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Text 615 Labor is the Most Glorious 2

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    "Name" When Hong Tao lined up at the door of the tent, there were two middle-aged women in military uniforms sitting behind the table, all of them expressionless. One lowered her head to ask for records, and the other made a temporary ID card by hand.

    "Zhou Dafu" Hong Tao reported his nth alias.

    "Address!" The woman didn't respond at all, and didn't raise her head.

    "No. 7, Row 6, New Sixth District." This question really stumped Hong Tao, but fortunately, Lu Wei'an was always by his side.

    "How old are you?" The woman finally raised her head, and stopped writing after seeing Hong Tao's face.

    "50!" Hong Tao knew the recruitment conditions here, those over 55 years old were not accepted, so he quickly raised the corners of his mouth.  .  Juma has said that she looks younger when she smiles like this.

    "Such a big man should be" The woman in charge of making cards next to him also looked up. This person is more knowledgeable and thinks that no matter how old Hong Tao is, he should have a strong body.  As for the fact that half of his face is covered with horrible scars, and he doesn't look like a good person, it's not about picking a son-in-law, it's just about being able to work.

    e00099818, this is Hong Tao's temporary ID number.  In addition to name, gender, age, height, and address, there are also simple descriptions of physical characteristics.  The woman summed him up in one sentence: small eyes, long face, large scar on the left side of his face, ugly and vicious!

    "Her mother is as big as her heart!" This made Hong Tao very upset. How could he say that he is ugly or vicious based on subjective judgments? It's not serious!  So he also had an aversion to this ID card.

    e must be a classification, they have divided people into several categories, and they are obviously ranked on the fifth floor, or underground!  Well, even if it is for easy management, what does the eight digits behind mean?  Does anyone still expect to have a million-level population someday!  This is no longer ambition, but infatuation.

    "Come, come, line up, call whoever you want to go in" The refugees who got their temporary ID cards were greeted by several men in military uniforms to the door of the tent behind them, and a doctor in a white coat and a mask called them one by one.  .

    "Zhou Dafugo in and take off his clothes and put them in the basket." When it was Hong Tao's turn, he suddenly felt bad!  There was obviously a medical examination in the tent, and he had to take off his clothes, so the tattoo on his back couldn't be hidden.

    But it seems too late to say no to it at this time. In addition to the staff in military uniforms, there are also soldiers with live ammunition nearby. They should not let a refugee who does not participate in the medical examination for no reason leave.

    Having lived in northern Xinjiang for so many years, I have forgotten many normal things.  At this point, the East Asian Alliance is obviously doing better than the Redeemer, knowing that it is trying to avoid large-scale disease outbreaks.  Although the method is very elementary, but with the current conditions, it is good to have this kind of thought and preparation.

    "Have you had a fever or diarrhea recently?" Feeling anxious, Hong Tao still kept his short-sleeved top on.  In the end, the middle-aged doctor who was in charge of the examination didn't say anything. He just asked him to lift his shirt and listen to his heart and lungs, and then look at his lower body and skin from the outside.

    Put on your clothes and go out of the tent, and you have to line up. If you gather dozens of people, someone with a full hat will come and lead the team to the construction site.  Only then did Hong Tao see the complete construction site. Seven or eight excavators were blowing black smoke below the river, wielding big shovels and digging desperately.

    However, because the river course was too deep, the excavated soil could not be sent directly to the embankment with a bucket, so it had to be placed in place and lifted to the north bank by manpower.  Roughly calculating, there should be more than a thousand people scattered in this river channel about one kilometer long.  Looking at the east side, there seems to be no excavation there, and it seems that the amount of work is not small.

    "Brother Mouse, we are a team, I took all the tools!" Just as Hong Tao was in a daze, someone stabbed him in the back, and the tiger came up with a shovel in one hand and a dirty cloth bag in the other.

    "Have the thin monkey, water snake, and fat sheep got their ID cards yet?" Hong Tao glanced around, but did not find the three partners.

    "Didn't you tell them not to stay with us? I saw that there are hundreds of people behind. Don't worry, the three of them are safe and sound, and they are not old, so there will be no problem." Tiger thought about it,  He didn't worry about the situation of his companions at all.

