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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in> Romance ->Mai God Son-in-Law

Mai God Son-in-Law Latest chapter update list


001 Retirement (Part 1)002 Retirement (Part 2)003 Hire004 Rival
005 Draw eyes006 tall man007 upper body008 Perfume
009 Underestimated010 Snake Formation011 Formation012 Soul Capture
013 Red014 waiting for you015 Discussion016 Dragon Gate
017 Kunlun018 baby cry019 Doll020 Mother-in-law
021 Corpse Gate022 Suzaku023 Gentle024 who
025 reasoning026 Dead body027 Tomb Visit028 Nourishment
029 Marriage030 Husband031 Conquer032 Wedding Banquet
033 Counter Attack034 Situation035 Attract evil spirits036 Funeral
037 Declare war038 see you again39 Survival040 Domineering
041 Bridal Chamber001 Birthmark002 eyes003 bold
004 face head005 See through007 Soul Seal008 change
009 see010 burnt011 Summation012 Courting Death
013 error014 Dead body015 damn016 Sedan
017 Lord018 couple019 suicide020 Double
021 Dragon Slaying022 Evil Gate023 it's her024 checkmate
025 Dragon Yuan026 Tragedy027 Truth028 coffin
029 Furukawa030 Notes031 Sky Eye032 Tsing Yi
033 Patio034 woman035 transaction036 Flower rhyme
037 master038 worthy039 Hollow040 father
041 Future042 Punch043 lie044 Inference
045 Password046 Gathering047 Evil Charm048 return
049 Sword Comes050 Evicted051 Town Corpse052 reverse
053 grandpa054 sleeping055 Belly056 Raising a Dragon
057 Against the sky058 request059 Launch060 kneeling
061 Borrowing Yang062 take away063 Elimination064 ideas
065 Show up066 Sky Coffin067 favor068 Means
069 stay070 Kneeling071 hell072 Snake Scale
073 Massacre074 Inquiry075 Heavenly Man076 blood water
077 Peach Blossom078 Who dares079 See Through080 Soul Change
081 hole card082 Reveal083 Town kill084 Warning
085 Protector086 Disobedience087 Leap088 Swear
001 Autopsy002 Compete003 Widow004 Evocation
005 connector006 Life experience007 bag drop008 Powerful (masonry plus more)
