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    "That's not right. Bad guys can wear thick clothes and they won't be afraid of being pricked." Hong Tao shook his head. Although the age difference between the two siblings is very small, they have very different personalities.  A little boy is very courageous when he goes straight, but a little girl is more careful and brainy.

    "Are you trying to block hunting dogs? Dogs don't know how to wear clothes" Sure enough, Camilla thought for more than a minute before carefully giving the answer.

    "Well, yes, if the bad guys want to find us in the mountains, the only way is to use hounds. We bathe in the pool and clean up the horse manure along the way, so that the hounds will not find it easy to smell."

    "But this is not enough. If you encounter a well-trained hunting dog, you may be able to find it. But they have nothing to do when they get here. This plant has a strong smell, thorns and poison. Dogs are even more afraid if they don't have clothes.  "

    Hong Tao turned his head and stretched out a thumb to the little girl, and began to explain the reason for doing so.  In fact, it is not all for educating children, but for two adults to understand.

    "Bizes, I have sent someone to watch your tail, but every time I lost it in the mountains, have you always been so careful?" Zhu Mabai obviously understood, and couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

    As a red-robed nun, she really doesn't play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting all day long. Not only does she have to participate in military training, but her level is quite high. Sometimes she simply trains with the adjudicator, with Waker as the instructor.

    The guy from the Russian Army has a lot of research on mountain warfare, and there are many mountains near Yining, so courses in this area are naturally indispensable.  But compared with this shepherd with a strange background, Waker's set of things seems to be not enough.

    "Be careful, there is no big mistakeWhy did you send someone to follow me?" Now that he mentioned this matter, Hong Tao still wanted to figure out what caused the red-robed nun to suspect him.

    "The passport cannot be issued casually. According to the regulations, you must find out your identity. I just want to know where you are staying Don't you feel hurt?" Zhumabayi looked at the tall figure walking in front, and couldn't tell what was in his heart.  What's it like.

    So good at acting, I didn't doubt his identity at all in a daze.  His words were so unpleasant, and he hardly gave him a good face along the way.  But even if you put aside the grace of saving your life, it seems that you can't hate it.

    I, Fang Wenlin and the two children are all riding on horseback, and can rely on height to avoid nettle stings, but this guy walks ahead and leads the horse, not only does not hide, but also uses his hands to push aside the branches that block the way.  It was covered with sharp thorns, and the painful face twitched but went its own way.

    What is it like to be pricked by nettles? Everyone has to try it when participating in mountain combat training. It is so hot that it can hurt for more than a day.

    "I want to make myself remember better, every time I do something good, it will hurt!" Hong Tao told the truth, but it was incomplete.

    He is testing whether his body can gradually become immune to or get used to the toxins of nettles. If he can, he will have another life-saving skill in the mountains and forests in the future.  If you are really desperate, you will burrow into the nettle bushes. No matter people or animals, they dare not go in easily.

    "" But the words were a bit harsh, and the topic was immediately ended, and even the two horses stopped snorting to protest.  I guess they understand it too, what's the use of protesting against someone who is so ruthless to them, bear with it, this is fate!

    As dusk approached, the first stop of the trip finally arrived. It was a small ranch hidden in a ravine, with a fence and two wooden houses.  The owner naturally turned into a zombie and was killed by Hong Tao. The body was buried in the fence, and four small stone piles were erected.

    This place was accidentally discovered a few months ago. The environment is very secluded and can be used as a temporary foothold.  Afterwards, every time he went to Yining base to deliver mutton, Hong Tao hid his weapons and equipment in the cellar behind the house.  That place is more secluded and overgrown with weeds, and even if someone finds the hut, there will be no loss.

    "Don't go wandering in the mountains, even if there are no enemies, there will be beasts. Don't go to the north, there are zombies. You can't light a fire, and if you don't have a lot of food, it's enough. Remember to keep someone on duty when you sleep at night, and have someone from time to time during the day  Use the binoculars to observe the surrounding situation!"

    After confirming that the animal traps around the ranch had not been touched, Hong Tao opened the cellar, took off the sheepskin jacket and changed into a camouflage uniform, adding equipment to his body one by one, not forgetting to tell Fang Wenlin and Zhumaba to stay  according to.

