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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Romance -> Six Zero Food Supporting a Family

Chapter 8

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    The only guest house in Lin'an City is a small building made of blue bricks and cement. The entrance is a tall counter, where a thin woman in her forties is sitting and knitting a sweater.

    Lin Ranran put the letter of introduction from the team leader on the counter, and after checking a few quotations with her, she raised her head.

    "Just the three of you? Where's your adult?" The skinny woman frowned.

    Lin Ranran said: "There are no adults at home, I will take my sister to the city to see a doctor, just the three of us."

    Hearing that she was taking her younger sister to see a doctor, the skinny woman gave Xiaoqiu a deadly look, and her face softened a little: "The standard room costs 40 cents a night, no meal included. The room has a kettle and a washbasin. If you want water, go to the water room to get water yourself. 102  room, turn left on the second floor and find the third room by yourself.¡±

    Not long after this small building was built, the phoenix tree planted in the yard was no taller than a person, and it was bare in winter, like a listless patient.  Lin Ranran walked along the corridor to the penultimate room at the end, opened the door and entered.

    The room was empty, with only an iron canopy bed, a desk, a kettle on the desk, and an enamel washbasin on the washbasin shelf by the door.  Of course, such a room cannot be compared with the hotels of later generations, but it is already a rare configuration in these years.

    Now the city is densely populated, and many people have three generations living together in a small room. The beds are separated by a curtain, and sneezing and farting can be heard next to them at night, let alone running errands.

    Therefore, many young people will choose to spend their wedding night in a guest house.  Pasting a few red happy words on the wall, and placing pastries and canned food from colleagues and friends on the table can be regarded as a very special experience for this generation.

    At this time, the room was soaked in cold, and the quilt was clean, but it was not warm.  Lin Ranran asked Xiaoqiu and Xiaojing to stay in the room obediently, picked up the kettle and went downstairs.

    She walked to a place where no one was there, took out a small packet of biscuits from the space, and then went to the first floor to find the thin woman.  After the bag of biscuits was quietly stuffed into the skinny woman's hand, her face suddenly changed from the severe winter to the warmth of spring.

    "Don't worry, I'll watch over your younger siblings, and nothing will go wrong!" The skinny woman readily agreed, "My surname is Meng, just call me Sister Meng."

    "Then I will trouble you." Lin Ranran thanked her with a smile, went to the water room to fetch a pot of hot water and went upstairs.

    She took out two sealed glass bottles from the space, filled them with hot water and stuffed them into the bed.  Sister Meng eagerly wanted to get them a charcoal basin for heating, but Lin Ranran didn't dare to use it.

    Gas poisoning often happens in the southern winter, not to mention that there are only two children left in the room after she goes out, so she dare not take this risk.

    After warming up the quilt, Lin Ranran let the two children sit in the quilt, took out some food for them, and told Xiaoqiu: "Sister is going out to do some errands, you have to take good care of my younger brother. If you have anything to do, go downstairs and look for him.  Aunt Meng, do you know?"

    "Got it." Xiao Qiu nodded obediently.  Xiao Jing was clamoring to go out with Lin Ranran, Xiao Qiu grabbed a peanut and stuffed it into his mouth, "No trouble, Xiao Jing, sister will be back soon."

    Xiao Jing puffed his cheeks and chewed and chewed, and immediately stopped crying, and waved his little hand to say goodbye to Lin Ranran, making her laugh and cry.

    The first supply and marketing cooperative is the largest supply and marketing cooperative in Lin'an City. It is divided into multiple sales departments, including grain and oil department, non-staple food department, meat department and so on.  Now there are still several long and winding dragons lined up at the door.

    Everyone is carrying a noodle bag, holding a basin, stretching their necks and waiting, making a lot of noise.

    It was the first time Lin Ranran had seen such a lively scene since she came to this era. She stood at the end of the line and asked the people in front: "Why is it so lively today?"

    "You just entered the city? Let go of the monthly rations today." The young daughter-in-law just married into the city and came to collect rations for the first time, so she did not hesitate to teach a "novice" like Lin Ranran.

    ?Every month on the 28th of the month, the moon food is sold. On this day, the children will not be able to go to school, and they will be pulled by the adults in the family to line up before dawn.  Everyone held flour bags and grain buckets in their hands, and stretched their necks to wait for the supply and marketing cooperative to open.  Only 30% of the monthly food stamp quota is fine grains, and the rest is coarse grains.  Cornmeal, buckwheat noodles, sorghum noodles, you have to buy whatever the supply and marketing cooperatives sell, and you can't buy them every time.

    Unpeeled coarse grains were boiled with water for a long time, and after drinking it, they scratched their throats and couldn't go to the toilet.  If there is only cornmeal in season, a bowl of corn porridge not only does not make you hungry, but your stomach acid will make you feel like vomiting.

    Therefore, coarse grains have to be eaten with fine grains.  But no matter how careful the housewives are, the small amount of fine grains will not last for the twentieth.  So on the day when the monthly grain is put down, the line at the grain and oil store is longer than the line in front of the meat window.

    The little daughter-in-law showed the cloth bag in her hand, which contained a piece of fat: "Pork is even more difficult to buy during the New Year's Eve, and each person eats pork once a month."The amount of a catty of pork.  I got up and lined up before five o'clock in the morning for this piece of meat, and it was hard to grab a piece.  "

    Lin Ranran accepted the teaching with an open mind, and enviously said: "Your family life is really prosperous."