009 Dragon Slayer010 see it011 Soldiers012 Hearse
013 Yin Soldier014 conditions015 Long talk016 Car Accident
017 Old Ancestor018 Dragon Quest019 experiment020 Funeral
021 Ants022 Kill God023 arrival024 Eavesdropping
025 Robbery026 Kneeling027 Rescue028 Zulong
029 history030 Yin Gu031 Waste032 Knock on the door
033 See through034 son035 Pinch Explosion036 Female Fighter
037 stop038 miss you039 True Dragon040 crying
041 Shadow042 Thunderbolt043 Spy044 Horizontal knife
045 Dead body046 Seal047 Lingxi048 Surprise
049 three doors050 Breaking the Formation051 Into the soul052 Nun
053 What crime054 return055 goodbye056 Warrior
Order 057058 Three Swords059 Grave Digging060 Backing
001 Back Mountain002 Skeleton003 agreement004 Back then
005 past events006 Sky Knife007 Into the Mountain008 photos
009 Life Tribulation010 Burial Immortal011 Strange Fragrance012 Responsibility
013 Dreaming014 Spiritual fetus015 Bloodletting016 door master
017 Bronze MirrorReaders, please come in.018 vision019 Natural Disaster
020 win021 Last General022 Fire Bath023 Assassination
024 Bones025 Secret026 Bodies027 Queen
028 Double King029 reboot030 Emperor031 Chase
032 Unworthy033 Pressing Questions034 photos035 Identity
036 Here Comes037 old038 Three Palms039 Three Questions
040 Fighting041 Investigation042 day class043 Kunlun
044 Appearance045 Shooting the Corpse046 Conferred God047 Ridiculous
048 show up049 Dethrone050 Humanity051 King
052 Curtain053 Tiger Lady001 marry him002 in the middle
003 fool004 Dissatisfied005 rascal006 Moon Worship
007 go home008 Reincarnation009 Rebellion010 Truth
011 coming012 General013 girl014 double character
015 Figurines016 Dad017 Send troopsVersion 018
019 Personal Conquest020 Dragon Death021 Fighting spirit022 Open Case
023 request024 coming025 Patriarch026 play
027 Secret028 give up029 Contradiction030 Evil Spirit
031 lead the way032 Soul Melt033 Crisis034 Ruoyan
035 Holy Spirit036 'Becoming a God'037 it's me038 powerful
039 Eyeballs040 harvest041 Disputes042 Holy Spirit
043 Login044 Swallowing Evil045 Daughter046 Sea of ??Air
047 Past events048 Advent049 Truth050 hearing order
051 hero001 Master003 door-to-door004 Repentance
005 Probing006 master007 eat008 muddy water
009 sharp knife010 Beating011 Abacus012 Funeral
013 child014 Abyss015 day class016 Confrontation
017 return to the team018 Xu Fu019 bombed020 weirdo
021 RootedImportant announcement, friends come in!022 crawling023 fear
024 Tengu025 Shred026 Maternal love027 purpose
028 Slap029 Trap030 Bloodline031 Last
032 Breaking the Formation033 Temple034 return035 Pay me back
036 Big words037 Dragon Swallow038 private meeting039 Posthumous Photos
040 Datang041 Broken spirit042 Prophecy043 heterogeneous
044 Confession045 Experiment046 comfort047 Dryad
048 Knife Block049 See you050 Sky Curse052 See Mother
053 Smile054 Together055 gift056 Immortal
057 eyes open058 Golden Buddha059 Threat060 I am
061 Snatch062 Secret063 kiss064 Fast Back
001 Chenglong002 Broken Cloud003 Struggle004 Alone
005 celebrate006 Lair007 Keeping corpses008 girl
009 Identity010 Beautiful011 mother and daughter012 dead
013 Set014 hit the road015 Dragon Yin016 Dragon Ridge
017 Duxian018 return019 water tank020 Lao Tzu
021 EmperorAsk for leave022 Birth023 return
024 hole card025 Purgatory026 look up027 Epiphany
028 Not afraid029 Zongdou030 Gold Robe031 Dog Slaughter
032 Here Comes033 it's you034 lost035 Broken Dragon
036 no one037 Seeking Saints038 Secret039 Undercover
040 Queen041 Survival042 Meet God043 backhand
044 Princess045 Dragon Knife046 Change of sky047 Alive
048 no more049 Double Sky051 Will be prosperous052 The Chen Family
053 Lord's Tomb054 Knife out055 oath056 wait
057 It's her058 Chance059 task060 dragon and phoenix
061 Here Comes062 Array063 channels064 One move
065 Uncle066 Rescue067 Bloodline068 surrounded
069 method070 Dragon Sword071 Scramble072 Recruit
073 Double Emperor074 help me075 One Sword076 Defeated
077 Intimidation078 five elephants079 Change080 nine steps
081 Covering the sky082 action083 Boarding084 Emperor
085 decision086 Fairy087 Trial001 Return to Yang
002 Corpse003 Consort004 Scared005 Ring
006 Absurd007 eyeball008 Destiny009 dog barking
010 cat face011 beast012 who is stupid013 Statue
014 Probing015 Chess pieces016 Sovereign017 View Well
018 Temple019 Soul Boy020 Good Sword021 prostration
022 Righteousness023 map024 save her025 Escort
