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Text Chapter 622 Liang Xiang

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    The first point: the cause.

    Petain, who knew the identity of the eldest princess, lived at ease, and no one even protected him, otherwise the lonely old man would not be able to steal her out of prison so easily.  She is not afraid of being silenced, because Dai Sile is dead, and some actions of Lei's father did help Shengqi, but Lei's father can explain that he did not know.  He just offered innocuous help to the former French general and his own friends.  In fact, Lei's father did very cleanly. Petain couldn't kill Lei's father. On the contrary, Lei's father didn't need to kill Petain's mouth.

    Holy Flag is a love story of a beautiful girl.

    She and Hal first fell in love, and for the sake of love, she completely accepted each other's beliefs.  For the sake of the other party's belief, she can abandon everything about herself, inspiring pure and sincere love.  She has always thought so, she guards herself like a jade, and misses her first love for countless days and months.

    But time is not only a pig-killing knife, but also a sharp edge that cuts the red rope.  After getting acquainted with Phil, she fell in love with him. She was so persistent in love that she forgot not only Hal, but also the Holy Banner.  Just as she could do anything for Hal, she could do anything for Phil.  Will the second princess Pedan, who is the Holy Banner, tell Phil about the Holy Banner?  Are Phil and P¨¦tain really just a physical relationship?

    One of these problems is undeniable.  Phil has been single for twenty years and has always been strict with himself. His acceptance of P¨¦tain has already shown P¨¦tain's position in his heart.

    The second point: planning.

    The holy flag was destroyed, and the eldest princess Daisile could not be contacted, so Petain confessed to Phil.  At that time, Marr's team had frequent accidents.  When Besta and Danny disguised themselves as gangsters and snatched two A4 papers, they encountered the strong intervention of Bobby's bodyguard team.  Poppy kills Danny at the expense of a bulletproof car and directly implicates Besta.  Danny is the captain of the British Royal Gendarmerie and works in the National Counselor.  Besta is the chief of the defense police.  Everything pointed to the general staff at that time.

    Afterwards, Besta took all the charges, committed suicide and planted it on Daisile, who had been dead for many days.  This move is definitely a temporary coup.  It is equivalent to labeling the Marr team as a French label.  Killing Daisile was an action a month ago, and Liang Xi believed that it was what Phil did to protect Petain.  Petain can testify against Dessler, and Dessler can testify against Petain in turn.  If he didn't know that Desile was dead, Besta would not have planted the blame on Desile.  This trick is so powerful that it makes the French die without proof.

    Because of the 20-year plan, Phil faced the situation that he had to resign, so there was a safe, and there were videos and photos of Phil and Petain in the safe.  Since most of the evidence has been destroyed, Petain does not care about going to court because she knows that she will not be arrested for terrorism.  In the end, the pair of wild mandarin ducks can both retire and enjoy life in seclusion.

    The third point: flaws.

    The two most direct flaws.  The first flaw lies in the Silencer Project. Although the deputy director is responsible, judging from the attitude of the joint investigation team and the British side, it is clear that there are still people behind the scenes.  Phil may take the opportunity of his resignation to persuade the British side not to pursue other people, and let the deputy director take care of everything.  But Germany and France are extremely arrogant and do not intend to end it, so the safe appears, and Petain appears.  One-Eyed would have done the same sooner or later had it not been for Kunta to extract a confession from P¨¦tain.  The reason why Cyclops didn't do it was because the French stared too closely, and he had to worry about the impact of his identity.

    In countries such as the United Kingdom, although the prime minister is the boss, he will step down as soon as he says he will step down.  The core force is people like Phil, who are supervised and hold great power at the same time. Obviously, they only supervise Phil's political power, but not his right to act.  Only people at Phil's level can play the big card of the Silencer's Plan B.

    The second flaw is Besta and Danny.  Although the posthumous writing is very good, although the arrangements are clear, they are obviously not detectives, nor are they professionals of criminal police. The scene and art arrangements are too clear but deliberate, everything is too perfect.  And the identities of these two people directly show that the general staff has ghosts.  Daofeng was the one who investigated the case. As the supervisor of Daofeng, Robert Shoucheng was already very difficult, and he was unable to fire at the general staff.  The matter passed like this, and finally led to the French.

