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Text Chapter 225: Blonde Hero (Part 1)

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    After returning to the apartment, Liang Xi had a routine shower, took out his mobile phone while going to the toilet, and found a message in the social circle three days ago, Chris invited Liang Xi to his gallery on the weekend, which is tomorrow morning, to attend a simple gallery opening ceremony.

    Liang Xi looked at the time on his phone. It was past two o'clock in the morning, and he secretly exclaimed, it should be this morning.  Liang Xi responded with a message: All right.

    The most terrifying thing happened while lying in bed: no sleepiness.  Thinking of getting up early tomorrow morning and forcing myself to fall asleep, I didn't even feel sleepy.  Without using his brain for nothing, Liang Xi began to wonder why Thresh knew that mi6 was investigating Meng Haika.  It is not ruled out that after Meng Haika found out that he was being followed, he would recognize the person who recognized mi6.  But how did he know that mi6 was asked by the blade to track Monhaika?

    There is also the flour mill of the nursing home in Cambridgeshire. Liang Xi has never been able to think of a good way to deal with this matter.  One of the methods is to notify the police, but Liang Xi has objectively examined this method, and this method cannot eliminate the root cause.  Asking Kunta to go undercover is the best way Liang Xi can think of, but it is difficult to implement.  It's been a long time since I saw Kunta, I don't know how it's doing in mi5?

    Yingluck's funeral!

    Liang Xi sat up, the cohesion of the lonely old people was due to the trust among the members and the purpose of the team.  Even when Yingluck was disabled, even when she was in trouble, she still did not betray the Orphan Society.  It's not because Yingluck is afraid of revenge, but because of her trust and loyalty to the team.  A team that can gain such trust and loyalty from its members will definitely send someone to attend Yingluck's funeral.

    There is also Yingluck's inheritance. Yingluck has an uncle who is an old fisherman in Leeds, but uncles are not heirs in the British inheritance law.  However, Yingluck has adoptive parents, and her resume shows that Yingluck was raised by Liz's adoptive parents.  According to the police investigation, no conclusive evidence of Yingluck's enrollment in Leeds could be found. Although there is a graduation photo, students and teachers have no impression of Yingluck.

    Of course, the identities of Yingluck's adoptive parents have not been found. The parents' identities filled in Yingluck's file are her biological parents.  She is a little girl who was sent to study in Leeds by her biological parents from a fishing village.

    In the case of Yingluck's death, according to Yingluck's files and actual situation, the court will assign a lawyer to find Yingluck's only adoptive parents who have the right to inherit Yingluck's property.  The adoptive parents may be just the instructors of the orphanage, or they may really be the adoptive parents.  In any case, as long as anyone dares to say that he is Yingluck's adoptive parents, he is either a member of the Orphan Association or a liar.

    Because it is a criminal case, there is no family member urging, so the date of the funeral has not yet been finalized, it is estimated that it will be held within a week, and the matter of the inheritance is not so fast.  It is not sure who the lonely old man will send and in what form he will appear at Yingluck's funeral. Liang Xi is convinced that a representative person will definitely come.  Only a moral team can have cohesion.  The police should not be alarmed. Once the police move, people may not come. After all, the risk is too great.

    When Liang Xi called, Bobby asked angrily, "Do you know what time it is?"

    Liang Xi heard an unpleasant voice on the phone, Liang Xi asked: "You really don't want your life?"

    A woman's angry voice came from Bobby's side, and the unpleasant voice stopped abruptly. Bobby: "What's the matter?"

    Liang Xi: "I don't think you can live for a few days now, so don't waste your precious time." Hang up the phone.

    Liang Xi wasn't angry, he still understood Bobby to a certain extent.  Bo is like a husky. He used to pull a sled, but now he has become a pet dog. If he doesn't take him out for a walk full of energy, he can only tear down the house.  The root of Poppy's problem was that he had nothing to do, nothing he liked to do, and no job.

    ?Ordinary people invite friends to eat at home, they have to make menus, go shopping, cook, prepare tea, and entertain programs.  Basically, the day was busy because of the treats.  Bobby is going to invite friends to dinner at home, and everything will be arranged with a phone call.  There is a car when you go out, and there is an airplane far away. Before when you had nothing to do, you would catch ghosts and play, but now you can only fool around when you have nothing to do.

    play games?  Bobby doesn't have the patience to level up, so if he spends 100,000 pounds, he will be invincible soon, which is meaningless.  Watching online celebrity live broadcast?  Bobby can let Internet celebrities broadcast live at home, and things that are too easy to get make people unmotivated.  I have no patience for reading and handling cases, and I can be hospitalized for playing golf.  He doesn't need to socialize, doesn't need to spend time trying to please anyone.  As a result, his time is infinite.  A person with infinite time and no patience has no other better way to pass the time except wine and sex.