026 three things027 Curse028 master029 friends
030 Asking to cut031 leave032 Dethrone033 statue
034 Taichi035 request036 The World037 drink
038 enter039 Yin Division040 crack041 eyes
042 Boundary043 eyes044 escape045 Deceitful Corpse
046 Look at the picture047 Three Easy049 Faith in God050 Salvation
051 Emperor052 Trouble053 Past events054 green
055 Come quickly056 King Mu057 Legend058 Golden Armor
059 game060 Good and Evil061 who dies062 The Emperor
063 Withdrawal064 Sky Knife065 Doujin066 Doubt
067 I can068 Tomb069 kill you070 Breaking the Formation
071 big water072 Knock on the door073 game074 Enemy
075 try076 Overlord077 Lianshan078 discovery
079 Wife080 Timing081 Unworthy082 Comprehension
083 Everything084 someone085 PeerImportant notice, readers and friends come in.
086 Open the door087 residence088 God Court089 speculation
090 Killing God091 help me092 open eyes093 Seeking Saints
094 Battlefield095 discovery096 starting point097 grandpa
098 two people099 Jade Immortal100 Apotheosis101 waiting
102 threat103 Kneeling104 Counterattack105 total attack
106 Evil Soldiers107 Acting108 together109 The Evil Monarch
110 Rescue111 dead112 step113 Second Printing
114 three arrows115 bloody116 Rebellion117 choices
118 rebel119 believe120 transfer121 Chen's
122 Siege123 Swinging124 Kunlun125 Bounds
126 mountains and rivers001 don't be afraid002 Give way003 answers
004 paving005 Identity006 call007 breath
008 Masked009 save you010 help me011 Breeding
012 Chance013 Ao Family014 Dragon Yin016 Double Dragon
017 son-in-law018 Bet019 year020 Death Fight
021 price022 Entering the Tomb023 Big Dragon024 farting
025 Alien026 Gu King027 Split028 plan
029 Sky Bow030 snow mountain031 crazy032 The Day After Tomorrow
033 Back then034 Dragon Slaying035 Tai Gong036 Fallen
037 Injustice038 Here Comes039 start040 who is
041 Peeling042 gossip043 three strokes044 Victory
045 appreciation046 Snatch047 action048 Earth Talisman
049 Escape050 appointment052 Know053 Memories
054 Enmity055 Graveyard056 here057 Here Comes
058 Ordered059 master060 Flames061 double spring
062 follow063 appear064 Suzaku065 Deity
066 photos067 Worshiping Immortals068 Crazy069 Betrayal
070 Nine Thunders071 waiting for you072 The Chen Family073 Name Rectification
074 Ancestral Tomb075 protection076 Paper Doll077 Persecution
078 Double Emperor079 ready080 Entering the Tomb081 living
082 Good and Evil083 Goddess084 future085 Enmity
086 Ladder087 Emperor088 Mortal089 Scarlet
090 Blood Cage091 it's me092 broken093 hole card
094 watch095 Corpse096 woman097 smart
098 Blend099 Ruthless100 genealogy101 English
102 Secret103 ordered104 Advent105 here
106 Chen Family107 kill her108 Transformation Sword109 two breaks
110 success or failure111 wind up112 unnamed113 Chen Yan
001 Doomsday003 return004 freak005 video
006 panic007 Son-in-law008 Mountain of corpses009 alert
010 Souyama011 disaster012 task013 marriage
014 Traitor015 Empress016 Release017 God List
018 kill me019 Pole020 Nova021 Ten He
022 challenge023 bet024 Wind and Thunder025 Summoning
026 Dating027 Fairy028 Ruins029 Undercurrent
030 target031 Reappearance032 record033 communication
034 ask035 gift036 favor037 Eight buckets
038 Arrogance039 Doom040 two hundred million041 Comprehension
042 True God043 live broadcast044 Immortal Emperor045 Change
046 Faith047 Mysteries048 Invincible049 waiting for you
050 Traitor051 Goddess052 Who is it?053 Xuanwu
054 Homeland055 Auction056 Corpse057 Xuan Yuan
058 Genius059 Bamboo Slips060 good or bad061 videos
062 Meet063 Gothe064 Chen Yan065 Shooting the Corpse
066 Two Easy067 hunting069 Dragon070 choice
071 Domineering072 found073 Devil074 war
075 Forbidden God076 success077 Out of the Mountain078 Heaven's Punishment
079 Quick Retreat080 Dieleave tonight081 Enemy
082 Wrong083 kill084 No help085 life and death
086 show087 Disagree088 manipulation089 stars
090 multiple091 Shrine092 day093 reason
094 Eyes095 selected096 Orphan097 game
098 Taikoo099 The Wicked100 throw away101 glad
102 Rhetorical question103 oath104 Illusion105 Red
106 Here Comes107 Godmother108 is the devil109 God and Demon
110 reasons111 breakout112 congratulations113 experiments
114 entry115 Lord God116 human117 God Lord
118 Consequences119 Encounter120 leave121 Assassination
122 Who dares123 kill me124 hole cards125 Devil
126 alive127 future128 Husband129 Who is it?
