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Chapter 1857 Water Diversion Controversy

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    An emergency call was made to the provincial capital, Xu Yishan suppressed his excitement, his hand holding the phone was shaking slightly.

    "Secretary Lu, I have an emergency to report to you."

    Secretary Lu's steady voice came from the phone, "Yishan, don't worry. Speak slowly."

    "I request that the act of temporarily exploiting groundwater be taken as a self-help measure for production." Xu Yishan said seriously: "The current drought in the whole province is severe, and the regulations cannot be used as a noose in this extraordinary period."

    Secretary Lu snorted, apparently he hadn't figured out what Xu Yishan meant.

    "Secretary Lu, I suggest that under the current situation, the Provincial Party Committee allow areas with conditions to tap groundwater to save themselves."

    There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while.  Secretary Lu said slowly: "The Provincial Party Committee had such an idea. But when experts were solicited for their opinions, they were unanimously opposed. Experts have demonstrated that excessive exploitation of groundwater will have a serious impact on geological structures and trigger geological problems.  Disaster."

    Xu Yishan scolded angrily, "Secretary Lu, some experts eat human food and don't do human affairs. According to them, everyone can only wait to die. What kind of bullshit theory are these? Don't they know that groundwater is also  Does the surface water seep down? Once it rains, doesn¡¯t the groundwater become abundant again? There is no such thing as saying that the ground will collapse if the groundwater is drained.¡±

    Secretary Lu suddenly asked: "What do you want to do?"

    Xu Yishan hesitated and said: "I don't know about other areas. But in Maoshan County in the Hengyue area, I know that there is a huge underground river underground. I think, break through the underground river channel and divert water to save myself."

    "Are you sure?"

    "No." Xu Yishan replied simply, "But I want to try."

    "Okay!" Secretary Lu didn't say much, and hung up the phone.

    In the evening, the Hengjiang Group office is brightly lit, and the main leaders and technical backbones of the group will gather together.

    Xu Yishan did not have a single polite word, and asked immediately: "Technical experts, I would like to ask, how long will it take for you to produce the world's most powerful diesel engine with your current strength?"

    Everyone looked at each other, and someone whispered, "How big is the biggest?"

    Xu Yishan made a gesture, "I need a high-power water pump with a water outlet diameter of no less than one meter and a lift of no less than 100 meters. Can everyone do it?"

    The experts laughed and asked: "Secretary Xu, you want such a large-caliber water pump, are you going to drain the seawater?"

    Xu Yishan smiled and said, "I want to pump up all the water from a dark river."

    The experts discussed in low voices for a while, and one of the leaders expressed his opinion: "Secretary Xu, we are already very mature in the production and R&D technology of diesel engines, not to mention leading the world, but we will never fall behind. We discussed it just now, and finally  Almost a week."

    "No, three days."

    "Three days?" The experts looked at each other again, and no one dared to make a statement.

    Xu Yishan said slowly: "If we give birth one day earlier, we can save a lot of lives. In the face of a catastrophe, we cannot tolerate the slightest thought of shrinking back. Experts, can it be done?"

    "We try our best!"

    The meeting was very short, and Hengjiang Group promised that within three days, they would manufacture a diesel engine according to Xu Yishan's request.

    As soon as I came back to the Linyin Holiday Hotel, before I could sit still, I saw the secretary Kong Ye hastily knocked on the door and came in.

    "Secretary Xu, there is an old man outside who wants to see you."

    "Old man?" Xu Yishan asked suspiciously, "What old man?"

    Kong Ye said in a low voice: "I asked him, but he didn't want to say who he was. He just said that he must see you. Since he won't even say who he is, why don't you see me?"

    Xu Yishan nodded and said: "If the old man is fine, you can persuade the old man to leave."

    "He said he knew where the dark river was."

    Xu Yishan's heart moved, and he quickly asked: "Where is the person?"

    Kong Ye said: "I asked him to wait in the lobby. I'll come over and ask you for instructions."

    Down.  "

    "Take me there." Xu Yishan got up and walked out the door.

    Going out, I happened to meet Liu Sicheng coming.  After Liu Sicheng went to Hengjiang Group for a meeting with Xu Yishan, Xu Yishan gave him a task to immediately invite Hengyue city geology and hydrology experts. He wanted to discuss with the experts where to choose the exit of the underground river.

    "Sicheng, tell the experts to wait a moment, I will come as soon as I go."

    Liu Sicheng didn't know what he was doing in a hurry to go out, and quickly explained: "The experts are here, and their time is very short.It's expensive.  "

    Xu Yishan kept walking, and said while walking: "I'm sorry to trouble everyone, please wait a moment."

    Kong Ye went ahead and searched in the lobby, but couldn't find the old man he mentioned. He said to himself suspiciously: "Are you still there just now? Why is he missing?"

    Suddenly, Xu Yishan heard a voice calling him from outside the door, "Yishan!"

    Under the steps of the hotel gate, Xu Chijiao was looking at his son with a smile.

    Xu Yishan's legs almost went limp, he rushed over desperately, hugged Xu Barefoot tightly with both hands, and choked up and shouted, "Father!"

    This sudden change shocked everyone.

    Kong Ye was completely stunned. He never imagined that the old man who stopped him from meeting Xu Yishan would be Secretary Xu's father.

    "Father!" Xu Yishan didn't care about his own image, he wiped away his tears and said, "You miss our whole family."

    Liu Sicheng, who followed, hurriedly ordered the old man to come in.

    Liu Sicheng invited everyone to the conference room to discuss the plan of exploiting underground river water overnight.

    The experts heard that Xu Yishan wanted to open up an underground river channel to divert water to alleviate the drought, and all of them shook their heads like rattles.

    One of the experts said in a very contemptuous tone: "Secretary Xu, Secretary Liu, this is science. Science can't achieve its goal on impulse. The plan of diverting groundwater is not advisable."

    According to the analysis of the experts, first of all, there is no conclusive information to prove whether the underground river exists or not.  Secondly, even if there is an underground river, where is the underground river?  No one can guarantee how difficult it will be to mine and what the consequences will be after mining.

    Third, the experts agreed that even if the mining is successful, relying on the water source of the underground river to alleviate the drought is simply a joke.

    Experts have come to a conclusion that exploiting underground underground river water resources is just a joke.  If the leader insists on implementing such a plan, it will be a waste of people and money, and the gain will not be worth the loss, and it will become the laughing stock of the world.

    In a word, the experts completely rejected Xu Yishan's idea.

    Liu Sicheng said awkwardly: "Experts, Secretary Xu and I can understand everyone's speeches. But, is there really no need for mining?"

    "No." The experts said unanimously: "This is a very serious scientific issue. It will take more than a year for the geological exploration demonstration alone."

    Just when everyone was arguing endlessly and disagreed, Xu Chijiao, who was sitting in a corner of the meeting room, suddenly burst out laughing.

    The experts didn't know that Xu Chijiao was Xu Yishan's father. They thought that an old country man broke into the conference room.  When Xu Barefoot kept laughing, the experts shouted, "Where did you come from, get out quickly."

    Xu Yishan quickly explained: "Everyone, please don't get angry, this is my father. I will ask my father to avoid it now."

    Xu Chijiao looked at a group of experts coldly and said: "What are you talking about for a year? One year has passed, and the day lily has long been cold. Yishan, I came today for this purpose. You listen to Dad, don't worry about it."  One day, Dad can guarantee you to get through the mouth of the dark river."

    There was an uproar in the conference room.

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