    Speaking of the blood moon invitation, it was also quite fun. The participants all felt nervous, but Bobby just lay down after playing casually.  Because he doesn't know what to do if he wins.

    What to do with this decadent friend?

    Liang Xi could only use his trump card to make another call: "Blonde, let's go to Chris's art exhibition tomorrow."

    Bobby's voice was obviously an octave higher: "No problem, I will pick you up tomorrow."

    &nbspIt is the Criminal Police Agency, which usually does not investigate commercial sword butterfly cases.

    Liang Xi replied: "No."

    The chief bodyguard asked: "Assassin Alliance?"

    Bobby laughed: "I'm still a paladin."

    "Ignorance." Liang Xi said, "It's not the League of Assassins."

    The League of Assassins is a possible organization, and its essence has little to do with its apparent name.  Three years ago, a newly discharged American marine and land soldier traveled to Europe.  One day, soldiers appeared on the road covered in blood.  According to the soldiers, he became prey after signing a pact and was sent to a certain basin for a 72-hour survival challenge.  The challenge is not the natural environment, but the hunter.  Within 72 hours, every 24 hours there will be three hunters chasing and killing him. The weapons used by the hunters are rifles without scopes.  After he persisted for 40 hours and fully understood the terrain, he escaped from the basin by tricks and asked for help.  He was hunted down together with another man and woman, both of whom had been killed by hunters.

    According to the soldiers' instructions, the police searched the basin, but did not find the so-called dead bodies and bullets.  However, according to the doctor's report, the soldier's shoulder wound and thigh penetration are likely to be gunshot wounds, which is consistent with the rifle's high accuracy, strong penetrating power, and low lethality.  The police took samples from the location of the injury and the surrounding area that the soldiers said, but found no trace of blood.  The police suspect that the soldier killed a couple tourists in the basin and made up stories. They also suspect that the soldier has war syndrome.

    ?Because the soldier insisted on his own statement, the police did not have strong evidence to prove that the soldier was a criminal, and the soldier was finally released.  A month later, an anonymous netizen said that he had participated in the snow hunting of the League of Assassins. He was the only survivor among the three and persisted for 72 hours.  For this he received a prize of one million euros.  He said that as far as he knows, there are at least two other people who also survived and received the bonus.  The post quickly went viral, but no further investigation report was released by the police, and there may not even be a further investigation.

    As a result, the League of Assassins is well known to everyone.  Many people asked how to participate in the hunt on the Internet. They expressed that they were willing to risk one million euros, and they also left their phone numbers on the Internet, hoping that the League of Assassins could contact them.

    The chief bodyguard guessed again: "Ninja flower?"

    "I'll go, you even know about ninja flowers." Liang Xi was surprised: "This happened more than ten years ago."

    Chief bodyguard: "It is said that she has an apprentice."

    Liang Xi said, "No."

    Ninja, the nightmare in Europe from 2003 to 2007, 21 murders in the past few years have been proved to be related to Ninja.  According to forensic identification, shuriken was used in 14 of the 21 cases, kunai was used in 2 cases, and poison was used in 5 cases.  The most typical feature of these 21 cases is a cherry blossom left at the scene.  So people call the killer Ninja.

    Since cherry blossoms are relatively common in Europe and there is no clear point, the EU Police Agency has never had any clues about Shinobi.  Finally, in April 2007, Ninja met a hard stubble during the assassination: an amateur Sanda master.  Although the master was still killed, the master gave Ninja a heavy blow before he died, causing many ribs of Ninja to break.  Ninja had to seek medical treatment due to her injury. The doctor found that Ninja was probably seriously injured due to beating, and called the police when Ninka was being treated.  After the police arrived, Ninja ran away, thus revealing her identity.

    The German police found information related to some of the victims in Ninja's home, and at the same time found a shuriken contaminated with the DNA of 10 victims.  In the process of arresting Ninja, Ninja was forced to die, and finally chose to commit suicide in a high-rise building.  Why did Ninja kill people? Does she have any accomplices?  Who gave her instructions?  These problems have become unsolvable problems accompanied by the death of Ninja Flower.

    Liang Xi still gave the answer himself: "Flour milling factory, the flour milling factory that caused the price of London flour to fluctuate violently. The location of this milling factory is very good, and it is difficult for the police to catch them in one fell swoop."

    Liang Xi didn't say the location, but focused on the geographical situation.  Without knowing the specific circumstances of nursing homes, farms, and canyons, the police may not be able to catch a few people, or even people, even if they launch a large-scale operation.  Moreover, Liang Xi didn't know the exact location of the processing plant. The population density of this land was extremely low, and the natural terrain was particularly complex. Without knowing the structure of the nursing home, raiding the nursing home would only scare the snake away.

    The error-free chapters of "Detective Fog City" will continue to be updated,

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