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Main body four, thirteen years of clear dreams, seven hundred years of glory

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    Hu Huan did not hesitate to replace the flying scales with blood-sucking vines, and replaced the posture that was about to take off with drilling into the ground.

    Now that he has been promoted to a thug, his spiritual power has soared by more than twenty times.  Hu Huan still doesn't know that this is not a serious thug. The spiritual power data that they should have, the warrior family is among the professionals, and the spiritual power is generally at the bottom.  Cooperating with the swarm of gas-eating insects, it is even more easy to control the land movement technique.

    Hu Huan hugged Ling Xiao tightly, performed more than a dozen ground operations, and drilled for more than three kilometers in one breath. Then he used the brute force of the thugs to force a space underground.

    He has ground movement skills and the A-level vitality provided by vampire vines, so he can survive underground, but Ling Xiao can't, so Hu Huan has to open up a small space and leave a breathing hole leading to the ground.

    Ling Xiao was too surprised by Hu Huan's operation, and asked, "You are a thug, how do you know how to perform magic?"

    Hu Huan hesitated for a moment. It's not that he didn't want to tell the truth, but he didn't have the truth to tell. He could only grab a scapegoat at random, and said in a low voice: "I was out for a walk a few days ago, and I met a gentleman named Heqi, who asked me to learn more.  Do not learn wealth codes."

    "I think he is a liar, but the other party gave me a small thing"

    "Sister Ling Xiao, I also think this is absurd. No one believes in writing novels like this, but you have to know that life is illogical. I really didn't make up such a person to lie to you."

    Hu Huan really didn't make up a kindness, of course people really exist, he just made up specific things.

    Hu Huan thought that Ling Xiao must not believe it, but he didn't expect Ling Xiao to be surprised and said: "You actually met Harmony?"

    "He is a member of a wealthy family. He has the ability to gather money and explore treasure pupils with one hand. He never misses anything of value. He is known as the person who knows how to invest best."

    Hu Huan almost changed his name to He Huan now.

    He asked in surprise: "Sure enough, there is such a thing as a wealthy family?"

    Ling Xiao lay in the underground cave created by Hu Huan, and explained to his younger brother: "The financial family is extremely mysterious. They are a group of people who only recognize money, and their supernatural powers are also extremely weird. They are all related to money and wealth."

    "It's just that they move around strangely, wandering in the dark, and most professionals don't even know they exist."

    "Our Tianmoling family is also an ancient family, so we can know some secrets of the financial family."

    "These people are extremely difficult to provoke."

    Hu Huan breathed a sigh of relief, he finally got this matter out of the way.

    To be honest, he has been an honest child since he was a child, and he is not very good at lying. That is to say, after memory fragments keep appearing in his mind, he is inexplicably confused, and sometimes he is not very pure.

    Ling Hu, Ling Su, and Ling Xiao's little cousin Ling Lingling, the three of them were chasing after each other all the way, almost going crazy.

    Ling Su couldn't help shouting: "How can this kid run so fast?"

    "Isn't he a thug?"

    "According to the information, this kid Hu Huan only broke through today. He was still an awakened person before today. Where did he get such a fast speed?"

    Ling Hu was also speechless, but she was shot six times by Hu Huan. Although a professional has strong physical fitness, she can easily recover even if she is not physical. Besides, she is also an awakened body, but her path is quite special.

    The bullet was forced out, and now the injury is almost healed, but Ling Hu was still angry, and secretly gritted his teeth: "Even for Ling Xiao's sake, when I catch this little thing, I have to teach him a lesson."

    According to the plan of the Patriarch of the Ling family, they had to capture Hu Huan and Ling Xiao three times and capture Hu Huan and Ling Xiao alive several times, and deliberately let them escape in danger, without difficulty, and create difficulties, so that they have the opportunity to enjoy the fullest life and freedom  beautiful.

    Life is such a thing, it¡¯s not good if you have died several times and don¡¯t feel it.

    The same is true for freedom. If you don¡¯t lose it, you will feel that this thing is worthless. After losing it, you will feel that as long as you are free, you will be happy even if you eat corn bread.

