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Chapter 372 Official Selection Examination

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    Summer is here, the sun is high in the sky and scorching the earth.

    But even in such a hot weather, the gate of the city hall is still crowded with people.

    In order to popularize education, Aiwen promised that as long as he passed the official selection and assessment, he would be able to become an official of the elves.

    Formally due to the implementation of this system, the learning atmosphere in the territory is high, and a large number of civilians have joined the study in order to become officials of the Elf Territory.

    There are also a large number of civilians who send their young children to schools to study, so that these children can learn from an early age and can participate in the official selection examination when they grow up.

    In the past, reading and literacy was meaningless to these civilians, but now it has become an opportunity to change their destiny.

    Yana has been studying at the city hall recently.  .

    At this time, she looked at the civilians who signed up in front of the city hall, thinking about what Ivan said in her mind, to educate and popularize all civilians, and to recruit civilians into the city hall

    This is a path that is completely different from the current system. In addition to allowing civilians to become trainers, even the officials of the territory can be served by officials, which completely subverts the aristocratic system.

    But it is undeniable that no matter when any department wants to recruit people, it can find a large number of suitable people at any time, and it can indeed get a lot of talents.

    However, the current city hall is composed of a large number of officials, and each official needs to govern a lot of things, but the city hall chooses to allocate one thing to an individual.

    In this case, the efficiency of handling affairs has been greatly improved. After all, the energy of each official is limited, and it is difficult to make mistakes if these things are explained in detail.

    At the same time, only those who can pass the exam can enter the city hall.

    In this case, in order to have the opportunity to work in the city hall, in order to get a well-paid position

    The benefits of doing so are obvious. The emergence of a large number of talents can make the territory more prosperous, and various departments no longer need to worry about the problem of insufficient manpower.

    In addition, the implementation of this system itself has a huge temptation for civilians in other territories. At that time, in order to obtain a better life, more civilians will definitely come to the Elf Territory!

    It can be said that the implementation of this system can enable His Royal Highness Aiwen to gain an unimaginable reputation among the common people, making His Highness Aiwen completely stand among the common people.

    In order to be able to change their own destiny, these civilians will definitely unite with His Royal Highness Aiwen. Compared with the original lord, they don't need to think too much at all.

    In this way, coupled with the trainer system implemented by His Highness Aiwen before, ordinary civilians can also have a certain strength, and then these civilian trainers with a certain strength continue to support His Highness Aiwen

    When thinking of this, Yana couldn't help but take a deep breath, she could already see the terrifying power that this system can exert.

    The civilians are so powerful that they can completely crush the nobles. Even those powerful knights can't stop the trainers!

    Even, when these knights also become a member of the trainer, this situation will become even worse. Whether it is the knowledge of the trainer or the resources of the elf breeding house, the knights cannot refuse!

    "This is an inevitable choice of the times. The aristocratic system will become a thing of the past, and the common people will be the masters of the country" Aiwen's words came to her mind involuntarily.

    "Perhaps we can make a choice." Yana closed her eyes. She is a smart person. After thinking about everything, the choice will not be so difficult.

    Later, she turned her head and looked at the space around her. Yu Kexi's figure was floating quietly, and she could feel that the light of wisdom emanating from You Kexi was getting stronger and stronger

    In the city hall, Aiwen came to sit in the town in person.

    This is the elf collar, and it is also the first official selection assessment in this world, which has a completely different meaning.

    "His Royal Highness Aiwen, civilians have started to register one after another."

    "This is the list of civilians registered on the first day, please His Royal Highness Aiwen to review."

    Feisen walked in with a list. After going through the formal trainer assessment, he was already very familiar with this set of procedures.

    "Well, thank you for your hard work." Ivan nodded and took the list.

    ?Because of this official selection assessmentThe promotion of ? is completely a trap, he has thought of this step a long time ago, and the nobles in Binhai City are the best proof.  "

    "One year is very short, but for the elf leader, it is the gap between the past and the present. The current elf leader is really too powerful, and we can't win."

    The faces of some lords are gloomy, and their hearts have already been shaken. If they know that everything is impossible to stop, then obedience may be a better choice. After all, the family can still continue by retaining the identity of the lord.

    "Let's not talk about the Knights of the Elves, even the trainers in the territory are very difficult to deal with. Don't forget how the territory of Binhai City fell." The lords began to sigh, lamenting their own weakness.

    As more and more civilians became trainers, the strength of the knights had fallen behind, which made them feel like they were eliminated by the times.

    "Actually, there is still a way Have you forgotten those wizards?" Suddenly a lord said.

    But just as he finished speaking, a sharp gaze immediately greeted him. The Marquis of Bossy looked at him with a warning face, "Don't forget your identity as the lord of Zhizhi City!"

    "If Lizhi City is gone, then our aristocratic status will be meaningless Also, don't forget the lesson of the Iron-Blood Fortress, the wizard organization is the enemy of our entire Lizhi City!"

    After finishing speaking, he continued to look at the other lords who were dodging their eyes, "You can also rest assured that after the wizard organization is successfully destroyed, His Highness Aiwen will not take action against us, and he does not want to see Lizhi City fall into chaos."

    "Also, I have an opinion here, maybe we can retain our current rights"

    After hearing what the Marquis of Bossie said, all the lords cast their gazes, with hope in their eyes, wanting to see what the Marquis can do.

    "It's actually very simple Completely join the Elf Alliance!"

    "The current elf alliance is just an empty shell, and our joining can make the elf alliance develop faster."

    "As long as we can join the Elf Alliance, we can use the rights we have now to gain a higher status in the Elf Alliance"

    "Since the Elf Alliance wants to reform, then we should become part of the reformers. Although we will lose the right to the territory, we will be able to obtain the corresponding rights in the Elf Alliance!"

    "I heard that a branch of the Trainer Association has been established in every territory of Binhai City, so can we take the initiative to establish a Trainer Association in the territory, and then become the branch president of the branch of the Trainer Association?"

    Following the words of Marquis Bossi, the entire meeting room fell into silence. Obviously, these lords were surprised by Marquis Bossie's plan, but after thinking about it carefully, this is indeed a way to preserve their own rights.

    Whether it is the nobles of Lizhi City or the officials of the Elf Alliance, the background in their hands is impossible for ordinary people to replace. If they take the initiative to join the Elf Alliance, no one in the current Elf Alliance will be able to compete with them!

    At that time, no matter whether the Elf Alliance will replace Lizhi City or Lizhi City will remain as it is, their rights and status will not be affected.

    Of course, they also need to pay a lot. After joining the Elf Alliance, they must be managed and restricted by the Elf Alliance, and the current Binhai City adopts a centralized management method.

    At that time, all territories will implement the same system and be managed by a unified department, which will weaken their lord's rights, but as long as they don't violate the elf alliance system, their status in the territory will not be affected too much!

    In addition, with the establishment of the Elven Alliance, each territory will definitely get greater development. Coupled with the rights of the Trainer Association to manage those trainers, it can even make the rights in their hands become more powerful to some extent.  bigger.  </div&gt
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