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Chapter 1435 Embarrassment on the bus

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    When Zeng Zhen's call reached Xu Yishan's cell phone, Xu Yishan had already slept in the office for a week.

    It's not that he doesn't want to go home, but that Chen Xiaoqi's anger towards him is still there.

    Chen Xiaoqi always blamed him for not helping her father Chen Yong.  Xu Yishan understood that after Chen Yong surrendered, he didn't suffer much.  Apart from being restricted in his freedom, his life has not been affected in any way.

    ? Chen Yong surrendered himself, stemming from the Huangshan case.

    ?As Chen Yong, who has been working closely with Huangshan for more than 20 years and has been the director of the Maoshan County Party Committee Office.  He is jokingly called the big housekeeper of Huangshan.

    If there is a problem with Huangshan, he must be involved.

    There has been no conclusion on the Huangshan case, which has kept Chen Yong's question from being implemented.

    The Huangshan case is a provincial case, but Chen Yong is not included in the provincial case.  For his question, Hengyue City can make a decision.  This is also the reason why Chen Xiaoqi complained about Xu Yishan after learning all about her father's case.

    "Yishan, I heard that you haven't been home for a week. Are you busy?" Zeng Zhen's voice is always soft, which makes people feel comfortable.

    Xu Yishan quickly said: "Mom, I'm not busy."

    "Why don't you go home if you're not busy?" Zeng Zhen said: "Yishan, the home needs two people to maintain it together. I know Xiaoqi has a bad temper. You are a man and a husband. You must understand and tolerate your wife.  "

    Xu Yishan smiled wryly: "Mom, I understand."

    Zeng Zhen hummed, "It's good to understand. Come home for dinner tonight. I'll wait for you at your house."

    Xu Yishan responded and said, "Okay, Mom, I'll go home after get off work."

    After Zeng Zhen went back to Maoshan last time, he never came back to the city.  Her husband, Chen Yong, is still under guard in Maoshan County. Even though she can't see him, she can feel at ease when she thinks that the distance between her and her husband will be much less.

    During this week, Xu Yishan has done several important things.

    First of all, he got in touch with the Liang brothers again.  He invited the Liang brothers to come to Hengyue City as guests, but never mentioned the cloud track project.  The Liang brothers have fully agreed that they will come to Hengyue City next week.

    The second thing, he participated in the symposium on the joint venture company personally held by Mayor Li Chaoliang.  The company registered as a joint venture between Hengyue State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and Jiangshan Heavy Industry has started formal operation.  In the early stage, the lease of the factory building of the original enterprise went smoothly.

    According to Mayor Li Chaoliang, all this work will be completed before the Chinese New Year.  After all the enterprises have been brought back, the joint venture will start to lay out the production line to meet the needs of future production.

    Jiangshan Heavy Industry decided to deploy heavy troops in Hengyue City. In the future, Jiangshan Heavy Industry's production base will be gradually transferred to Hengyue City, leaving only the R&D department in the Yanjing headquarters.

    In fact, Xu Yishan's most sincere thought was to move Jiangshan Heavy Industry to Hengyue City.  After all, production is only the most primitive industry, and R&D is the key.  Hengyue City really wants to realize the goal of becoming an industrial city in the future, but it is impossible to achieve it only by processing and production. It is necessary to put the core technology here.

    The third thing is that the Standing Committee has voted to approve the prosecution of the procuratorial case.  At the meeting, Xu Yishan hinted at a bottom line, leaving a seal of approval.

    Nie Bo, the Political and Legal Committee, is also dispatching troops, preparing to carry out a thorough investigation of the whole city before the Spring Festival, and wipe out all the evil forces remaining in the society.

    When it was time to get off work, the director of the Agency Affairs Bureau came in with a smile.

    He came to seek Secretary Xu's opinion.  It has been more than four months since Secretary Xu took office, and the Agency Affairs Bureau allocated the house originally assigned to the former secretary Hu Jin to the new secretary Xu Yishan.

    The Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have independent family communities.  Most of the current leaders live in the community.

    There is a standing committee building in the community, and only standing committee members are eligible to move in.