    ? That's right, the recruitment conditions of the East Asian Alliance are more relaxed than expected. As long as you are not too old and have no obvious diseases, you can basically get a temporary ID card.  Even those who are slightly disabled but do not affect physical labor, it is a feeling of hunger.

    The job is quite simple to say, every two people voluntarily form a team, use a shovel to pack the soil loosened by the excavator into a cloth bag, and two people hold the four corners and send it to the river bank through the slope, and fall down at the designated place.  If each person completes two square meters of soil a day, he is considered qualified and can receive full lunch and wages.

    at the top of the slopeSomeone at the end took a pen and paper to record the workload of each group, and the excess part was not only paid in proportion to the salary, but also an excess reward was added.  Hong Tao didn't look at the specific figures, and he didn't intend to exceed the quota.

    It doesn't matter if you can't meet the quota, as long as you can meet half of the quota, you will still have half lunch and half salary.  If you can't even dry a square of soil in a day, you can't do this job.  In fact, the previous identity verification and physical examination are to screen out those who are too weak, and those who can pass the test can get half of the treatment at the last time.

    Regarding this job and the corresponding treatment provided, Hong Tao thinks it is quite good.  Young and middle-aged refugees can fully support themselves by working alone, and refugees who are not too strong can also have a full meal every day, so as not to starve to death.

    This is the standard food-for-work. The East Asian Alliance is trying to attract more people to the control area in this way. Only when the population base is large can they meet their ever-increasing industrial and military development needs, and at the same time increase the number of reproduction.

    From this point of view, the East Asian Alliance is indeed more active in management than the Redeemer. It did not rely on force to suppress it to save trouble, but it still thought of some ways and worked hard to do it. The effect is not bad.  Of course, if there were no vampires such as Youlong Labor Service Company to exploit and deduct, the living standards of the refugees could be further improved.

    But this kind of social problem, the East Asian Union should not come up with a better way to completely eliminate it for the time being. As long as the refugees are not forced to survive and the population is still growing, they will just turn a blind eye and pretend not to see it.

    "Scalper, I want to go back and find something to weave a few back baskets. This thing is too laborious to use."

    Hong Tao only lifted it twice before he had another idea. He felt that the method of lifting the soil was too backward, which was tiring on the waist and arms. It would be better to use the basket back instead, and give full play to the strength of the thighs and waist.  It is more efficient to memorize together.

    I spent the whole morning digging and lifting the soil slowly. During this time, there were no bullies who made people dare not speak out to bully the newcomers, and no lackeys who pretended to be powerful tried to cut down on the amount of transportation.

    In fact, under the supervision of soldiers with guns, no one dares to stab. As long as the amount of soil lifted each time meets the requirements, the staff responsible for counting will not be too serious.

    At exactly twelve o'clock, a large string of tricycles covered with thick quilts slowly drove out of the city, and a loud siren sounded on the construction site.  The person in charge of counting work points in each section shouted with a loudspeaker, beckoning the workers to go to where he was sitting to get lunch, each with three mixed noodle steamed buns and a bowl of soup.

    "It's kelp and fish!" The steamed buns looked similar to what Xiao Ma ate in the morning, and the taste was similar.  The soup smelled fishy, ??and there were some dregs and green leaves in it.  Hong Tao tasted it, and the scum seemed to be some kind of fish, but it was so rotten that the shape could not be seen at all.

    "Brother Mouse, this place is indeed different from ours. I took a closer look and found that the supervisor counted fairly enough, and the soldiers didn't skip meals." At this moment, Eszawi came over from somewhere with a bowl in his hand.  , although his small body is not very good at work, but his eyes are flexible enough, and he has a little experience after observing it all morning.

    "The food is also good. If you know how easy it is to live here, you should have come here sooner!" Another person who is full of praise is Lazy Dog. His name is Wei Jinsheng. He is 46 years old and used to work at the grain station.

    The work is very easy, and I use my spare time to raise a few dogs and go hunting in the mountains when I have nothing to do, and I have developed a good ability to survive in the wild.  But this kid is very lazy, he can lie down and never sit, he is unwilling to work if he has a stutter, and he likes to gamble.
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