    At the same time, Liang Xi had another idea. It could not be ruled out that someone at the same level as Phil did it. It might be James, it might be Zhang Musi, it might be Zhang Musi.  Liang Xi didn't know the internal personnel structure of the General Staff, but commanding the brains of a national team inevitably required a lot of powerful and independent talents.  From Lei's father's description, it can be seen that James and Phil are in charge of their own business respectively. Although Phil's business is the most important, it can't do without James' business.  In addition, there are those in charge of NATO affairs, Middle East affairs, European affairs, logistics affairs and so on.

    Because the matter is of great importance, this is Liang Xi's firstnbsp; Is the photo a clue of association?  Liang Xi didn't know, his inner reason kept reminding him not to be influenced by subjective emotions.  But when things got to this point, Liang Xi felt a little anxious, and he urgently needed an answer.  But Liang Xi is a professional after all, Liang Xi soon came to his senses, even if Phil was a bad guy, why did he send a serving officer who was working beside him to follow Matthew?

    Following this question, Liang Xi asked himself a question: How did the leader ask Matthew to kill John?  The leader said to Matthew: I know you are a member of the Dark Society. Once your identity is exposed, your reputation will be discredited.  No, it's not strong enough at all.  Thinking about it, the leader should say this to Matthew: If the dark society knows that you have told John about the dark society information and the Silencer plan, the dark society will never let you and your family go.  The only way is to get rid of the insider and destroy all the information held by the insider.

    Before John's death, Matthew met John near John's house, and they may have a secret meeting in a secret room.  Perhaps at that time, Matthew still hoped to join forces with John to counterattack Marr, or maybe it was because of their thinking that John was killed.  After Matthew killed John, there was no turning back. The culprit completely controlled the justice. In the following days, the culprit would use him to obtain more information about the Dark Society.

    Seeing that Liang Xi was in a daze so hard, Father Lei said aside: "If you have any ideas, you can tell me, maybe I can help you." There is no need to worry about helping personally.  Liang Xi's civilian status was the reason Lei's father could help him. If Liang Xi had an official status, Lei's father would seriously consider every word he said.

    Liang Xi shook his head: "Thank you!" He believed in Lei's father and believed that Lei's father would not harm him, but Lei's father would definitely use the information he provided.  Liang Xi was born and raised in the UK. He received government benefits and social help in his childhood. He has no reason to provide sharp knives to potential opponents of the UK.

    Lei's father didn't say anything, nodded, walked to the cubicle and sat down, and continued to play with his mobile phone

    After speaking with Lei's father, Liang Xi became more sober. He thought that the people behind the scenes would definitely not contact Matthew directly. It would be unrealistic to find clues from Matthew, because he would desperately dig into the corners if he wanted clues.  The behavior stops there.  However, this trip was not fruitless. Here, Liang Xi figured out that the two groups in the Silent Man's plan had three different views.  Mal is still alive, and the deputy director is still alive. The question is, who will know his identity as the boss?

    Take the real black group in the United States as an example. These people are willing to do some dirty things for the United States from the bottom of their hearts.  The Marr team is similar to this situation. They have lofty patriotic feelings, and they are willing to give everything and even their lives for the United Kingdom.  They think they have a noble honor, and they are very proud, which means that they will not and will not bother to do something.  But Phil's class is quite different. They only have success or failure in their eyes, and they have no price. Of course, they also know how to control their subordinates.

    Take the meeting between Phil and Liang Xi last time as an example.  Phil was clearly very cheerful.  But according to Lei's father, Phil's class is too high. When Phil intervened in the joint investigation team, both Germany and France lost their right to speak in the investigation team.  What Phil expressed was that P¨¦tain's testimony was important because Germany and France were aggressive, and P¨¦tain's testimony restored the unfavorable decline of the British side.

    This matter is of great importance. It cannot be discussed with Father Lei, nor can it be discussed with Karin, nor can it be chatted with Bobby.  Firstly, it is dangerous, and everyone involved is in danger.  The second is to worry about leaking secrets. Liang Xi has a certain influence in London. When Liang Xi thinks that Phil or someone is the culprit behind the scenes, many people will believe Liang Xi.  If Liang Xi is right, the opponent must get rid of Liang Xi himself to survive.  If Liang Xi is wrong, that good man will be wronged.  In order to protect himself, to get rid of this pest, and to avenge John, Liang Xi must control his rationality and choose those who know.
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