    "you are definitely not a shepherd!" Seeing that the familiar shepherd suddenly turned into a well-equipped warrior, not only Zhumabayi became suspicious, but even Fang Wenlin frowned.  Most of the guns, body armor, tactical vests and complex electronics have never been seen.

    "You have natural discrimination against shepherds. Why can't shepherds advocate high technology? Leave the children and go to compareStay at Uncle Resi's house for a while, and come back to pick you up after getting rid of the villains and finding a new place to stay!  "

    Looking at the clothes all over his body, Hong Tao also felt that he did not look like a shepherd.  But so what, I said yes, those who agree are alive, and those who disagree are dead.  This is the benefit of living alone. You don't need to ask anyone's opinion, and you don't need to care about anyone's emotions. You can completely let yourself go.

    Camilla and Yu Jia didn't cry and were reluctant to leave their father. On the way, the two little guys knew the direction of their fate, and they also knew that if they didn't leave their father for a while, everyone would die.

    Children living in the new world are more precocious, and will be forced by life to understand some truths that only adults can understand, and their minds are more tenacious.  Children who cry and cry at every turn are not only disliked by adults, but also have a short life span.

    "Oh Uncle, you have so many good things!" Two days later, by the bank of Sailimu Lake, two children stood at the door of the hut, looking inside as if they saw a mansion, and they didn't dare to take a step.

    "Boil yourself with hot water, take a shower and change your clothes before you can go in." In fact, even if the children dare to go in, Hong Tao has to find them out.  Throwing the ax to the door to chop wood and light the fire, he himself went to the hillside behind the house.

    There is a cellar hidden there, filled with all kinds of weapons and equipment.  Some were brought out from the Revival Alliance that year, and some were collected from various places over the years.  Everything from knives and bullets to mines and mortars, all sealed in grease for emergencies, can now be unsealed.

    "Avanti, who are they?" As usual, as long as someone enters the lake area, the shepherd dog who does not know where it is hidden will run back to the mountain at the fastest speed to notify the Crimea, and then the real shepherd will ride  The horse appeared.  But this time he didn't ask for wine first, but looked at the siblings who were chopping firewood with some anxiety.

    "My friend's children you can help take them for a while, I may not come back until spring. Come, take these things, and teach them how to live in the wild when they are free, and then practice marksmanship."

    "If I don't come back, everything here will belong to you Don't be sad brother, there is no feast that never ends. You also know that I am not a shepherd, and I am destined not to live an ordinary life. I will leave sooner or later."

    I found two Mossberg 500 shotguns and several m92 pistols from the cellar, and handed them to Crimea along with two boxes of bullets.  This herdsman is also stubborn. He is only used to using a shotgun and doesn't like other weapons, and he is still unwilling to learn.

    "I can also kill people. I will lead your enemies to the mountains and we will kill them together. This is our home!" Kerim is also a person who is not very good at expressing inner feelings. He wanted to say something to persuade him, but he held back for a long time.  I didn't think about it, but instead came up with a vicious idea of ??a Jedi counterattack.

    It has been eight years, and they are not ordinary neighbors. From a spiritual perspective, they can be regarded as eight years of mutual dependence. He is unwilling to lose this mysterious friend, even if they take risks together.

    "Killing and killing will always kill people. If you die, who will take care of Sa Ren and the children, and have the heart to let them freeze to death and starve to death? Go back and get some horse intestines and cheese. I have to hurry, and I will drink and eat meat when I come back."

    Without Sa Ren, Hong Tao might have taken Kerim to visit southern Xinjiang.  With this shepherd who knows the Tianshan Mountains like the back of his hand, he can save himself a lot of trouble.  Even if you encounter dozens of enemies, you don't have to hide around, and you won't suffer any losses by relying on your equipment and terrain advantages.

    ?But herdsmen are herdsmen after all, they have a family and a business, unlike a person who feeds the whole family without hunger, there is no need to throw away their family and business for other people's choices, it is not worth it.

    Three hours later, Hong Tao, who was full of food, drinking and armed, bid farewell to Kerim and his two children, and left the lakeside hut again with two pack horses.  There are four large 80-liter backpacks on the horse's back, and they are also full of bits and pieces.

    It has been agreed with Crimea that the two horses will be abandoned under the snow line of the central Tianshan Mountains in a few days.  If it is lucky and smart enough, it may be able to find a winter pasture to live a free life, otherwise it will definitely become a meal for snow leopards, black bears, and wolves.
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