    However, the trio of the Ling family did not expect that Hu Huan, who was so slippery, not only ambush in the ground and snatched away Ling Xiao in one fell swoop, but also left everyone out of sight with a speed that the thugs didn't have at all.

    Ling Hu and the others can continue to track, thanks to Ling Lingling's ability, she can distinguish the spiritual power in the air.

    The spiritual power of Hu Huan and Ling Xiao left extremely faint fluctuations in the air, and ordinary professionals could not detect them at all, but Ling Lingling could sense them, and looked for targets through the spiritual waves.

    If it wasn't for Ling Lingling's ability, the three of them would be able to go home now.

    Even if the Qianlong Army acquiesces, the Tianmoling family cannot be in the capital?He secretly thought: "This lady, it seems that it is easy to entertain guests."

    He casually asked, "Why don't we introduce ourselves?"

    "I am the son-in-law of the Tianmoling family. I won't mention the specific name. I want to keep a little privacy."

    "Madam can also give a hidden introduction to her information, I don't mind."

    The short-haired woman asked, "How do you prove that you are the son-in-law of the Tianmoling family?"

    Hu Huan threw a blood-sucking vine casually, and said in a low voice: "It's not the Tianmo Ling's family who are at fault. There should be very few people in the world who can produce an unused fetish card."

    The short-haired woman agreed with this explanation, and said in a low voice: "I believe you are telling the truth. The fetish card of Tianmo Ling's family cannot be faked, and there is no way at all. Anyone can get it."

    "Especially, those who bought fetish cards with a lot of money will quickly fuse and turn them into their own abilities, and they will not stay at all."

    "Your identity has been approved by me."

    "I'm Elizabeth Am¨¦lie Eugenie! You can call me Elizabeth, or Sissy!"

    "I inherited the legacy of my great-grandfather and founded a small sect, but there is an urgent need for manpower and materials for cultivating professionals."

    "If you have anything that can be traded, or what help you can provide, I am willing to pay an equivalent exchange."

    Hu Huan smiled lightly and said, "Elizabeth Am¨¦lie Eugenie? This is the same name as a famous beauty in ancient times!"

    He vaguely recalled that back then, he seemed to have had an affair with this beautiful princess who made a mark in history.  It's a pity that he had Melanie Rolland by his side at that time, so he couldn't have any further communication with this princess, and he didn't have any special friendship.

    Although Hu Huan has opened up all the memories, he still has a little discomfort and often falls into memories, which is one of the negative effects.

    Elizabeth didn't care, Hu Huan's a little bit of impoliteness, her situation was not as good as said.

    Now the small sect she inherited is being besieged by multiple enemies, whether it can survive this summer is still unknown.

    Elizabeth fled back to the castle left by her great-grandfather because of avoiding the enemy.

    Foreign countries are better at this point. The house can be inherited for dozens of generations, unlike the real estate left by Hu Huan, who can hardly get it back.

    When Elizabeth was looking through the relics of her great-grandfather, she found this token, and boarded this ancient meeting room with suspicion.

    She came up several times, but never met anyone, until this time, she met Hu Huan.

    Although Elizabeth's words were sharp, in fact, she just didn't want to show weakness, so as not to be seen through the predicament, not to show arrogance.

    It took Hu Huan a long time before he came back to his senses and said with a smile, "What can you provide? What else do you need from me?"

    "As long as the price is right, the fetish card can also be negotiated."

    Elizabeth's eyes lit up immediately, and she said in a low voice: "Ten fetish cards, I will give you a European castle with an 800-year-old style."

    Hu Huan laughed, and he casually took out the fetish card that Sun You sent with the letter, and put it on the round table.

    "The devil's palace!"

    "I'm sorry, I don't lack castles."

    Elizabeth blushed slightly, and said in a low voice, "Damn son-in-law!"

    Hu Huan pretended he didn't hear it, since he wasn't a son-in-law anyway, it's like someone hitting a toad with a banana, what does this have to do with him being an old fox?

    Elizabeth settled down, and asked in a very sincere tone: "I am a second-tier top professional, if I am willing to do things for you, how many times can I change a fetish card?"

    "I declare in advance that it does not include that kind of thing, absolutely not"

    Hu Huan looked embarrassed, he is a serious person.
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