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Chapter 1484

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    Chapter 1484 Not giving in to each other

    If Li Chaoliang wanted to take the matter on himself, Xu Yishan would naturally not agree.

    Both of them knew in their hearts that the opponent was a very difficult nut to crack, and they would sink themselves into it if they failed.  Especially Xu Yishan, after witnessing the situation in Gong Hui's house with his own eyes, he felt that the other party was by no means someone who could be brought down easily.

    A person can hide himself so deeply that he is too strong to imagine.

    Seeing that Li Chaoliang will retire soon, he must not let him lose his life at the end of the year.  After all, opponents don't stand still.  In a head-to-head encounter, neither of them is an opponent, only by outflanking, there is still a slight possibility of victory.

    The most urgent task is to prevent Gong Hui from ascending the throne.

    Once Gong Hui took the position of governor, the possibility of moving him was very slim.

    However, how to prevent Gong Hui from taking over?  Xu Yishan didn't come up with an excellent solution for a while.

    Gong Hui and Rong Hai competed with each other for the position of governor. In terms of strength, Rong Hai was not as good as Gong Hui.

    As Gong Hui, who has been cultivating the people's congress system for decades, he has completely controlled the ministerial and provincial people's congress system.  As long as the voting mechanism is activated, Rong Hai is bound to lose.

    Gong Hui obviously worked hard this time. It is said that several deputy directors of the National People's Congress have already spared no effort to canvass for him.  In order to achieve an overwhelming victory, Gong Hui even did not hesitate to end himself.  For example, inviting Xu Yishan to eat at home in the name of a fellow villager, the purpose is self-evident.

    Secretary Lu did not have a clear attitude on this matter.  It seems that he can accept whoever wins.  This made everyone uncertain about one direction, and the chips were betting there, hesitating.

    In the whole thing, Xu Yishan was probably the most nervous person.  He was even more nervous than Gong Hui and Rong Hai.  Because, the vote in three days' time will determine whether he has any hope of recovering the losses of the people of Hengyue.

    When Li Chaoliang proposed again that he should come forward to take charge of the Hengyue Commercial Bank deposit embezzlement case, Xu Yishan resolutely vetoed it.

    "Mayor Li, you know less about this matter than I do, so I'll do it."

    Li Chaoliang said unceremoniously: "You can't rush to the forefront. Now the hopes of the whole Hengyue City are pinned on you. If something happens to you, it will affect the overall situation of Hengyue's development. You and I should take the overall situation into account.  For the most important."

    Xu Yishan said: "You may be worrying too much. First, how can something happen? Second, even if something happens, it's not my fault."

    Li Chaoliang smiled wryly and said: "In a word, we can't ruin the pot of soup in Hengyue City because of him. Yishan, your main task now is to lead the people of the city to a bright road of health and prosperity.  , instead of focusing on the little things of fighting Xiaoxiao. You trust me, I will not let you down."

    Xu Yishan was a little moved, and Li Chaoliang stood out, knowing that there were tigers on the mountain, so he went to the tiger mountain.  He is doing his best to protect himself.

    There was no entertainment planned for the evening.  The representatives went back to their rooms early to rest.

    Xu Yishan and Li Chaoliang talked very late, neither of them could convince the other.  Because both of them knew in their hearts that if they directly targeted Gong Hui, they were doing a moth to the flame.

    Every year in March and April, it is a time for elections all over the country.  In previous years, the general election was a procedure, and the representatives only needed to cast their votes during the meeting.  Don't bother thinking about who to vote for.

    For one thing, the objects of election are equal elections.  Second, the electorate has already fulfilled his proxy duties before the official election.  A meeting is nothing more than a reconfirmation.

    The situation in the Ministry and Province this year is different from anywhere and at any time.  The candidates suddenly became two, from the equal amount to the difference, and the challenge was obvious.

    When Xu Yishan was determined not to let him fight alone, Li Chaoliang had no choice but to say: "Yishan, you and I will advance and retreat together, we will prosper together, and we will lose together."

