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Text Chapter 341 Past Enmity

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    Mas sits alone at a table, eating with one hand and clicking on his laptop with the other, keeping his eyes on the screen all the time.  Because of her outstanding appearance and unlimited career potential, a sensual female employee, encouraged by everyone, took a plate and sat opposite Mas.  Ma Si didn't even look at her. He reached out to pick up the charging mobile phone in front of him, took a look, bit the bread, typed text with both hands, and communicated with others through the computer.

    After the female employee spoke to him, Mas politely replied: "Sorry, I'm not free."

    The female employee obviously felt offended: "Hey, this is very impolite, you should at least ask me what's the matter, right?"

    Masi looked at the female employee: "What's the matter?"

    This was the first time Mas looked at the female employee. The female employee smiled and asked, "Are there any arrangements for the evening?"

    Ma Si said: "I'm sorry, I'm not free, not at night, and not now."

    Female employee: "Your name is Masi, are you single?"

    Mas held the computer and mobile phone in his left hand, and the dinner plate in his right. He walked to an unoccupied seat and continued to work.  Girls can only accept the laughter of their companions in embarrassment.

    Liang Xi sat in the corner, took a seat to the left, and continued to stare at Masi. He was almost sure that Masi was not luscious.  Mas answered the phone, made calls, texted, ate, and kept busy.  Except for the blind female employee, no one bothered Mas.  There are many workaholics in the Mercury Group, as well as many office workers.  Just like there are bullies and students in most classes.

    When Liang Xi was about to leave, Ma Si received a call that made him take his eyes off the computer screen. Ma Si subconsciously looked out the window and kept looking at the opposite building.  Liang Xi guessed from his mouth that it was a coffee shop.  Liang Xi picked up the plate, poured out the remaining food, and turned to leave.

    The elevator arrived soon, and a woman in a gray suit with a ponytail was in the elevator. She looked down at the ID card on Liang Xi's chest, and said to Liang Xi, "Davis? You go to my office to clean the surface immediately. I want to clean the surface.  Receive important guests."

    Who are you?  Liang Xi nodded: "Okay." Enter the elevator.

    The woman was surprised: "This is a commercial elevator, and the opposite is the employee elevator." Commercial elevators are provided for customers or staff related to customers.  Most of the customers who can come to the Mercury Group headquarters to discuss business are millions of people every minute, and their time should not be delayed by the elevator.

    Liang Xi closed the elevator door, took out his mask and put it on: "Then why can you take the elevator?"

    Woman: "Of course I can. Are you new here?"

    Liang Xi saw the nameplate on the woman's chest: Deputy General Manager, Jessica.  Fuck it, boss.  This girl is only in her twenties, and the only reason she can be the deputy general manager is because she has a relationship with the major shareholder.

    Liang Xi asked back: "Are you the new deputy general manager?"  It's only on the fifth floor, and we'll be there soon, let's knock her out with momentum first.

    Jessica was asked: "Yes."

    Liang Xi pointed to Jessica: "It's a pleasure meeting you. Good job." The elevator reached the first floor.

    Jessica somehow followed Liang Xi out of the elevator, what kind of weirdo?  Liang Xi wanted to quickly get rid of Jessica, but Bobby walked towards the elevator from the main entrance.

    "Jessica." Poppy greeted happily.

    Liang Xi lowered his head to pass from the left, Bobby tilted his head and said, "You, stop." The sound was loud, which attracted the attention of the nearby security guards, so Liang Xi could only stop.  If you go any further, the security guards will suspect and stop you.

    The chief bodyguard stepped forward quickly, and whispered in Bobby's ear, "Don't mess around."

    Bobby asked, "Is that him?"

    Chief bodyguard: "Yes."

    "Why don't you take me to play with something fun?" Bobby glanced at Liang Xi resentfully, and waved: "Get out of here."

    Liang Xi wanted to leave.

    Bobby said: "Wait a minute sir, I told you to go, what should you say?"

    "Thank you." Liang Xi ran past his heart, and he felt Thresh's feeling when he admitted that he was a swordsman.

    Bobby waved his hand with a satisfied smile, let Liang Xi go away, stepped forward and hugged the confused Jessica: "Jessica, why didn't you say anything when you came back?"

    Jessica looked at Liang Xi's back: "Who is he?"

    Bobby said: "A dishonest dog, ignore him."

    Liang Xi chose a corner seat covered by green trees and sat down, and ordered a cup of Americano coffee.  A few minutes later, Mas appeared in the coffee shop. He seemed to be looking for someone, looked around, and then sat down by the window under the guidance of a waiter.  After sitting down, Mas was not busy with work and became a little restless.  With his back turned to Ma Si, Liang Xiren used the trick of the mobile phone camera to observe Ma Si indirectly.

    the?? bullet casings will make different sounds.

