he said.

    "How come! They are npcs, shouldn't they obey our orders? Why are they afraid, and they dare not even block them?" one person said in surprise.

    "Damn it! Call those archers to shoot, hurry up!" Seeing the soldiers blocking Ye Chen's charging path constantly retreating, and even started to run away, one person was shocked and shouted hastily.

    "It's late" The middle-aged man who had been paying attention to the battlefield sighed a long time, and then said.

    "Why is it too late, give the order quickly, otherwise, Ye Chen will kill all the soldiers we brought!" One of them shouted with livid faces.

      The middle-aged man ignored the leader of the player who said he was going to order an attack, stared at the battlefield closely, and then said to himself:

    "This game is not what we thought, heremayberealor, the simulation is very realincluding human nature, including heart, including everything in realityor everything in ancient times"

    "Hey, what are you talking about? Don't think that you are a general. I am afraid of you. I tell you, now, immediately! Immediately! Order the archers to attack! And you, give me an order! Order!"  The ignored player roared with a ferocious face.

    "That's right, give an order quickly, what? I don't care if it's true or not. I only know that if I don't give the order, my soldiers will all die in vain!"

    "I'll give you an order right now. He's dead. Let's all die. It's okay if they die. I just want Ye Chen to die!" One person roared viciously.

    Just when the leaders of the various player forces were about to order the archers to attack, Ye Chen on the battlefield looked at the demoralized enemy soldiers, raised the corner of his mouth, and then shouted:

    "Call me together, surrender without killing! Those who resist will be punished!"

    "Surrender and don't kill!" The Samsara Legion obeyed Ye Chen's order without hesitation, shouting in unison.

    "The rebels will be punished!"

    "Surrender without killing!"

    "The rebels will be punished!"

    The slogan of the Reincarnation Legion immediately sounded in the battlefield.

    At this moment, there are more than 800,000 soldiers on the battlefield, and only a thousand soldiers are shouting for them to surrender!

    After the slogan "surrender, don't kill" sounded, this matter, which was impossible to succeed no matter how you looked at it, changed abnormally.

    "Plop, plop"

    Pieces of soldiers dropped their weapons and knelt down to surrender.

    "Surrender without killing!"

    "The rebels will be punished!"

    The shouts of the Reincarnation Legion kept ringing in the battlefield.

    More and more enemy soldiers knelt down and surrendered, even the archers who were regarded as treasures were no exception.

    "Crap! Who can tell me why! Our soldiers were beaten and surrendered by Ye Chen with a thousand people?" A player leader roared with disbelief.

    "I also want to know how many soldiers it is, 800,000, at least 800,000! He was frightened by a thousand people?" A man shouted with a livid face.

    "These damn bastards! Bastards! Garbage! Surrender so easily!" one person roared angrily.

    "We lack generals to lead the army. There are no generals to lead the army. They are just a bunch of rabble Also, don't treat them as NPCs in the future. These soldiers have their own thoughts" The middle-aged man was silent for a moment  , and then spoke.

    As soon as the middle-aged man's words fell to the ground, all the player leaders who became angry were stunned.

    Obviously, they didn't understand what the middle-aged man meant for a while.  (Remember the site URL:
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