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Text Chapter 504 Interrogation

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    ? Detective Wudu Main Volume Chapter 504 The interrogation of Elena and Jordan's non-resisting and non-escaping reactions made it difficult for Liu Zhen to handle.  If someone detains another person for a slight misconduct, and traces the identity and details of the other person, the other party is likely to bring out lawyers and legal weapons.  Once this happened, Elena complained to the Internal Affairs Bureau.  The Internal Affairs Bureau doesn't care whether you plan or not, it only cares whether you have handled cases in violation of regulations.  You say setting up a trap, you have to produce evidence that Elena is the suspect.

    Another way is to charge the other party with the crime of assaulting the police, but the police officer was kicked before explaining his identity, and can only be downgraded to the crime of assault.  Given that the officer was not injured, it could eventually turn into a civil lawsuit.

    But Elena and the others made a mistake. The car they caused the traffic accident did not belong to them. The owner of the car was a woman in her fifties. She didn't know that her car was stolen until the police contacted her. At this time, she was still in the supermarket.  work inside.

    What's interesting is that during the interrogation, Jordan and Elena, who were interrogated separately, stated in unison that the car was sold to them by someone else, and they didn't know it was stolen.  The other party took a deposit of five hundred pounds and gave the key, and made an appointment to go through the transaction procedures tomorrow.  In other words, the car was stolen by someone else, and they bought the car without knowing it was stolen, subjectively without knowing it.

    An hour later, a street pickpocket turned himself in to the police station, claiming that he had stolen a car and sold it to a man and a woman.  This car is the car Elena and the others drive.

    Liu Zhen and Liang Xi admired their use of a set of crime-free methods without communication. At the same time, they were also surprised how the person who hired the pickpocket knew how to bribe a pickpocket to cover the crime?  The prosecutor told Liu Zhen that you only have 24 hours. As far as the current evidence is concerned, he will definitely not charge the two of them.

    Liang Xi contacted Thresh, and after explaining the situation, he said contemptuously, "What's your bad plan?"

    Thresh was too lazy to be angry with Liang Xi, and said: "Late attack, it seems that their boss is quite powerful."

    Liang Xi said: "I said before that it is very powerful."

    Thresh: "There is nothing I can do here. Anyway, he was arrested, so send the money."

    Liang Xi said: "Add two thousand and give them a crime."

    Thresh smiled angrily: "Hehe." Hang up the phone, so as not to swear by himself.

    The Anti-Terrorism Office bought roast goose for supper. After hanging up the phone, Liang Xi ate angrily and called: "Bobby."

    "Huh?" Bobby said, "If you take the initiative to make a phone call, it's either adultery or robbery."

    Liang Xi said: "Cut! Send him the money. Although the result is not satisfactory, we cannot lose our identity."

    Bobby was stunned for a long time, and asked: "What money? To whom?"

    Liang Xi was startled, thought for a while, and carefully asked: "Didn't I tell you?"

    Bobby: "No."

    Liang Xi said: "It's Thresh who helped catch a few bad guys, 100,000, not much."

    Bobby went crazy: "Go to hell." Do you think I am a cash machine?  Well, even if I am an ATM, you must at least insert the card first, right?  Now the card is not inserted, the password is not entered, and a sentence of 100,000 comes over.  Too much deception.

    Liang Xi himself also felt sorry: "Okay, you send me his account number, and I'll call him."

    Bobby: "It's not about money, it's about respect."

    "Yes, yes." Liang Xi: "I apologize to you later, I am still interrogating the prisoner."

    Bobby paused and asked, "Is it fun?"

    Liang Xi replied: "Very beautiful, a Nordic girl with silver hair. The hair is very beautiful, as smooth as the hair of the movie mummy villain's girl."

    Bobby said: "Location."

    Liang Xi: "Are you free?"

    Bobby: "Yes."

    Liang Xi said: "The Office of Anti-Terrorism. If you have leftover pastries, you can pack them and order them."

    Bobby: "Understood." Whenever he wanted to contact the girl, Bobby couldn't help thinking of Shirley, and Bobby warned himself not to play anymore.  But as a rich second generation who has nothing to do, he doesn't know what to do if he doesn't play with women.  After all, there is something new, so you must come and have a look.  At least I can change the environment, meet different people, and have something to attract my attention.

    Liang Xi hung up the phone and greeted everyone: "Don't eat this rubbish, the blond man Bobby came here with a supper to reward everyone."

    Many people cheered in unison in the multi-functional conference room of the Anti-Terrorism Office. Liu Zhen beside Liang Xi was frowning: "Be serious, there are only 20 hours."