    One sentence made the little daughter-in-law feel elated.  The line in front moved, and she hurriedly pulled Lin Ranran forward: "Hurry up, don't let anyone jump in the line, it's our turn soon."

    Seeing this piece of pork, the aunts queuing up on the side chatted immediately: "You are so lucky, I went out a little late today, and I didn't even touch the pork belly!"

    "That's right, this edible oil is only one tael per person per month, and it's been out of stock for two months, so I can only buy fat meat and refine it. I haven't bought it yet! Tell me"

    "What can I eat for the Chinese New Year without oil I bought some rapeseed oil at a high price, but I can't bear to eat it. I just wait for the Chinese New Year."

    Lin Ranran's heart skipped a beat.  There are several buckets of vegetable oil in her space, ready to make some fried food and pastries.  But this idea was quickly dispelled by her. Cooking oil is a precious resource at this time, and she wants to keep it for herself.  Besides, several people wearing red armbands patrolled the line to maintain order, and caught a few who jumped in line and quarreled from time to time. She didn't dare to take the risk.

    There was a sudden commotion in the crowd. It turned out that the flour was sold out again.  It took a long time for nothing, can everyone not get angry?  Fortunately, the supply and marketing cooperative listed a ton of sweet potatoes, and there was no limit to the purchase of coarse grain coupons, no fish and shrimps. The big guys have long been used to out of stock, and when they heard that they didn't want sweet potatoes, they immediately rushed up to line up noisily.

    Sweet potatoes are high-yield and cheap, and they are even used to feed pigs in good years, not to mention the countryside. When Lin Ranran was handed over, Mrs. Li Wang didn't hesitate to throw her a bag of sweet potatoes.  I know how cheap sweet potatoes are.

    However, now that the famine and famine have just passed, sweet potatoes have become a life-saving food.  Although everyone is tired of eating sweet potatoes, no one can do without sweet potatoes.  The listed price of the best-quality Fuqiang powder in the supply and marketing cooperative is 20 cents, the listed price of the second-best 85 powder is 18.5 cents, while the price of cornmeal is 1.6 cents, and the buckwheat noodles are 9 cents.  The price of sweet potatoes is only 2/6, and it is still calculated as coarse grains. If you buy six catties of sweet potatoes, you will only deduct one catty of coarse grains.

    Therefore, every household will hoard a large amount of sweet potatoes to go home, steam, boil, cook porridge, dry and slice them, and mix them into fine grains in various ways to fill their stomachs.

    However, Lin Ranran is not interested in food now - her first priority is to get money.  Taking advantage of everyone's chaos, she quietly left the scene.

    There is a street behind the bus station in the county seat. This place is hidden and unobstructed.  I don't know when it started, a black market has formed.

    In this era of planned economy, the extreme shortage of materials has also caused the uneven distribution of materials. People in the city have money and tickets, but they are still hungry and emaciated.  A tin kettle for use.

    In the past, everyone could exchange materials openly at the monthly fair, but now that the rumors have tightened, this kind of transaction has been forced to go underground.

    This way of trading is very interesting.  A man with a briefcase and a gentle appearance walked into the black market. Immediately beside him, a country woman with a scarf covering her head rushed up and whispered, "Comrade, do you want food?"

    The man's eyes lit up, he glanced around, and said in a low voice, "Is there any fine grain? What's the price?"

    This one is obviously a regular customer, the woman said: "Old price!"

    Then the woman took the lead and walked into the back of the alley first, followed by the man pretending to be wandering.

    This kind of sneaky transaction method will definitely remind people of some content that is not suitable for children in later generations. Who would have thought that their eyebrows and eye lawsuits were just for a catty of fine food?

    Lin Ranran watched with great interest, when suddenly someone touched her arm: "Girl, do you want soap?"

    Lin Ranran came back to her senses, a woman wearing a green scarf stared at her, secretly pressed her puffy padded jacket, and repeated in a low voice: "Soap, no ticket."

    "No. I don't lack soap." Lin Ranran smiled, she exchanged a few soap coupons from the old lady, so she didn't need to buy them.

    "Then what do you want to change?" the green scarf said resolutely.

    "I don't want to exchange anything, I brought something to sell." Lin Ranran said flatly.

    "What? What did you bring?" Green Scarf asked.  Lin Ranran has thin skin and white flesh, and she is carrying a green satchel. She doesn't look like someone who came to sell things at all.

    Lin Ranran smiled, stood under a clean wall with the green scarf, and took out the iron lunch box in his bag: "Kuu Rou."

    "Do you have pork?!" Green Scarf's voice became louder immediately, she quickly covered her mouth, and said in a low voice, "Do you have pork? Where did you get it? How do you sell it?"

    Lin Ranran carefully opened the lunch box for her to see, and said briefly: "It must be the right way. I made it myself."

    "Smell! It's so fragrant, this pork taste is really" The green scarf smelled a strong and wonderful meaty smell, and the stomach that was stuffed with a multigrain steamed bun immediately writhed, clamoring for hunger.

    She couldn't help stretching out her hand, grabbing the oily three-layered meat (Remember the website website: to sell?  "

    Lin Ranran carefully opened the lunch box for her to see, and said briefly: "It must be the right way. I made it myself."

    "Smell! It's so fragrant, this pork taste is really" The green scarf smelled a strong and wonderful meaty smell, and the stomach that was stuffed with a multigrain steamed bun immediately writhed, clamoring for hunger.

    She couldn't help stretching out her hand, and grabbed the oily three-layer meat (Remember the website website:
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