    The two looked at each other and smiled, the smiles were filled with never-before-seen tragedy and pain.

    ? On the first day of the meeting, all representatives listened to and reviewed the work report of the previous government.

    The former governor of the government was Comrade Lu Tianming. On behalf of the provincial government, he had to report the specific work of the past year to all deputies of the People's Congress, and asked the deputies to pass the government work report.

    Governor Lu has become Secretary Lu, and when he took office, all the work in the ministry and province performed well.

    Instead of a plenary meeting the next morning, there were group discussions.

    Governor Lu's government work report was quickly passed.  When the representatives reviewed the development plan of the ministry and province for the next five years, they did not have any objections.  This can prove that the work of the previous government has been recognized by everyone.??.

    ? This National People's Congress has shortened the time by three days, which is also the opinion of the newly appointed Secretary Lu.  He asked everyone not to waste time and energy in mountains and seas.  Now is the era of seizing the day and night. To waste time is to waste money and wealth, and to waste the great opportunities bestowed by the times.

    The meeting time is shortened, but the meeting agenda cannot be less, which improves the efficiency a lot.

    In the afternoon of the group discussion, all representatives reviewed the work reports of the Provincial High Court and the Provincial High Procuratorate.

    Xu Yishan listened carefully to the reports of the High Procuratorate and the High Court.  Both courts cited the case of Zhou Wu, Hengyue City, who committed major criminal crimes.  It is clear that under the leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, the Ministry and the Province have made remarkable achievements in the special struggle of "fighting against gangsters and eradicating evil" in order to rectify the social environment in the province.

    A total of 300 criminal gangs involved in criminal gangs were prosecuted in the province, involving more than 300 people.  Among them, there are as many as 30 suspects with civil servant backgrounds involved in the case.  A group of public officials who provided protection for criminal gangs was eliminated.

    The report of the High Court focused on the trial procedure. The report made it clear that the High Court strictly followed and implemented the trial supervision procedures when supervising the trial work in various cities and cities, except for the major criminal cases that it tried in court.

    In the past year, the province has approved 30 cases of death penalty, which were submitted to the Supreme Court for review, and 100% of them were reviewed.

    After the reports of the two courts were finished, Xu Yishan never heard Wei Li's name appear.

    Is Wei Li's case not typical enough?  Or is his case not serious?  The two courts cited Zhou Wu's case, but Wei Li was not involved in a single word, which made Xu Yishan feel a little confused.

    When Secretary Wang was in office, he put forward the basic principle of "grasping economic and social security together, and both hands must be tough".  Secretary Wang believes that ensuring social security is to protect economic development.  Grasping the work of economic development will inevitably breed various social security problems.

    Only by grasping with both hands and being firm with both hands can we promote the steady progress of social development.

    Thirty people are killed a year in the whole province, and the number is shocking.  The criminals sentenced to death were all suspected of major criminal crimes, mainly criminals who committed murder, robbery, trafficking and transporting drugs.

    Xu Yishan didn't feel sorry for the 30 lives. He was thinking, if the economy developed to a certain stage and everyone could live and work in peace and contentment, would there still be so many criminal cases?

    In fact, robbery, drug trafficking, and intentional homicide are all attributed to economic crimes.  People's greed for money is often the fuse that inspires various desperate criminal offenses.

    If the society wants to be stable, it must first achieve vigorous economic development.  Let everyone be full of hope for the future, and let everyone feel the changes brought about by economic development.

    The meeting on the third day is the most important part of this National People's Congress. The meeting will elect new governors of the provinces.

    Waking up in the morning, Xu Yishan felt his eyelids twitching non-stop.  The secretary went to find a piece of red paper, tore off a piece and asked Xu Yishan to wet it with saliva on his eyelids, saying that it was a secret folk recipe passed down to him by his grandmother.

    Of course Xu Yishan would not do what the secretary said, and it would be too ridiculous to stick a piece of red paper on his eyelid.

    However, his heart became a little restless as his eyelids twitched.

    Is eyelid twitching really a sign that something is going to happen?

    ? Stormy seas (remember this website URL:
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