    Liang Xi looked at the monitor, Jordan and Elena were being held in two temporary detention rooms respectively.  They each lay on the bed, using the quilt as a pillow, quietly looking at the ceiling, and their emotions were very stable.  Liang Xi said, "Let's try again when Bobby comes."

    Liu Zhen asked: "Whynbsp; Liang Xi was stunned, can't you shut up?  A good prisoner game is turned into a prisoner watching the show by you.

    Liang Xi continued: "Elena, think carefully about what you will lose and what you will gain."

    Elena responded: "I'm sorry, I am willing to accept your terms. But I don't know any Colonel Mal."

    Liang Xi was silent for a while, and said: "Half an hour ago, the National Defense Staff Department sent someone to ask for someone, but Director Liu refused. Because even bacteria people must abide by the law. I believe they will always be waiting for you at the door. Elena,  Your identity is exposed, and it is of no value to them. You are so beautiful and have a great life, why bother to wither yourself for a group of criminals? On the one hand, there are prisons, surveillance and monitoring that accompany you all your life, and on the other hand, tens of millions of pounds.  For a sum of money, you can freely soar between heaven and earth."

    Liang Xi said: "If you don't accept such generous conditions, then you must have secrets. We will notify the EU intelligence agencies of this matter. Elena, you have no way out."

    Elena looked at Liang Xi, and said for a long time: "I'm sorry, I still don't think it's Colonel Mal, I don't know what you're talking about."

    "The road I chose, I have to walk on my knees." Liang Xi greeted: "Send her back, and bring Jordan here."

    Two temporary uniformed policemen stepped forward: "Please."

    Elena stood up, and it could be seen that she was a little moved and hesitant.  When I left, I didn't have the elegance and calmness when I came.  But she left anyway, without saying a word.

    Liu Zhen was surprised: "Why?"

    Liang Xi also couldn't understand: "Is there really some ulterior secret?"

    Liu Zhen pondered for a while and asked, "Could it be that she refused because she didn't want to sleep with Bobby?"

    "Hey!" Bobby dissatisfied: "I am one of the ten most attractive unmarried men in London selected by female netizens, ranking third on the Internet. It is because many people slandered me that my private life is chaotic, so I fell from the first to the second."  Three." Although I am a scumbag, I know that I am a good boy.

    Liang Xi ignored him, and said to himself: "I don't know how Jordan will react to 10 million."

    Bobby hurriedly said: "His 500,000, up to 500,000, not a single point."

    Liang Xi despised Bobby from the bottom of his heart, and Bobby said a very philosophical sentence: "Not only do you not thank me for willing to pay half a million, but you despise me for only willing to pay half a million?"

    Liang Xi felt that Bobby's thoughts were becoming more and more philosophical.  Although Bobby's ugly soul was exposed by comparison, after Bobby asked back, Liang Xi found that Bobby was already great.  For example, a rich man invites a beautiful female disaster victim to his home for dinner, while other disaster victims have to queue up to receive steamed buns.  Many people despise the rich man, ignoring that whether the victims can eat or get steamed buns is a charity from the rich man.  Compared with other rich men, this rich man is already a living Bodhisattva.  Interestingly, this kind of rich man is the most hated object.

    This is also divided into philosophical thinking. A person who wants to do bad things helps others. Is he a good person or a bad person?  A person who wants to do good but ends up harming others, is he a good person or a bad person?  In public perception, the former is a bad guy and the latter is a good guy.  At this time, a question must be asked, assuming you know two results, would you choose to approach the former or the latter?  Many things can only generate empathy if you think about them yourself.  This is also the origin of the proverb: If you don't hit yourself with the board, you won't know it hurts.

    While Philosopher Liang was thinking, Jordan was brought into the interrogation room.  Jordan and Elena give people two completely different visual impacts, similar to Princess and the Beast.  Jordan is over 1.9 meters tall, weighs up to 100 kilograms, and has muscles all over his body.  Due to the rapid metabolism of the body, the whole body exudes a strong body odor.

    Liang Xi kept some politeness as much as possible, this is education, don't despise and discuss other people's natural physical characteristics.  Leaning back, Liang Xi said, "500,000 pounds, taint the witness, why not?"


    "Take it away." Liang Xi was so smoked: "Give him a bottle of cologne." Everyone said that the cologne smelled bad, but compared to Jordan's body odor, Liang Xi would rather take a bath with cologne.

    "Wait." Liu Zhen hurriedly stopped, it was too perfunctory, is there any essential difference between you and Bobby?  Liu Zhen said: "Jordan, I am Liu Zhen, deputy director of the Anti-Terrorism Office, special advisor Liang Xi, and his assistant Bobby. Half an hour ago, the State Counsellor asked me for someone, but I refused because I must abide by the law. If you want  Help us and we'll not only give you protection, but a civil bounty of half a million pounds."

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