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Body 413 Here Comes the Pirates

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    In early May, the Revival Alliance dispatched more than half of its armed forces and began a thorough sweep of Tianjin City.  For more than a year, the alliance has cleaned up dozens of cities and villages and towns, but it has turned a blind eye to this city that is close at hand.

    Anyway, it is also a huge city with a population of more than 10 million. If there are fewer people, it is useless, and if there are too many people, it is useless.  Now that he has finally accumulated enough strength and freed up his time, he can pull out the threat of an explosion at any time from this nail that is by his side.

    The cleanup operation lasted until the end of June, trying to lure all the wandering zombies in the city and some of the zombies in the houses to the seaside near Chadian before the rainy season.

    If there is no accident, wait for the rainy season in the Beijing-Tianjin area, and then open the upstream dam to release the flood, and the whole area will be flooded in less than a month.  These dark monsters will all be washed into the Bohai Bay and sink to the bottom of the sea.

    As for whether doing so will cause marine pollution, if the results of the laboratory's research are correct, the zombies will enter a deep dormancy state without seeing sunlight for a long time, and the virus will lose its activity. There is no possibility of infection and mutation, and there will be no pollution.  ocean.

    In fact, Hong Tao had no choice but to do this even if there was a risk. Together with the hundreds of thousands left over from the war to defend the capital, two to three million zombies had already gathered here.  In case any of them become living corpses, the second battle to defend the capital will be held immediately, and there is no time to prepare, the distance is too close!

    This is also to clear obstacles for factories that may be used. More than 50 kilometers south of Tianjin Port is the Dagang Oilfield, and more than 90 kilometers east is the factory area of ??Shougang Group. In the future, whether it is oil production, oil refining or smelting, it will be inseparable.  the area.

    Just after the clean-up operation declared victory, Hong Tao took the time to run out from the airport the next day. He drove two wheeled armored vehicles and took seven or eight people around the G3 highway in the south of the city to avoid the flooded area in the east.  , drilled to Tianjin Port.

    "It's a pity, they are all good ships" Hong Tao sighed as he walked along the long pier.

    The ships moored here, whether docked or at the berth, have been exposed to the sun and rain for more than a year, and many of them have changed beyond recognition.  Especially for the ships that have not yet unloaded, several of them have already sat crookedly on the bottom due to water ingress in the bilge.

    Leaked engine oil and fuel drifted here and there, making the sea water, which was not very clear, look like alopecia areata.  In this way, the shadow of the fish can still be seen, as if it is still alive and well.

    "Boom, boom, boom well, this ship is the right size, let's go down and see if the main engine can be repaired." After turning around several docks, Hong Tao finally found his goal, and jumped onto the red boat with port number Jingang 36.  boat.

    I beat it around with an iron rod I picked up, and checked its anti-rust paint and deck. I thought it was not too bad. I went to the cab again, finally showed a smile, and turned to follow behind.  commanded.

    "Hi Yi!" A black and thin middle-aged man immediately nodded vigorously in agreement, and led three or four people into the engine room.

    His name is Takahashi Hara Michio, and he works as a first-class operative in a Japanese shipping company.  Don't get me wrong, an engineer is not a person with mechanical magic, but a job in charge of engineering equipment on large ships. It is collectively called the second track in the world, second only to the chief engineer, and it seems to be called the first engineer in China.

    At the beginning, he and a shipyard worker named Wada Renji repaired an ocean-going fishing boat and took a group of Japanese survivors across the ocean to escape nuclear pollution.  Both of them are good at repairing diesel engines and transmission systems, and were assigned to the mechanical and electrical department as technicians.

    Hong Tao came to Tianjin Port this time with a small goal besides inspection and clean-up work. He wanted to find a ship that could sail safely in offshore waters.  Picking and picking, it seems that the two of them are familiar with ships.

    "Mr. President, this is a rescue tugboat. The hull structure is intact. There is a small problem with the power system, but it can be repaired. If you need it, we can continue to check its transmission and electrical equipment!" In less than an hour, the thin black  The man came up, his body and hands covered in oil, and he bowed first before speaking.

