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Chapter 1179 Kissing or not, hometown people

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    Liao Xiaoya arrived at a speed far beyond Xu Yishan's imagination.

    As soon as the two met, Xu Yishan took the initiative to apologize and said: "Xiaoya, I'm really sorry. I was desperate, so I found you."

    Liao Xiaoya pursed her lips and smiled, and said lightly: "You don't need to be sorry, I still owe you a life and I have no place to repay it. Human life is a matter of heaven and earth, so I won't say anything else. Don't you want to invite Professor Wu? I  I'll take you there to see him now."

    Xu Yishan was ecstatic, Professor Wu was able to come out, and Mayor Li Chaoliang's fortune was half saved.  He is a top expert, a real authority, and his vision is like a pillar.  But all the patients he saw in person, whether they were dead or alive, all depended on his few words.

    Li Chaoliang's illness was sentenced to death in Zhongya Hospital.  The hospital advised the family members to take conservative treatment.  The so-called conservative treatment is actually giving up all efforts in medicine and living by the will of the patient.  At best, the hospital will take analgesic measures when the patient's body is in great pain, but there is no real medical treatment for the patient.

    Liao Xiaoya's car stopped in front of a heavy gate, and a handsome man came out of the gate.  He walked quickly towards Liao Xiaoya's car, looked at Liao Xiaoya with a smile on his face and said softly, "Xiaoya, grandpa is waiting for you."

    As expected by Xu Yishan, everyone at the gate stood guard.  If the man hadn't come out to greet her, I'm afraid Liao Xiaoya wouldn't be able to go in either.

    "This is Xu Yishan, from Central Province. He saved my grandfather and me." Liao Xiaoya introduced while driving, "This is Xiao Wu. Let's all get to know each other."

    Xu Yishan stretched out his hand and introduced himself enthusiastically, "Xu Yishan is from Maoshan County, Central Province."

    Xiao Wu hesitated for a moment, but still stretched out his hand to shake him, "Wu Bin, from Yanjing. Xiaoya has mentioned you before, and I have heard about you for a long time. I am honored."

    After the car enters the gate, it is facing an open asphalt road, which winds and stretches into the distance.

    This is like a huge garden, with almost no people in sight.  Among the green trees, there are some chic white buildings.  Going forward, there is a vast lake.  The car was walking on the trail by the lake, and Wu Bin introduced, "This is Houhai. Our home is right on Houhai."

    Xu Yishan's heart became solemn.  He is very clear in his heart that the people who can live here are not simply rich or noble people, but people who are beyond ordinary wealth.

    The further he walked in, the harder Xu Yishan's heart beat.  This was the first time he saw another world with his own eyes.

    The car stopped in front of a small building.  Wu Bin went down to open the door for Liao Xiaoya.

    After entering the door, Xu Yishan didn't dare to look around. He held his breath and kept his eyes fixed. He sat sideways on a sandalwood chair under Wu Bin's greeting.

    Liao Xiaoya seemed very casual.  It's obviously not her first time here.  According to Liao Zi, Liao Xiaoya and Wu Bin used to be classmates.  Wu Bin had been to their house to play, and Liao Xiaoya had also been to Wu Bin's house to play.

    In Yanjing, sisters Liao Xiaoya are typical children of the big courtyard.  Dayuanzi is not a title, but an invisible organization.  All the children of the big courtyard seem to have eyes on their foreheads.  When they look at people, their eyes are always looking over the top of other people's heads.

    The children of the big courtyard have their incomparable resources, and the whole Yanjing seems to be in their hands.  They are the link between the parents and the partners who keep each other warm.

    After Wu Bin entertained Xu Yishan and the others to sit down, he ordered the servant to bring tea.

    He smiled apologetically and said, "Wait a minute, I'll go invite grandpa."

    Xu Yishan quickly said: "Xiao Wu, why don't we go see Professor Wu?"

    Wu Bin hesitated for a moment, shook his head resolutely and said, "Grandpa's study never receives guests. You should wait in the living room."

    Xu Yishan suddenly felt embarrassed. Originally, he thought that he was a junior and came here for a request. How could he let Professor Wu come out to meet him in a grand manner?  Instead, he should have taken the initiative to visit Professor Wu.

    However, Wu Bin said "the study never receives guests", and he was far away from the door.

