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Text Chapter 353 Naval Aircraft Carrier Pilot (250 votes plus updates)

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    "It's not that bad. We have to take the experts away, and sell the debt of favor, and we can't keep the little life! Now go to the back and put on the bulletproof vest and bring your weapon. When I make arrangements, we will go  Go down and be the savior!"

    Hong Tao listened more seriously, and he walked through the airport once before speaking. The expression on his face could not be described as relaxed, but he still had that cheap smile.

    "Do you really want to go down?!" Zhou Yuan's despair just now was all feigned, as long as the plane doesn't land, no matter what bad ideas those people below hold back, it will be in vain.  But seeing that Hong Tao didn't look like he was joking, he really started to panic.

    "No way, that person is too important to take the risk. Hey, Chairman Tang, I'm Hong Tao, is it convenient to talk now?" Hong Tao fiddled with the communication terminal with one hand, quickly locked a channel and started calling.

    "you are a psychopath, split personalitya villain!" Now Zhou Yuan was really desperate, cursing and at the same time not forgetting to unbuckle her seat belt, and hurried to get dressed in the cabin.

    Three times, Hong Tao tried three times before he gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, closed his eyes, and lowered the speedbrake and landing gear.  Whoever you love, buddy was taught by naval pilots, just kidding, our master dared to land on an aircraft carrier

    It turned out to be true, the fuselage shook slightly, and landed on the runway relatively smoothly, without any problems.  But Hong Tao broke into a cold sweat on his back. He just made a wrong operation, and his landing and rolling posture was 2 seconds late, which was a full 70 centimeters different from the altimeter.

    If this is a large aircraft, the lightest consequence is that the front landing gear is broken, and it falls headfirst on the runway and uses the belly as the landing gear to taxi.  Maybe the fuselage will be broken by this huge force, or it will roll over or something.  Fortunately, it is a small plane, and the error tolerance rate is relatively high.

    "Didn't your instructor complain when you were learning to fly?" Although Zhou Yuan didn't know how to fly an airplane, she could see something wrong from the expression on Hong Tao's face and the cold sweat on his forehead.

    Fortunately, you can't even land smoothly, so you dare to say that you can fly a plane without any assistance, and fly to an unfamiliar airport more than a thousand kilometers away without any auxiliary means.

    "Does the navy understand? Do the pilots of the aircraft carrier understand? The five- to six-meter-high waves can shake coal balls on the deck, and we can still land steadily It's just that our hands are a little raw after not flying for a long time!" Faced with this kind of accusation, Hong Tao still  Hard-spoken.

    The two Boeing test pilots said at the beginning that apart from the physical fitness gap between civil aviation pilots and military pilots, the biggest difference is the driving style.  Civil aviation pilots mainly fly by instruments, while military pilots must be proficient in manual visual flight techniques.

    In wartime, regardless of whether it is a transport aircraft or a fighter jet, some auxiliary equipment may fail, or even most of them fail. The only thing that is accurate is the pilot's eyes and brain that have been corrected after many exercises.

    At this time, they will not fully trust the instrument data, but rely on their eyes and brain to make correct calculations and technical actions in a short period of time to ensure the normal attitude of the aircraft.

    However, the regulations of civil aviation pilots in this regard are completely opposite. They are basically not allowed to leave the instrument to operate. They must trust the instrument data 100% and try to eliminate subjective assumptions.

    It's a pity that I didn't take their words seriously at the time, and I never thought that one day I would completely rely on visual takeoff and landing jets without most of the auxiliary instruments.  Of course, it's useless even if you pay attention to it, they will definitely not let themselves practice this craft.

    "But Jiao Qiao said that you have never been abroad, and you have never been a soldier. Can you be on the Liaoning?" What is the saying?  Xu Niubi is not allowed to raise an argument.  Zhou Yuan is very careless, she specializes in lifting the bar, and she lifts it so accurately that she is on the bar as soon as she lifts it!

    "Why is it so difficult for me to brag Come on, come on! Sky Lingling, Earth Lingling, and the engine master are about to appear Get up, ah, ah, ah!"

    Hong Tao didn¡¯t have time to make up new stories. He was pushing the three throttle control levers forward together, from the idle gear over the take-off gear to the climb gear.  For a while, he was in a hurry, his face was hideous, and he was talking to himself.