131 Broken Tower132 coordinates133 Developed134 captivity
135 compounds136 long river137 Truth138 reunion
139 experiments140 back off141 suicide142 identity
143 evolution144 galaxy145 still146 God Ship
147 play148 bone149 Qualifications150 choices
151 Probing152 no153 proof154 Awakening
155 return156 gifts157 Ridiculous158 Advent
159 killing160 Rescue161 Who is it?162 Worship
163 end164 future165 Formation166 apology
167 Artifact168 Leaked169 guts170 Father God
171 Misunderstanding172 Godhead173 Origin174 Cooperation
175 messages176 Quotations177 Lao Tzu178 support
179 return180 loss181 open the door182 fleas
183 Face Slap184 Exit185 important186 Yin Yang
187 Friendship188 red189 Lianshan190 Here Comes
191 it's him192 where193 Encounters194 end
196 protection197 fishing198 Undertake199 target
200 Memorial Day201 goodbye202 Core203 confirmed
204 fear205 election207 identity208 actions
209 Encounter210 guard211 Mummy212 list
213 plan214 dogs and horses215 Yuan Zu216 I'm OK
217 base218 defection219 all in221 has come
222 Devotion223 Demon Race224 Here Comes225 One Sword
226 Sword Forging227 Low dimension228 here229 farewell
230 Bewitched231 Timing232 someone233 Formation
234 explosion235 map236 Epiphany237 life and death
001 Death002 Manager003 I come004 Revolt
005 mentality006 Ai Qing007 Intimidation008 saint
009 Empress010 Shadow Guard011 Toxic012 cause and effect
013 Holy Court014 Blush016 beast017 Choice
018 Forget each other019 poked020 don't021 Family Tradition
022 Education023 Conspiracy025 Trial026 Acting
027 Eavesdropping028 Acknowledgment029 true and false030 justification
031 Invasion032 Traitor033 Alive034 capital crime
035 See you036 ten days037 price038 release
039 TOEFL040 Live041 True God042 welcome
043 Cooperation044 roar045 wait for me046 launch
047 innocent048 Boundary breaking049 decision050 Guardian
052 long river053 Seize the house054 Legacy055 Beater
056 welcome057 no money058 is it enough059 Fruit
060 slave061 transaction062 discovery063 Lucky
064 Auction065 Death066 Shen Wen067 arrival
068 Counter Attack069 Backhand070 posted071 return
072 Interrogation073 Crash074 cunning075 change
076 farewell077 allocation078 suicide079 last words
080 lie081 decision082 fees083 nickname
084 Contempt085 alert086 liar087 Intervention
088 reject089 invitation090 waiting091 Senior
092 eyeing093 Punch094 target095 Charm
096 condition097 identity098 Look High099 Takeover
100 reject101 help me102 agreement103 Strong Buy
104 face105 plan106 make friends107 Ask for advice
108 practice110 selected111 counter attack113 Sensation
114 Exit115 mixed element116 Immortal117 tasks
118 Troubleshooting119 accepted120 Eldar121 conditions
122 records123 opportunities124 end125 Marry Him
126 threats127 support128 Appointment129 Pull wind
130 pomp131 views132 choices133 Referrals
134 bride price135 wait a minute136 breakthrough137 is me
138 recognized139 life and death140 Warning141 Cabinet
142 where143 Royal Blood144 bathing145 killed
146 big bird147 Dragons148 coffin149 Ancestor
150 portraits151 God Shadow152 Lord153 Tribes
154 wife155 security156 Obedience157 Conspiracy
158 Jackal159 topics160 question161 confrontation
162 two stars163 Enemy164 Star Lord165 Cohesion
166 won167 Star Mother168 Star Thief169 enemies
170 hostage171 leave172 worthy173 tests
174 priceless175 wanted176 relationship177 betrayal
178 Declare War179 Orcs180 out of the mountain181 damn
182 Revolt183 survival184 life185 Enemies
186 Oolong187 Routine188 Into the Well189 How to Train Your Dragon
190 invites191 old man192 rule193 assignments
194 rank195 found196 Genius197 Siege
198 opponents199 insight200 layouts201 ordered
