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Text Chapter 526: Scam

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    Following the end of the Battle of Hylia Castle, London has returned to its former calm.  The Anti-Terrorism Office, which was once again in the limelight because of Hylia Castle, has once again been in the limelight because they captured the leader of the Mal gang: Mal.

    The process is like this, Liang Xi asked Bobby to play golf in North London, during which Liang Xi got out of the car to pee, and found the RV on the side of the road suspicious.  The bodyguard team found Mal after checking and notified the anti-terrorism office to arrest him.  Under Liang Xi's suggestion, Liu Zhen issued a report version: With the joint efforts of colleagues in the Anti-Terrorism Office, everyone worked together to analyze the case bit by bit, and finally found Mal in North London based on clues.

    Director: How to analyze?  How to find Mal according to the clues?

    Liu Zhen: You ask Liang Xi.

    Director: Liang Xi, you need to assist Liu Zhen in writing the report.

    Liang Xi: I didn't get much money, someone caught it for you, and you still want me to write a report?  There is no report, if it is impossible, you send Mal back.

    Facing this situation, the director had no choice but to pass Liu Zhen's case report.  I'm also used to it. Strictly speaking, Liu Zhen's report was not qualified if it was related to Liang Xi, because Liang Xi didn't cooperate.  Liang Xi also has difficulties, he has never had any evidence to mess around, but he can always figure it out.  It's all out, can't it be stuffed back?  Fortunately, the Internal Affairs Bureau who reviewed the case was reasonable and never felt sorry for the report related to Liang Xi.

    Marr did not remain in the counterterrorism office, but was taken over by the national police.  One reason is that Marr is a former colonel in the British Army, and the other reason is that what he does involves domestic and foreign intelligence agencies.  Liu Zhen had no objection, she knew she couldn't take it down, and at the same time the director interviewed Liu Zhen and proposed that Liu Zhen take over the blade.  Unexpectedly, Liu Zhen refused: no.

    Under the halo of Liang Xi, Liu Zhen's mind became more and more simple.  When you go to Daofeng, no one will take the blame for you. The handicap you have to face is too big, the personnel are not easy to manage, there are too many affairs, and there are too many rules.  The anti-terrorism office is a group of rough guys, with Roger as the scapegoat and Liang Xi as the culprit.  I'm 36 years old this year, and I don't have a boyfriend, so why bother with myself?  Like a pretty girl who just graduated, wouldn't it be nice to be a substitute teacher?  Why do you want to be a class teacher?

    The director suggested increasing the equipment and technical personnel of the anti-terrorism office, but Liu Zhen refused. The more he gave, the higher the requirements.  Liu Zhen thinks it's better to reward more holidays, she doesn't need people, she doesn't need equipment, she doesn't even need to increase the budget.

    Liu Zhen is actually a good talker, and she has a sense of responsibility in her heart.  But behind her was Roger.  Of course, Luo Jie, the old fox, knew what was good for Liu. He had known the news that the higher-ups wanted to promote Liu Zhen, so he explained the matter properly first.  As director of the Office of Counter-Terrorism, he works no more than 10 hours a week and is rewarded daily.  Without Liu Zhen, his life would be difficult.

    The director then visited the pregnant Yin Sha, and Yin Sha gave a suggestion: learn from the Anti-Terrorism Office.  The head of the counter-terrorism office has a false job, and the deputy head has real power.  Daofeng can play a set of false positions as a supervisor and real power as a consultant.  The title of consultant is a gray area, as the FBI employs ex-jail criminals as consultants.  The most famous is the live-action movie: Cat and Mouse Game played by Xiao Lizi.

    ?Consultants do not belong to the establishment of the organization, have no law enforcement power, no investigation power, but only the right to make suggestions.

    The consultant proposed by Yin Sha is not Liang Xi, but Cyclops who is about to be released from prison.  Reason 1: Cyclops is capable and qualified for this position.  Reason 2: Cyclops is just a consultant, he will not delay work because of his grievances, if he is disobedient, Robert can put him in confinement.  Reason 3: Cyclops only has the right to make suggestions, he can only take things from i6, but cannot give things to i6.  Reason 4: One-eyed can be blamed.  Reason 5: Even if Cyclops knows that he is being squeezed and bullied, as long as he can do things for Britain, he will be happy.