    The small plane that just landed on the runway looks like it has entered the taxiing phase, but it is actually taxiing. With the help of the landing inertia and the huge thrust of the engine, it regained its take-off speed within a few seconds, and the tires left again.  The ground suddenly left the runway at a very steep angle and rushed into the sky.

    That is, with this 2 or 3 second error, the two fireballs exploded one after another on the runway with a distance of tens of meters.  Their target was supposed to be the small plane, but unfortunately, after calculating the distance and target speed many times, they were dodged.  A few seconds decided the life and death of at least several people, and the future of many people!

    the"How is it? Are my technical moves handsome? Do you mean something like an aircraft carrier pilot?" Due to the speed, the sound of the explosion heard in the cockpit of the aircraft was a bit delayed, but it did not prevent Hong Tao from continuing to brag that he and the navy were fighting each other.  Indistinct kinship.

    There is no way, the fact that we can use the special flying skills of naval aircraft carrier pilots to avoid the rocket launcher attack, even if we are not related by blood, we should be regarded as fellow villagers.

    "" Zhou Yuan's face was pale, she massaged her chest with one hand, and gently waved the other hand, expressing a word with practical actions, accept!  The large-angle lift just now made her eyes a little dark, her ears hurt and her heart was beating wildly, she almost died, and she really didn't have the energy to play nonsense anymore.

    "Now you know why I chose a French plane that is not very cool? Hehehe, this is called being prepared! I will show you an ultra-short-distance emergency landing later, using half of this runway and three engines  Push back together and stop at 700 meters, believe it or not!"

    Hong Tao didn't blow it 100% either. This technique of afterburner taxiing while landing was indeed derived from naval aircraft carrier pilots, in order to prevent accidents during the landing, such as the arresting wire not being attached and the landing point being too far ahead.

    Mastering this technology can minimize the speed loss of the aircraft when it lands. If the situation is not good, it can quickly enter the rollout phase and pull up again in a short distance to avoid plunged into the sea due to the short runway of the aircraft carrier.

    But he actually never tried it once, it was all theoretical knowledge and a little bit of experience gained from watching other people's operations.  How about Zhou Yuan calling him a psychopath with split personality, she is indeed right.

    When he was cautious, he could become suspicious because of an ant crawling at the wrong speed. When he was bold, he could sneak into other people's bases with a knife and wipe their necks one by one, and he could also play flying maneuvers that fighter pilots dared not easily try based on theory alone.

    " Can I go home now? Ah ah" Zhou Yuan drank her saliva and calmed down a little, she lost even the interest in arguing.  But what greeted her was not comfort and care, but a dive and pull up again.

    After the baptism of the difficult technical maneuver just now, Hong Tao felt that he had stepped into the threshold of an aircraft carrier pilot, and his flying skills gradually improved.  In order to strike while the iron is hot, I have to review a few technical moves that I have learned before but haven't tried much.

    "Hehehe" As the small plane kept descending and climbing in the sky, the cabin was like an amusement park, filled with women's hoarse screams and bursts of sinister laughter.

    Hong Tao's happiest moment was seeing others suffer, especially when he was suffering but not life-threatening, he played with more vigor, which was more exciting than charging on Zhou Yuan's body.

    After about ten minutes of tossing, the tires of the small plane touched the ground again.  The visual landing this time was relatively standard, with basically no errors.  Hong Tao felt that Zhou Yuan didn't yell or vomit in vain, and her pain was exchanged for the maturity of her technical movements, which was equivalent to saving the lives of two people!

    "Amazing, terrific, Chairman Hong, you are so talented and courageous, I admire you" As soon as the gangway was lowered, a man with a stocky body and a square head rushed up with heavy steps and grabbed Hong Tao's arm.  He shook and clapped his hands, and spoke Mandarin with a strong local accent.

    "Chairman Tang, have you dealt with all your affairs?" The hands were big, thick, and strong.  Hong Tao looked at the forty-year-old man in front of him, and felt a sense of d¨¦j¨¤ vu.

    Once upon a time, I met many similar people at the wine table. When I first met, they were all very enthusiastic, and I wanted to make you feel heart-to-heart.  But it¡¯s limited to drinking and talking nonsense, don¡¯t talk about business, it must be all kinds of difficulties, unless you show enough ¡°sincerity¡±
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