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Text 368 Intercontinental Express

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    If this assumption is true, then the logic of the whole thing makes sense.  Since they come from outer space, the living environment is very harsh, and all kinds of radiation harmful to human beings have long been eaten.  Otherwise, they would not be able to reach the earth at all, and would have to be killed by various high-energy rays and low temperatures on the way.

    But assumptions are assumptions after all, no matter how smooth the logic is, they are still assumptions and cannot be completely taken seriously.  Hong Tao returned to the Temple of Earth base. In addition to summarizing the research results related to the living corpses and sending them to the alliance headquarters in simpler terms, he made another request to the alliance:

    Continue to look for experts in related fields to join the medical research project in order to find answers faster.  Even if the corresponding drugs and treatment methods are not available for a while, the weaknesses of zombies and living corpses can be found based on the research results, and a longer-term human development plan can be drawn up.

    Unexpectedly, this time the alliance headquarters not only received a positive reply, but also gave specific candidates.  Two Swedish biologists, a British nuclear physicist and an Italian geneticist volunteered for the project.

    What surprised Hong Tao even more was that he not only talked nicely, but also acted in practice.  The two German pilots successfully copied their own flying methods in August, relying on only two navigation platforms to fly from northern Germany to southern Spain, and then flew non-stop to Iceland.

    Speaking of which, European survivors have relatively strong advantages in high technology and hands-on ability. Many of them have several areas of expertise. Just recruiting pilots, they called out more than a dozen independent flying qualifications at one voice.  After picking up, there are still four or five good ones left.

    I don¡¯t know if they don¡¯t want Hong Tao to break the flight record again. These European pilots plan to take off directly from northern Germany, fly a military C130 transport plane, pass through Moscow to refuel, and then fly directly to Xishan Airport.

    Whether it is recorded or not, Hong Tao very much hopes that everyone can fly a plane, so that he does not have to take risks by himself.  To be honest, he really doesn't like flying airplanes, especially jets.  That thing has to fall if it makes a mistake, and it doesn't even give it a chance to skydive.

    In order to welcome guests from afar, Hong Tao spent several days at Xishan Airport, watching Li Xiang's mechanical and electrical department to further improve the landing lights and tower equipment, and had to send a car to transport aviation kerosene from Changxindian.  C130 is a big guy, so it must be a lot of fuel.

    On September 3, the weather was fine, and at around 7:00 in the morning, nasally German English came from the control tower.  The other party claimed to be Albert Schulz. He and his co-pilots Ralph Seebeck, Markus Muller, and Mark Andre were still more than 300 kilometers away from the airport in a C130 transport plane.

    The trip went smoothly, except for a slight detour in the middle, and finally corrected the direction by relying on the Yellow River. There was not much trouble, and the weather was good. It is expected to be able to enter the venue in about 40 minutes.

    Hongtao Schulz is quite familiar with him. He was the first German pilot to fly a plane from Germany to France after the outbreak of zombie disease.  However, the two had only communicated in code over radio waves, and it was the first time they heard each other's voice.

    Although he had never met, Hong Tao was very happy, and immediately got busy. Fifteen minutes later, his little falcon 7x roared into the air, ready to accompany him on the route.

    It's a pity that after turning around for several times, I didn't find the transport plane, which should not be too small, but someone first discovered the little Falcon with the airborne radar.  At this time, we have to talk about the difference between military aircraft radar and civilian aircraft radar. The former has the function of scanning air signals, while the latter can only scan clouds and nothing else.

    But Hong Tao did not take off in vain. He can demonstrate the landing procedure for Schultz, so that the other party can understand the airport runway data more intuitively, which is better than nothing.

    "This is a NATO military aircraft, why don't they try to fly fighter jets and bombers to carry out carpet bombing on zombies!"

    While waiting for the transport plane to land, Randy started talking strangely again. He had already recognized the identity of this C130 from the paint on the fuselage, and his face was full of envy and hatred.