    The family community was built when Fu Jiayi was in office, and it should be a high-end community with the most complete facilities in the city.  There are strict inspections when entering and leaving the community, and there is no way for outsiders to get in.

    ?The predecessor Hu Jin has always insisted not to move into the Standing Committee building.  He often lives in the Holiday Inn.  His reason is that he is alone in Hengyue City, so there is no need to occupy and waste the family room.

    Fu Jiayi once established a rule that in principle, residents only need to pay a little rent for the real estate in the family community of the municipal party committee and government.  However, he also allowed cadres to pay for the purchase, and the house price was more than half of the market price.

    This policy has led to the residents in the community, almost every family is willing to pay for the purchase.  However, there is a rigid rule that if you want to sell the house in the future, if the buyer is not a cadre of the municipal party committee or the municipal government, you will not be able to enter the community if you buy the house.

    soThe purity of the community residents is maintained.  Every household has at least one member of the municipal party committee or municipal government.

    The Director of Office Affairs said intimately: "Secretary Xu, if you have any special requirements for the decoration style, please let me know."

    Xu Yishan waved his hands and said, "We'll talk about this later."

    Xu Yishan didn't intend to move into the community.  After all, the house that Chen Xiaoqi's family bought on the shore of the Xiangjiang River was no worse than that of the municipal party committee's family complex.

    Still not giving up, the director of affairs asked cautiously: "Do you like Western style or Chinese style?"

    Xu Yishan shook his head and said: "I personally have no demands. How about this, we will discuss this matter after a while. At present, I still have a place to live, so you don't have to worry about me."

    The director of the affairs bureau said urgently: "How can I not worry? You are the top leader, and the top leaders don't live in the family area. It's because I didn't do a good job as the director of the bureau and neglected my duty."

    Xu Yishan had no choice but to express his position: "I still need to discuss this matter with my family members. If necessary, I will find you."

    Sending off the head of the office affairs bureau, Xu Yishan called the secretary and told him not to look for him if he didn't have anything particularly important tonight.

    He didn't ask the driver to take him. There is a bus stop not far from the entrance of the Municipal Party Committee. He wants to experience the feeling of taking the bus for himself.

    There are not many people waiting on the bus platform.  This is a bus stop specially set up for comrades who work in the municipal party committee.

    The person who set up the station may not have thought that how many people who work in the municipal party committee will not have a private car?  People with private cars, who would be willing to squeeze the bus?

    When Xu Yishan came out, he deliberately wore a mask for the convenience of not being recognized by others.

    Wearing a mask used to attract attention, but now it's almost routine.

    After waiting for a few minutes, the car arrived.

    As soon as the car door opened, Xu Yishan found that the whole car was already full of people.  The driver was yelling, "Squeeze in, squeeze in."

    At this time, it was the rush hour, and the buses on all lines were full.

    Xu Yishan struggled a lot, and finally squeezed up.

    Before he could stand still, he heard the driver yelling again, "Swipe your card and put in coins just came up."

    Xu Yishan touched his pocket, only to realize that he forgot to bring his wallet.  Immediately embarrassed, the driver discussed: "Master, I forgot to bring my wallet, can I owe you first, and I will make it up to you tomorrow."

    The driver said loudly: "Who are you? I don't know you. You owe it when you say it. The ghost knows what you mean. When you go out in the car, you don't have a penny on you. I've seen people like you a lot."

    Xu Yishan quickly said: "Please believe me, I will definitely pay you back."

    "No, I don't trust anyone." The driver said unhappily: "Seeing that you are well-dressed, you still don't want to pay for a car. You have to put coins or get out of the car."

    Xu Yishan didn't insert the coin in time, so the driver stopped driving.  In this way, a carload of people came to see Xu Yishan.  Someone ridiculed him and said, "I can't take out two yuan, what kind of car should I take. Get down quickly, don't delay our return home."

    Xu Yishan was very embarrassed, and was about to get out of the car when he suddenly heard a voice saying: "You don't need to get out of the car, I will swipe your card for you."

    Xu Yishan followed the sound and looked over, couldn't help laughing.

    ? Stormy seas (remember this website URL:
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