    A few minutes later, with hearty laughter, an old man with white hair and childlike face appeared in Xu Yishan's sight.  He looks so strong, with a red face, and he walks like a wind.

    He was wearing a moon-white Tang suit, and a pair of thousand-ply sole cloth shoes.  When someone entered the door, the voice had already passed, "It's Xiaoya who is here, hurry up, let grandpa see, has my Xiaoya changed?"

    Liao Xiaoya blushed, and rushed to meet him, and naturally reached out to support him, and shouted in a low voice: "Grandpa Wu, how old am I, how can I change?"

    Xu Yishan stood up early, stood respectfully aside, smiling, watchingWith this legendary expert.

    "Sit down, sit down." Professor Wu waved his hand lovingly, and greeted everyone: "When you come home, don't be rigid and polite."

    Liao Xiaoya sat obediently next to Professor Wu. She was like Professor Wu's granddaughter, with a natural expression, charming and charming.

    "I heard from Xiaobin that you want to see me." Professor Wu looked at Liao Xiaoya with a smile on his face and said, "I am not allowed to see Xiaoya. Can I not see you when Xiaoya is here?"

    Liao Xiaoya said obediently: "Thank you, Grandpa Wu."

    "Thank me for what?" Professor Wu laughed loudly, "I should be the one thanking you. You still remember to visit grandpa, grandpa should thank you."

    They chatted enthusiastically, Xu Yishan sat on the side, unable to get in a word.

    He didn't want to interrupt either, because he didn't know what he should say.  From the first time he went to Hu Jin's house, he was stunned by everything about Hu Jin's house.  At that time, he keenly felt that no matter how hard he worked in his life, he might not be able to reach the height of Hu Jinjia.

    Yanjing people have a natural sense of superiority.  In their eyes and hearts, Yanjing is the center and the only big city.  Except for Yanjing, other places are all rural areas.

    This sense of superiority comes from the bones of Yanjing people, and as long as the mind is a little sensitive, it can be strongly felt.

    What Xu Yishan didn't know was that Liao Xiaoya and Wu Bin were not only classmates, Professor Wu and Liao Xiaoya's grandfather Liao Lao were also old friends for many years.

    The topic soon turned to Mr. Liao.

    Professor Wu sighed: "Minister Liao is still admirable. It's a pity that he left too early. If I can be like your grandfather Liao, I can sleep in the green mountains and green waters in a hundred years, and I will have no regrets in this life."

    Xu Yishan's heart moved, thinking of the past when Liao's old soul returned to Maoshan, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

    With Liao Lao's level, he will enter Baoshan Cemetery after a hundred years.  Baoshan Mausoleum is not something that ordinary people can enter casually. It is the last praise and honor for the predecessors who have made great achievements.

    To make a simple analogy, there are tens of millions of people in Yanjing, and only a handful of them can enter Baoshan Cemetery after death.

    ? Mr. Liao received the special treatment of Soul Returning to Maoshan after applying for countless times before his death.

    Suddenly, Professor Wu cast his eyes on Xu Yishan who was sitting silently, and smiled kindly: "This little brother, you are"

    Only then did Liao Xiaoya think of Xu Yishan, and quickly introduced: "Grandpa, his name is Xu Yishan, and he is from the Central Province."

    ?Professor Wu snorted, with a smile on his face, "Central Province, my second hometown."

    Xu Yishan hurriedly said: "Professor Wu, I am from Hengyue City."

    "It's all the same." Professor Wu said with a smile: "From a province, relative or not, people from my hometown."

    He seemed to have realized something, and asked tentatively: "Xu Yishan? Is he the young man who once delivered medicine to Mr. Liao? I remember Mr. Liao mentioned you in front of me."

    Xu Yishan replied honestly: "Professor Wu, it's me."

    Professor Wu suddenly became interested. He turned around and asked expectantly: "I've been looking for you, but unfortunately I didn't have the chance. I want to know, what kind of Chinese herbal medicine is the pill you gave Mr. Liao?  "

    He laughed loudly, "Mr. Liao enshrined the pill you gave him like a treasure back then, and I wouldn't even take a look at it."

    Xu Yishan's heart skipped a beat, and he whispered: "I don't know, those pills were all made by my father. My father is a barefoot doctor."

    "Really?" Professor Wu sighed and said, "There are still experts outside the world."

    ? Stormy seas (remember this website URL:
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