    The orphan led the police to walk 5 kilometers and found a two-story board house on the side of the valley.  The police have made big discoveries here. There are shooting ranges, dormitories, and cars.  In the dormitory, the police found mathematics, geography and physics textbooks from different countries written in three languages, as well as a large number of logic training textbooks.  In addition, child-sized camouflage uniforms, boxing gloves, daggers, etc. were also found in the dormitory.  The most important thing is to find three children.

    These three children are under 12 years old, but the police officer in charge knows that they are not simple.  They refused to reveal where the other children were, and they treated the police with indifference, regardless of threats or bribes.  In the end, the person in charge of the welfare home and four staff members were all arrested and imprisoned. Because they refused to disclose the whereabouts of the other children, the five were sentenced to imprisonment ranging from seven to twenty years.

    Twelve orphans and three orphans who were rescued moved to the welfare home in the city.  The whistleblower was Ma Si. They lived in the orphanage for less than a month. Ma Si was attacked by a crazy old man in the orphanage, and three orphans rescued him.  But the crazy old man is not crazy, but framed them for stealing his money.

    When the two sides were confronting each other in the dean's office, the crazy old man's words became more and more outrageous, and a child stuck a knife and pen into the old man's throat.  The other two children were not afraid, picked up the sticks and other weapons in the house, and knocked down the security guards who came after hearing the sound.  One of the children is Lime, and Lime told Mas, I will definitely settle accounts with you.  After all, the three escaped from the welfare home.

    Many years later, Maas saw Yingluck on TV. At that time, Yingluck was not disabled. She was a policeman, a policeman who was framed.  Masi knew that Yingluck was the girl who watched the stars with him by the river on weekends that year.  Although he did not contact Yingluck, Mas has been paying attention to Yingluck.  Yingluck became Mas's only breathing oxygen in his boring workaholic life.

    Yingluck died, the oxygen was cut off, Mas was heartbroken, and even though he was completely rational, he couldn't help but go to Yingluck's funeral.  Lime, who followed Yingluck's funeral, found a strange person at the funeral.  Lime used his own means to investigate Ma Si, and finally recognized Ma Si as the traitor who betrayed the Lifuyuan, and he was also a lucky one.  While other orphans were still in urban welfare institutions, Mas was adopted by a couple, and left the poor country to Britain, where the social welfare system is quite superior

    Thresh Chris received a call from Sierra, contacted and pressed several times: "Really? Really? Really?" Then he continued to curse: "Fuck, Fuck, Fack."

    The Orphan Association once contacted Thresh. Thresh believed that Yingluck's funeral received a lot of attention, and he would not send any members to attend Yingluck's funeral.  Unexpectedly, Lime went to the funeral in private.  Selamin knew that Shihui had gone to the funeral, but kept it a secret from herself, since she couldn't blame their friendship.  Sure enough, although the police did not notice the funeral, the hateful Liang Xi did not miss this opportunity.

    What can be done?  Identity must be given, otherwise even Sierra and himself will be dragged into the water.  In order to protect himself and Sierra, Lime could not deliberately escape from England.  If Liang Xi notifies the police, Lime can only be arrested. Fortunately, the police have no way to sue Lime.  Based on Thresh's understanding of Liang Xi, Thresh believed that Liang Xi would not call the police publicly, and he would find a unit or person to be responsible for the long-term secret investigation of Lime.

    Lime must leave the group, not only the ore group, but also the Orphan Association.  Before the judiciary agencies of European countries targeted the Orphan Association, the acquired blood transfusion ability of the Orphan Association was already dwarfed by comparison.  With the development of security systems in European countries, the current members of the Orphan Association are equivalent to the last generation.  Unless go to Africa to open up new business.  It's a pity that all the orphans do illegal activities, and the first basic requirement is a good brain.

    The Orphan Association is also seeking transformation and change, and the process is very difficult.  Either leave Europe and go to some war-torn and poor countries to rebuild the foundation.  Either commercialize the means of raising money in a commercial manner, and hire people to commit crimes to raise money.  But in this way, the Orphan Association will lose its purpose and become an ordinary criminal gang.  Without cohesion, there will even be no bottom line. It is only a matter of time before extinction.  The final solution is transformation, turning violent criminal gangs into non-violent criminal gangs.  Through commercial theft, illegal trading, bribery and extortion, etc., the funds in the hands of the Orphan Association will increase in value.  Transformation has both opportunities and risks, and the success or failure of the result depends largely on the various decisions of the chairman.

    In any case, the original backbone of the Orphan Society will only become less and less.  As the original backbone, Lime has high loyalty and strong action ability. His resignation is a great loss for the Orphan Club and Thresh.  But Thresh can only accept this loss, it is too unwise to seek skin with Liang Xi, Liang Xi's methods and methods sometimes make Thresh's skin numb, he dare not take chances to face Liang Xi head-on.

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