202 king203 candidates204 dead end205 Insane
206 Leading the War207 Gap208 Admit defeat209 King
210 tasks211 Shen Rou212 Kaiyuan213 accepted
214 explosion215 Death216 contact217 Look at the face
218 Attack219 Invasion220 hope221 Ants
222 flesh and blood223 Clown224 shots225 Repaying Gratitude
226 top pressure227 Todd228 Kaishan229 Orc
230 save him231 explosion232 capital crime233 lackey
234 Killing God235 thank you236 Warriors237 dialogue
238 Secret239 i am240 begging for mercy241 Killing God
242 Judgment243 left244 Guaranteed245 votes
246 Confrontation247 outlawed248 Retaliation249 Declare War
250 hints251 disappointed252 legend253 Kneeling
254 Death255 madman256 fall257 save me
258 price259 Purgatory260 coincidence261 views
262 True Dragon263 order264 see through265 universe
266 found267 breakthrough268 Dragon Transformation269 ??Enlightenment
270 Dragon Slaying271 inquiries272 meddling273 Insult
274 regret275 login276 Guardian277 alive
278 Courting Death279 coward280 Crisis281 White Raising
282 Surrender283 Sinner284 rejected285 All Beings
286 come back287 Sacrifice288 wedding dress289 containers
290 Lord291 New Master292 break293 war
294 put down295 pause296 give up297 true or false
298 New Master299 Override301 Change of sky302 tasks
303 Enough304 stupid305 satisfied306 Release
307 revenge308 important309 Dana310 interview
311 question312 galaxy313 Surrender314 interview
315 provocative316 conditions317 mapwhere is 318
319 self-destruct320 join forces321 tracking322 Trick
323 Don't care324 Dissolve325 siblings326 Challenge
327 come on328 Smash329 lie330 bet
331 support332 Enemy333 stupid334 amazing
335 Married Daughter336 please337 Retreat338 method
339 Watching the Battle340 disappear342 rejected343 Threshold
344 open345 eyes346 Entrance347 hunting
348 Here Comes349 FightingWho is 350?351 escape
352 opportunities353 Acknowledgment354 it's himleave notice
355 farewell356 self harm357 missing358 dead
359 murderer360 is good361 abstention362 Immortal
363 solidarity364 ask me365 Disobedience366 Declaring War
367 for368 war369 Lost?370 Traitor
371 late372 die373 Traitor374 threat
375 Promiseasked for leave377 limit378 Comrades
379 Acknowledging the Lord380 reminder381 crazy382 Bride
383 choices384 dead385 hate386 Fake
387 Clearance388 terrible389 favor390 News of Death
391 OK392 ten days393 Yuncheng394 Protecting Wife
395 no talk396 jealous397 Tips398 Debunked
399 choices400 centrifuge401 Planning402 Paper Dolls
403 Puzzle404 Ancestral Grave405 leave406 One Sword
407 Hades408 None409 determination410 Old tricks
411 untie412 Lin Xi413 no regrets414 Hearts
415 suicide416 Show up417 Evil Me420 Lord
001 Forced Palace002 Who dares003 brotherleave 00
004 who has005 Make things difficult006 Fudge007 missing
008 coffin009 choice010 Weaving Dreams011 Situation
012 Heart-to-heart013 Uncle014 regeneration015 contract
016 join017 double spring018 old man019 Explore
020 Corpse021 Routine022 Who is it?023 Must Die
024 Ice City025 shelter026 Fate027 Proof
028 Star Reach029 Salvation030 Back to the blame031 Inquiry
032 purpose033 thoughts034 Stealth035 Eavesdropping
036 Meaning037 Buy Your Life038 People039 use
040 gift041 Mind Reading043 Finished044 On the Road
045 make friends046 Ace047 Strength048 reject
Traffic jam for a day, make up tomorrow049 Skip050 Disagree051 Chance
052 early053 Strength054 Infighting055 Idol
056 Downgrade057 Survive058 Big drama059 high profile
060 Betrayed062 Love063 split064 Looking for
065 Double068 Orc069 tears070 Rewards
071 Probing072 Showdown073 Mutual deception074 touch
075 disgust076 Promise077 Keeping promises078 See through?