    The director thinks that Robert's personality is too gentle, and he is worried that he will not be able to restrain Cyclops.  With a one-eyed arrogant personality, sooner or later he will control the entire blade.  So the director made a change, and transferred Yin Sha, the original director of the blade, to the director's office, with the position of assistant superintendent.  The work of the police supervisor is to supervise and supervise the behavior of the police.  Yin Sha is in charge of two departments, the Office of Anti-Terrorism and Blade.  The police superintendent has no decision-making power, investigation power, personnel power, or administrative power, but only supervision power.  The Superintendent has the right to know what all members of his department are doing.

    The director actually created a separation of powers. Robert has the right to make decisions, Cyclops has the right to make suggestions, and Yin Sha has the right to supervise.  Restrict each other, supervise each other, and most importantly, cooperate with each other.

    On the first day after being released from prison, Cyclops went to report to Blade, and then Blade began to capture the gift from Colonel Marr that day.  Marr's email to the general before the auction stated that there were two female and one male backbones left in the Holy Banner, and the identity of the male was presented.  The man is French, and he has not touched this clue before, for fear of alarming the man by doing it through the ankle channel.  One of the first things that Cyclops had to do as a consultant was to trick the man into coming to England.  Kidnapping was originally proposed, but¡­face.  This is also an opportunity for staff to communicate with each other.  Some enterprises and companies in Japan have absorbed this kind of culture. Some companies not only have afternoon tea, but also have a half-hour break in the morning.  Or many people say that Europeans are just lazy.

    At this time, a black van in the parking lot pulled away, and Luo Jie and Liu Zhen got out of the car. Liang Xi stared at their clothes with wide eyes. Could it be that he was thinking too much.  The two walked up to the superintendent and the assistant superintendent, and Roger began to speak.  Liang Xi turned to leave, but Liu Zhen pointed at him from a distance: "Stop, I'll talk to you later."

    Liang Xi hesitated, the director, assistant director and Luo Jie looked at Liang Xi together, Liang Xi looked innocently: What are you doing?  Luo Jie and Liu Zhen stayed in the car for more than five minutes at this time, either because of love or important official business.  Since there is no trace of love, it can only be a very important official business.  Liu Zhen called himself to stop, and other people looked at him, which meant that he had to drag himself into important official duties.

    What's happening here?  I wanted to read a book at first, but I had no choice but to attend the party, and now I was pulled out again.  80 per hour?  Is Liang Xi the one who still cares about ¡ê80?  He earned several million from Blood Moon, and with Blood Moon's assistance in investing, Liang Xi is now a millionaire.

    Once it comes, it will be safe, Liang Xi finds a step to sit down, and quickly eats two more bites of meat.  After a while, Liu Zhen walked over with a smile, sat beside Liang Xi, and asked warmly: "Recently he looks good, it seems that his relationship with Karin is" Liang Xi looked at him helplessly and stopped.

    Previously, Marr gave information on a man who was one of the founders of the British Holy Banner III.  The man's name is Kalaye, he is forty-nine years old, he is a visiting professor of social relations at a French university, and he is also the vice principal of a middle school in a Paris Saint-Christian residential area.  Kalaye advocates the integration of theology, the Western theological system accepts the holy religion system, and the holy religion system accepts the Western theological system.  He is a social activist who has been committed to opposing official and social prejudice against the holy religion.  At present, believers in the Holy Church in France account for 7% of the total population of France, while in Paris this proportion reaches 20%.

    The French population structure is very chaotic, especially in Paris. The proportion of French people is barely more than half, and the proportion of newborns is crushed by other races at a ratio of 20.  The most vicious people are African-Americans. Because of their special thinking and genes, the proportion of African-Americans who start chaotically and end up abandoning them is extremely high.  More than 70% of the fathers of babies who were abandoned by their biological mothers and given to charities were African-American.  For this reason, France introduced a magic operation, paternity test is not allowed, otherwise you will go to jail.  Even if two white people give birth to a black person, the husband still has legal custody obligations.  God's manipulation directly led to a precipitous decline in the French marriage rate.  No one knows whether the future of France will be French Stan, Francois, or Francoistan, but some European population experts predict that in 30 years, the French will become a minority.

    Seven days ago, an incident occurred at Blair University, a city on the south coast of London.  Three British students beat up an overseas student of the Holy Church, calling him a cancer, which sparked a scene of conflict.  Since no one was killed, this kind of conflict is not uncommon in Europe, so it was not on the hot search.  The university sent a letter five days ago to invite Kalaye to give a speech at the university to express the school's neutral attitude towards the faith and express its goodwill towards the holy religion.

    It's all a hoax, a hoax devised by One Eye to lure Karaya to England.  As a veteran of the intelligence community, this set of tricks is a one-eyed thief.
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