    "Isn't there no refueling sergeant as capable as you! They are all civil aviation pilots, and they have even only driven their own small propeller planes. It is not bad to be able to fly tens of thousands of kilometers at once."

    "There are so many retired military pilots in your hometown, as well as the air force bases in this fort and that fort. How come you haven't seen a squadron of b2, who brought those blue devils who couldn't be killed to a single pot!"

    Still have the face to call others stupid!  There are also pilots among the American survivors, and it is said that they are still active in the Air Force. Unfortunately, when it comes to flying a bomber, the guy pushes back and forth, saying that there are no weapons technicians, and the lack of ground support. Anyway, he will not fly.

    "You should go to my hometown. They like guys who dare to take risks and succeed. Maybe they will choose you as the first president of the Federation!" Randy is not showing weakness.?There is no technology at all except for being tough and bold.

    "Damn it, can you teach Inoue standard pronunciation, who can understand his English! It's better not to command, the more control the more chaos!"

    At this time, the c130 had circled more than half a circle, aligned with the runway and was about to land, and the approach command of Isamu Inoue, the air controller, came from the headset.  This time it was Hong Tao's turn to complain. After finally finding an air traffic controller, he still spoke Japanese English.

    No, it's not even Japanese English, it's Kobe area English.  Good guy, a captain from the Black Forest region in southern Germany, and a native air traffic controller in the Kansai region of Japan, almost every sentence has to be repeated several times, the earphones are so lively.

    "Let's learn, that's called landing. Your plane always falls on the runway!" Of course, Randy also knew that Isamu Inoue's English was not good, but there was only so much time, and everything had to be done one by one.  In order for Hong Tao to quickly shut up his fault-finding and sloppy mouth, he had to resort to a big killer, the method of comparison.

    In all fairness, the German captain's driving skills were indeed much more pleasing to the eye than Hong Tao's. The huge fuselage barely jumped on the runway, and entered the taxiing phase accompanied by two puffs of white smoke.

    This is the gap in flying experience. He is a professional pilot at any rate, and his flying time is dozens or even hundreds of times that of Hong Tao.

    Hong Tao is still at the stage of familiarization and exploration, and his level is very unstable. When taking off, he always feels that the rise is slow, and he can't wait to pull up immediately, and quickly get out of the most dangerous stage.  It was the same when landing. I always felt that the runway was a bit short, and I tried desperately to slow down, but when I stopped, I saw that half of the runway ahead was useless.

    "Aircraft carrier Please remember, I am a Navy heritage, and I have set a record for solo jet flying. When is it the turn of the ground crew to evaluate the pilot! Drive, please regulate your words and deeds, and don't embarrass the alliance in front of the guests!  "

    It's a pity that the validity period of this big killer is too short, and Hong Tao is already immune.  Not only did he not admit that his skills were bad, he also threatened Randy not to mention this matter in front of the guests, and rose to the height of the alliance's diplomatic dignity.  Your criticism of me is to discredit the alliance and the hard work of all alliance members!

    "you are becoming more and more like a politician!" Randy started the car and chased the transport plane that was still sliding slowly, with a helpless expression on his face.  He doesn't like the current Hong Tao very much, but many things can't be changed, and he can't even persuade him.

    "Isn't this the result you want to see? Before I kept my word, you said I was a barbaric poisonous vegetable. Now that I have embarked on the road of politics, the council has begun to play a role, but you say that I have become the one you don't like."  The person I like. Randy, you have to be kind, you can't be so messy."

    This sentence can be said to Hong Tao's heart, not to mention Randy, he doesn't like himself very much.  But the reality is so cruel. Once a person gains power and sits in a position, he can't do whatever he wants. No matter whether it is good or bad, he must consider the overall situation.

    "Then I will vote for someone else in next year's election" Randy immediately became bored. That's right, when the rescue team only had a dozen people, he discussed the future with Hong Tao when he was free.  Now the future has become a reality, and the appearance is similar to the original design, but why are you dissatisfied?
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