079 plan080 Heart-to-heart081 go back082 screen
083 see through084 traitor085 Scared086 support
087 thanks088 Misunderstanding088 Misunderstanding089 winner
090 visitors091 Drama092 revealed093 bombing
094 return095 Glorious Return096 Sacrifice097 hope
098 Introduction099 awkward0100 Truth0101 farewell
0102 entrusted0103 see through0104 Discussion0105 meeting
0106 Probing0107 Confession0108 Asylum0109 Find someone
0110 Array0111 plan0112 plan0113 Misidentification
0115 Witness0116 woman0117 Daily0118 let go
0119 Creation0120 Compelling0121 Battle0122 universe
0123 Treasure Hunt0124 testify0125 never0126 Brilliant Play
0127 Doubt0128 Negotiation0129 ten days0130 Fishing
0131 Chance0132 Raiders0133 mission0134 control
0135 servant0136 Abacus0137 big array0138 see through
0139 killing0140 Master0141 Exposure0142 cooling
0143 Crazy0144 Coexistence0145 ambition0146 Change
0147 Hegemony0148 Fighting spirit0149 Spike0150 Defeated
0151 Oneness0152 continue0153 Misunderstanding0154 Anticipation
0155 Lost horse0156 seen0157 Mystery0158 Leave a message
0159 Fog0160 Foresight0161 choice0162 Sprout
0163 Rain0164 Probing0165 Flattery0166 ambition
0167 material0168 lost0169 Jade Seal0170 wish fulfilled
0171 Torture0172 Confession0173 Minions0174 who
0175 Leak0176 Debunked0177 undefeated0178 announcement
0179 against0180 variable0181 Evidence0182 loyalty
0183 Public Enemy0184 Crazy0185 Sinner0186 host
0187 Reception0188 mission0189 kill me0190 One Thought
0191 how0192 Dissolve0193 Vicious0194 Persecution
0195 brother0196 damn0197 no idea0198 Give up?
0199 won0200 start0201 Pride0202 protect me
0203 not lost0204 Expulsion0205 stay0206 farewell
001 thinking002 trueWho is 003005 Meet
006 Wish007 father and daughter008 Truth009 Promise
011 cheated012 Maze Well013 lead the way014 Suction
015 task016 chip017 Lovers018 Force her
019 Waste020 scan021 Technology022 Spit
023 Escape024 Life025 fluke026 Sway
027 Blood Debt028 challenge029 Bad030 waiting
031 Familiar032 Soul Attraction033 Overcoming the Enemy034 layout
035 Backer036 Probing037 Winning Treasures (Part 1)038 eat
040 shot041 portrait046 call048 shot
049 Engagement050 Strength051 Attack052 Engagement
053 question054 Watching055 Transformation056 Invitation
057 Young Lord058 Strength059 Negotiation060 clich¨¦
061 destroy062 play063 contact064 Guess
065 Cooperation066 Bait067 base068 Watching a play
069 fisherman070 Virtual071 mirror072 Cooperation
073 Fake Death074 mother stone075 Threat077 reverse
078 change079 Scorpion080 Wronged081 touch
082 preparation083 Hard Carry084 arrangement085 funny
086 Compliment087 Handy088 play089 Abacus
090 Honored091 belittling092 Killer093 Show off
094 Blood Fog095 robbery096 cooperation097 'Showdown'
098 pieces099 wait for me100 scripts101 light hole
102 Surrender103 is me104 body105 Cage
106 Dragon Slayer107 owed108 confused109 yes
110 Breaking Promise111 He Comes...112 disappear113 angry
114 Mothership115 battle116 weak chicken117 It's Your Time
118 Afraid119 channels120 Desperate121 Rival
122 Divine Might124 leaving125 to do126 choices
127 alert128 Melee129 fun131 My Wife
131 My Wife134 us135 Inquiry136 Must Die
137 Disappeared (End)002 similar051 it's me050 Liwei
048 Conspiracy015 Lianshan051 OMG002 not enough
068 star yuan130 origin195 enough220 Double Realm
015 Persuasion024 catch me051 entry109 big drama
112 crushed300 frivolous341 joined376 hundred times
418 willing419 help me061 Surprise066 comfort
067 coincidence004 failed039 Anti-kill042 purpose
045 Secret Tree047 Blooming076 Steal132 Goddess
133 Hands on043 simply044 Stay 
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