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Text Chapter 284 Soul Phagocytosis

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    Under everyone's complicated eyes, Ivan walked towards the arena.

    At this time, he was holding the lily root doll in his arms, with cherry blossoms on his shoulders, and Kirulian floating beside him.

    At the same time, behind him were the leader of King Nido and the leader of Dragon King and Scorpion, two quasi-king-level elves, exuding a powerful aura.

    "Here it comes as long as I kill him, I can get everything I want!"

    In the arena, Marquis Homer closed his eyes, and images kept popping up in his mind.

    Since the rise of Earl Aiwen, in just one year, they have confronted several times, but each time they ended in their own failure.

    First, the Warcraft Chamber of Commerce was destroyed, and the Warcraft trade suffered a devastating blow, and then the current confrontation, the Jagged Knights suffered heavy losses.

    However, all of this has passed, and he will end everything here and win the final victory of this battle!

    Frame dong~

    Just at this moment, the low sound of gold and iron clashing suddenly sounded.

    Ai Wen entered the arena through the dark corridor. The moment he stepped into the arena, an iron door suddenly fell down.

    The deep voice kept echoing in the corridor. After seeing this scene, the leader of Nido King and Dragon King Scorpion suddenly turned their heads.

    Looking at the iron gate blocking the road, they looked at each other, and at the same time they clenched their fists and slammed on the iron gate, and there was a low roar.

    However, in the face of quasi-king-level power, the iron gate did not burst open immediately. Obviously, it was made of a very strong metal, and it was difficult to directly blast it open by violence!

    "Is it a special iron door mixed with Warcraft metal?" Ivan frowned.

    Except for this iron gate, the entire venue is covered by a special iron cage, which can effectively block the attacks of monsters and prevent them from escaping and causing harm to the audience.

    I am afraid that in the entire city of Lizhi, only the Iron Blood Fortress can use metal mixed with monster equipment to build such a huge iron cage.

    Of course, it is because of these protections that the Warcraft Arena in the Iron-Blooded Fortress is so famous, attracting a large number of knights and nobles to watch the Warcraft battles in the arena every year!

    "A life-and-death battleonly if one side wins can the iron gate be opened?"

    Aiwen looked down at the light at the end of the corridor, if that's the case, the only thing left is to fight!

    At this moment in the auditorium, everyone was watching the entrance of the arena. Watching Aiwen lead the elves into the battlefield, the atmosphere of the audience became dignified.

    Seeing Aiwen walking into the arena, the civilians raised their hearts, and their figures slowly knelt down, "Master Aknom, please protect Lord Aiwen!"

    "Master Aiwen, you must win!" The knights of the elf leader also whispered in their hearts.

    "You are finally here" Huo Mei's figure also re-entered from the opposite corridor.

    At this time, the Marquis has already put on some blood-red armor, and the red wine glass in his hand has also been replaced with a blood-colored long sword!

    At the same time, a huge forked bat was parked on his shoulder. Compared with ordinary forked bats, the wings of this forked bat were strangely blood red!

    After seeing Ai Wen's arrival, the scarlet eyes of the forked bat looked directly at the past, showing a greedy look in the eyes, and it could be faintly seen that the corner of its mouth was still stained with a trace of blood red.

    "Quasi-king-level forked bat" Ivan narrowed his eyes slightly.

    He did not expect that the marquis could have the forked bat, which can only evolve by relying on intimacy.

    At the same time, there was an Ironclad Tyrannosaurus standing beside the Marquis Homer. The originally gray skin on this Ironclad Tyrannosaurus also showed a strange dark red color.

    This feeling is like the rock is bleeding frequently, and the blood continuously seeps into the cracks of the rock, which makes the whole rock turn blood red.

    Ho Ho Ho Ho!

    Looking at Ai Wen's gaze, the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus let out a low growl.

    It can be felt that this armored tyrannosaurus has a bloodthirsty breath, and it must have fought bloody battles in normal times!

    "Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus This is obviously the one that accompanied the Iron Blooded Marquis." Ivan narrowed his eyes.

    In the beginning, Marquis Homer was just an ordinary viscount. His title of marquis and the name of Iron Blood were all achieved through bloody battles!

    It has blocked the invasion of monsters in the Lizhi Mountains several times, and the blood of this land has flowed into rivers. This iron-blooded fortress was built on countless bones.bsp; The forked bat lost its balance and also fell heavily to the ground.

    It raised its head and looked at its owner with difficulty. The wings on its body flapped, but it couldn't fly no matter what.

    "Forked Bat!"

    Marquis Homer stood up and looked at the struggling forked bat in front of him, his voice trembling uncontrollably.

    He looked in front of him, and saw Emperor Nabo walking slowly.

    Napoleon Napoleon~ It's so noisy!

