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Chapter 1588

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    Chapter 1588 Prepared

    Hu Jin seemed to be speaking up for Xu Yishan, but there seemed to be something in his words, but for a while, people couldn't understand the meaning of what he said.

    He seems to be implying and reminding everyone present that the wind of free medical care in Hengyue City has blown out, who can take back the wind that blows out?  This is a typical practice of killing first and playing later, which makes it difficult for the ministerial and provincial party committees to ride a tiger.

    After all, if the policy is not implemented, the people of Hengyue City will transfer all their grievances and anger to the Ministry and Provincial Committee.  The ministries and provinces will bear an ugly image of not seeking profit for the people.

    Hu Jin's head shot immediately aroused discussion.

    Governor Gong became more and more angry, his ashen face was covered with dark clouds.  The brows were tightly furrowed, as if they would explode at the slightest touch.

    At this time, Rong Hai, who had been silent all this time, said slowly: "Let me share some personal opinions."

    All eyes were attracted to him, but Rong Hai was not in a hurry.  He first took a sip of water from the teacup in front of him, and said slowly: "Hengyue City plans to implement a free medical policy in the whole city, I think there are merits."

    Rong Hai's speech lasted seven minutes.  He talked about the country from abroad, and analyzed the inevitable trend of the development of modern society.  Finally, it is concluded that free medical care is something that must be realized sooner or later.  If Hengyue City can take the lead, it should support, encourage and guide, instead of thinking about killing it with a stick.

    Secretary Lu allowed everyone to express their opinions. He listened to various opinions calmly and was not in a hurry to express his opinion.

    Before Hu Jin defended Xu Yishan, and later Rong Hai blessed him, the situation seemed to have changed subtly.

    ? The balance that turned out to be one-sided against Xu Yishan's radical idea of ??free medical care in Hengyue City began to tilt.

    Rong Hai stood up to support Xu Yishan, obviously deliberately embarrassing Governor Gong.

    The two had a grudge because of the competition for the governor of the Ministry. Although they never expressed the intention of enmity on any occasion, everyone knew that Gong Hui took the position of the governor of the Ministry because of his innate advantages of working in the National People's Congress for many years.  , thus defeating the most vocal Rong Hai in the election.

    An enemy of an enemy is a friend!  Perhaps it was because of this kind of thinking that Rong Hai chose to take the initiative to stand by Xu Yishan's side.

    As Xu Yishan said, the local government can fully handle it financially if it wants to implement a free medical policy.  But why is this the most voiced voice, but the policy has never been implemented?  The key lies in the above attitude.

    If the top does not nod, but the bottom wants to move, it is a political mistake.

    ?Political errors are a high-voltage red line, whoever touches it will die!

    It's not that Xu Yishan is ignorant of this truth. The reason why he is eager to announce the implementation of free medical care in the whole city is because he already feels that if he does not go to hell, no one wants to go to hell.

    He is mentally prepared, even if it hurts his head, he will touch it, even if it can't be changed, it can still be affected.

    The new situation made Governor Gong a little restless.

    He suddenly said: "Since everyone supports Hengyue City, I personally have no objections. However, I have a request, no matter who wants to do it, the fiscal policy cannot be changed in the slightest. The financial tax that Hengyue City should deport, one cent  Money cannot be deducted."

    Governor Gong's move is tantamount to blocking the seven inches of Hengyue City.

    Without financial support, where does free medical care come from?

    Governor Gong's words stunned everyone.

    If the fiscal policy cannot be broken, can Hengyue City use its own money to implement free medical care?

    Governor Gong continued: "I have something to say first, and the province will not bear any consequences."

    Secretary Lu suddenly spoke. He looked around and said, "Let's listen to Comrade Yishan's opinion first."

    When Xu Yishan heard his name being called by Secretary Lu, he quickly got up, bowed and said, "Leaders, if Secretary Lu asked me to say a few words, I will just say a few words. If there is anything I can't do, please criticize and correct me.  "

    Xu Yishan's determination to implement free medical care in Hengyue City is unbreakable.  From the moment he opened his mouth, everyone present could feel that he was fully prepared for this matter.  Unless, the superior dismissed his post.

    He first calculated an account, pointing out that once Hengyue City implements free medical care for all, it will indirectly reduce and save the huge medical waste borne by the finances within the system.  The huge waste saved is enough to make up for a certain amount of free space.

    Second, the whole city will comprehensively carry out the clean-up activities of "three public consumption" and adopt a governance model of "small government and big society".  The first cut of Sangong's consumption is on the consumption of public vehicles.  Based on comprehensive analysis, the consumption of buses by governments and departments at all levels in Hengyue City will be reduced by two-thirds.  This consumption can also be added to free medical care.Third, Hengyue City decided to establish a purely public welfare social fund organization.  Funds mainly come from social donations, accepting corporate and private donations.  At present, an agreement has been reached with the Hengjiang Group. Every time the Hengjiang Group exports a machine, it will withdraw 1,000 yuan from the net profit to supplement the fund.

    The fund is managed by professionals and enters the market appropriately according to needs.

    Funds will be a major component of free healthcare.

    Xu Yishan spoke for a total of half an hour.  For half an hour, the conference room was silent.  Obviously, everyone was listening carefully, and some people nodded in approval from time to time.

    After talking about the basis of free medical care, Xu Yishan did not forget to talk about the free recipients.

    ? According to the regulations, the city's free objects are in principle for everyone who has a registered permanent residence in this city.  Not all migrants are turned away.  As long as there are more than three years of tax records in Hengyue City, they can enjoy free medical care for life.

    As soon as this remark came out, the meeting room was in an uproar again.

    Hu Jin joked: "Secretary Xu, aren't you afraid that Hengyue City won't be able to accommodate so many people?"

    Xu Yishan smiled and said: "I'm not worried about this issue. I also believe that in the near future, the whole country will embark on the road of free medical care. In that case, my advantage will be gone."

    Everyone present had to admire Xu Yishan's shrewdness, it turned out that his backhand was here.

    Although many people don't care whether the medical treatment is free or not, Hengyue City's move is the best proof of the government's openness and its willingness to recruit talents.  This will attract countless people of insight to go to Hengyue.

    To put it bluntly, Xu Yishan's move has an irresistible force in attracting talents.

    The leaders at the meeting seemed to understand that Xu Yishan was planning to poach everyone's walls.

    At the same time, his speech also catered to the request of Governor Gong. The financial deportation policy remains unchanged, and Hengyue City must rely on its own strength to find another way to solve the huge financial difficulties of free medical care.

    The applause rang out, and Rong Hai said enviously: "Xiao Xu, you can't poach all the talents in Jucheng City, leave me some background, and don't make me a poor commander."

    Rong Hai's words made everyone laugh.  Xu Yishan's actions are forcing everyone present here. The free medical care in Hengyue City will become a huge weapon in his hands, and Hengyue City will usher in the largest population return in history.

    The meeting finally reached a resolution that Hengyue City will carry out the pilot project first.  But must accept the guidance of the provincial party committee and the provincial government.

    After leaving the meeting room, Xu Yishan's hands were covered with sweat.

    His worries gradually dissipated, replaced by how he would carry out the free medical care.

    At the meeting, Governor Gong blocked his way.  The financial deportation policy has become an insurmountable red line. His original plan to make an idea on this area has become impossible with Governor Gong's denial.

    It's not that he doesn't understand that canceling "three public consumption" and breaking the vicious circle of waste of medical resources within the system will actually only have a drop in the bucket for the huge free medical market.

    He knows that the road ahead is still long.

    However, he must go on bravely.

    ? Stormy seas (remember this website URL:
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