    Takahashi Hara Michida was the same age as Hong Tao, and his long-term life at sea made his tall body look dark and thin, and his face was full of flesh, which made him not easy to touch.  However, he can speak relatively fluent English and has no accent. Even if his Chinese is not good, it still does not hinder communication.

    "Can it be converted into a fishing boat?" Hong Tao was not idle, and asked someone to bring two batteries from the armored vehicle, replace the scrapped ones, and was electrifying some equipment on the bridge for inspection.  After listening to the report, he finally grinned, but not quite yet.

    "No problem. Throwing fishing boats, trawlers, and driftnet boats are all fine. It has a lot of horsepower and is also very resistant to wind and waves. Clean and dry the spare oil tankIt is a very luxurious fishing boat when it is used as a cold storeMr. President, are you going to go fishing?  "

    When Takahashi Hara Michida heard the word fishing boat, a smile finally appeared on his ferocious face. While giving a very positive answer, while explaining the transformation plan, he did not forget to inquire about Hong Tao's plan.

    "Yes, everyone can't always eat canned food. The dozen or so pigs are not enough for the time being, and the wild boar, pheasant, and hare are not very tasty. I wonder if I can go out to sea to catch some fish, which can be regarded as seafood for a change.  .By the way, you often go to sea, do you know how to fish?"

    The electronic equipment in the cockpit was not in good condition, and most of them did not respond after being powered on, which made Hong Tao's smiling face gloomy again.  Most of these devices are dedicated, and I don't know if they can find substitutes in the port area.  If not, then I have to find a sextant and a star map.

    "My father, grandfather, and elder brother are all fishermen. There are two fishing boats in my family. I have been fishing with them since I was a child Mr. President, if you can, please give me the job of fishing, please  !"

    Hearing that Hong Tao was really going fishing, Takahashi immediately stood at attention, made a very serious request, then bent his waist to ninety degrees, and kept this posture, waiting for the answer.

    "I'm the captain, you can only be the chief mate or the chief engineer" Hong Tao finally smiled again, but not very kindly, like a big bad wolf biting a little white rabbit.

    "Hi Yi, the captain of the president, my chief engineer!" In order to show that he is very satisfied with this position, Takahashi replied in Chinese.  Compared with fluent English, this stuttering Chinese is far behind.

    "The ship repairer, the ship is repaired, and the chief engineer and mate are all yours. There is nothing on the ship!" After thinking for a few seconds, Hong Tao conditionally agreed to Takahashi's request, but actually laughed in his heart.  bloomed.

    It was an attempt to find a ship at the port this time, and I didn't hold out much hope.  After all, these ships have not had any maintenance, and they have been placed in a very corrosive environment for more than a year and a half. It is a blessing to be able to prevent rust from turning into iron lumps.

    Even if the machine can be repaired, the hull is a big problem.  It doesn't work if it's too big, it doesn't work if it's too small, and it doesn't work if the ship is inappropriate.  Training a qualified crew is harder than training a pilot.  The main reason is that the physical requirements are too high, and ordinary people cannot adapt to the harsh sea life in a short time.

    It's all right now, not only has a chief engineer, but also an old fisherman who has been fishing since childhood, better than himself, at least Takahashi is familiar with various modern methods of using fishing nets, so he doesn't need to fumble slowly anymore.

    In addition, when he said that he wanted to go fishing, it was actually just a grandiose excuse, and he actually meant for Pei Gong.  It's not very pleasant to say the real intention. He actually wanted to sail to the western coast of South Korea and Japan's Kyushu Island to steal ammunition from others.

    Most of the survivors from South Korea and Japan have already integrated into the new environment, and a high proportion of them have served in the military, intentionally or unintentionally providing a lot of locations for local garrisons and ammunition depots.  Hong Tao planned to go and have a look. If the local survivors were not found, he would transport them back for his own use.

    The limitations of the plane are too great. If there is no airport nearby, it is impossible to fight a way.  Even if there is an airport, the carrying capacity is still a big problem. As we all know, Japan and South Korea use NATO standards, and their ammunition calibers cannot be used in domestic weapons, and the corresponding weapons have to be shipped back.
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