    Emperor Nabo came to the forked bat, cut off the steel wings fiercely, and time immediately returned to calm.

    Afterwards, Emperor Nabo looked at Marquis Homer, who was so frightened that he kept backing away, tripped accidentally, and fell directly to the ground.

    "No, you can't kill me, you can't kill me."

    "I am the Iron-Blooded Marquis of Lizhi City, yes, I am the Marquis, you can't kill me!"

    "Knights, my knightsyes, I still have knightsyes, yes, and those commoners."

    "If you kill me, those civilians will be buried with me, and they will all die!"

    "So, let me go quickly, those civilians can be saved only if you let me go!"

    As if grasping at the last straw, Marquis Homer began to shout crazily, the trembling of his whole body stopped, and he continued to pant heavily.

    "Your knight?"

    "Do you mean those them?"

    At this moment, Ai Wen suddenly spoke.

    Following his gaze, he suddenly saw his knights, who had thrown away their weapons at some point, and were raising their hands in a gesture of surrender.

    Beside these knights, the knights of the elf collar are skillfully tying them up with hemp ropes!

    At the same time, the big-mouthed bats that were hovering in mid-air were still flying numbly in mid-air, and a dream monster was floating quietly beside them.

    After such a long arrangement, these big-mouthed bats have already been deeply trapped in the illusion of the dream monster, and they don't know anything about the outside world.

    "Sorry, Marquis Homer, compared to Master Aiwen, you are not worthy of my allegiance."

    At this moment, a knight who voluntarily had his hands and feet bound suddenly looked at Marquis Homer, and gave a cold snort to express his reason for surrendering!

    And his words were like the last straw that broke the camel's back. It hit the Marquis Homer's heart so hard that he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood!


    Marquis Homer stood up unsteadily, and pointed at the knights, as if they were on the verge of collapse!

    "Don't worry, I won't kill you."

    At this moment, he suddenly heard Ivan's voice again.

    Suddenly, he froze, stared blankly at Ivan, and said dreamily: "Yes, you dare not kill me, you dare not kill me."

    But before he finished speaking, Ivan suddenly took out a poke ball and quietly pressed the button.

    Following a flash of white light, suddenly a twisted, chaotic figure composed of countless resentful spirits appeared in midair.

    Faintly, the temperature of the entire venue seemed to drop several degrees. A cold wind blew through the venue, and there were bursts of mournful roars, and the resentful spirits continuously transformed into distorted faces.

    But suddenly, all the voices in the field seemed to pause for a moment, and the world seemed to be paused, and all the wraiths were staring at the figure below them!

    The next moment, the world was restarted again, and then these wraiths began to twist and stretch, and then turned into vivid figures, constantly stretching towards the low Marquis Homer!

    "What, what are these things, get out, get out of here!"

    Looking at the distorted figure in the air, seeing the constantly changing figures, seeing them struggling to get closer, Marquis Homer's face was filled with horror.

    "Ahhhh, don't come here, get out of here, ahhhh!"

    "I was wrong, don't come over, don't enter my body, I'm wrong, I'm really wrong, ahhhh!"

    Suddenly, a series of unjust souls broke away from the Huayan monster's body, and flooded towards Marquis Homer overwhelmingly, and began to gnaw at Marquis Homer's soul continuously.

    "Don't you remember these wraiths?"

    "Maybe, after all, you probably don't remember how many people you killed in your life."

    "But even if you don't remember, these resentful spirits must remember that they have really waited too long for this moment."

    Aiwen looked at everything in front of him calmly, and the person who tied the bell had to be untied. If he wanted to completely purify these resentful spirits, he had to appease their resentment!

    Gradually, resentful spirits poured into Marquis Homer's body continuously, and Marquis Homer's voice became softer and softer, and finally turned into a smirk, hehehe, hehehe~

    There are countless tortures in the world, and the pain of devouring the soul is probably the most among them. After all, this is the soul being forcibly torn into countless pieces!

    After all the wraiths disappeared, only the body of Marquis Homer was left lying quietly on the ground. His soul had been swallowed by the wraiths, but his body was still alive ()??Less people.  "

    "But even if you don't remember, these resentful spirits must remember that they have really waited too long for this moment."

    Aiwen looked at everything in front of him calmly, and the person who tied the bell had to be untied. If he wanted to completely purify these resentful spirits, he had to appease their resentment!

    Gradually, resentful spirits poured into Marquis Homer's body continuously, and Marquis Homer's voice became softer and softer, and finally turned into a smirk, hehehe, hehehe~

    There are countless tortures in the world, and the pain of devouring the soul is probably the most among them. After all, this is the soul being forcibly torn into countless pieces!

    After all the resentful spirits disappeared, only the body of Marquis Homer was left lying quietly on the ground. His soul had been swallowed by the resentful spirits, but his body was still alive (
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