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Chapter 33 Danger

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    The rain seemed to be getting heavier.

    The rain curtain that was originally like a filament has become rhythmic.

    The whole world is filled with the sound of rain, hitting the tin roof, making a continuous sound.

    Xu Yishan wiped his rain-stained face, and asked Xiao Kuang who was squatting on the embankment, "Has the river risen?"

    Xiao Kuang turned pale, looked at the dark night sky in horror, and whispered: "I didn't dare to go down and look."

    There is a ruler under the water control station, which is convenient for observing the rise or fall of the river.

    When the water level of the Honghe River was the highest in history, it was eleven meters above the ruler.  At the lowest point, the ruler cannot measure.

    Seven years ago, Maoshan County encountered the worst drought in history.  At that time, the water level of the Hong River had receded to the lowest point, and there was only a puddle of water on the river bed, which could be easily crossed by rolling up the trouser legs.

    That drought made Maoshan County unforgettable. There was no rain for three consecutive months, the river dried up, and the well water was turbid.  Even the spring water on Wuxiu Mountain, there is only a wet trace left, and there is no spring water even the size of chopsticks.

    Xu Yishan remembered that when he was drinking with the old monk Wuxiu, the old monk Wuxiu said that he had lived for more than a hundred years, and this was the first time he encountered such a severe drought.

    In those days, Maoshan County basically had no harvest.

    The year of drought was the year when Xu Yishan went to work at the Water Conservancy Bureau.

    On his first day at work, the director asked him to find out the water conservancy situation in the whole county.

    The director said that the water conservancy department is responsible for the drought in Maoshan County.  In order to prevent such a disaster from happening again, Maoshan County needs an early warning plan.

    And this early warning plan means that if Maoshan County encounters such a year again, it can make full use of water conservancy conditions and facilities to meet the production and living needs of the masses.

    The drought of that year was still fresh in the memory of people in Maoshan County, and the painful memory prompted the county to attach unprecedented importance to water conservancy work.

    It is said that when the drought was at its worst, the whole county was short of water.  And the lack of drinking water.

    If it hadn't been for the timely dispatch of fire trucks to deliver water, the consequences would have been more serious.

    The most exciting thing about Maoshan County at that time was that fire trucks full of clean water ran on the road every day, looking at each other from head to tail.

    "Come on, follow me down to have a look." Xu Yishan shouted loudly: "Xiao Kuang, you are a man, you must have the courage of a man."

    Xiao Kuang raised his pale face and begged, "Brother Xu, I dare not go, I'm afraid."

    Xu Yishan kicked him and scolded: "I'm afraid I have to go, if you don't go, I don't go, who will go? A big man is more courageous than a girl, how can I do it."

    Xiao Kuang stood up, his whole body was soaked, the rain hit him, and he trembled involuntarily.

    Before Xu Yishan came, he didn't dare to stay in the hut of the water management station by himself.

    He was afraid that a huge wave would come and destroy the hut.

    He ran to the embankment, but he didn't have time to bring out something to shelter from the rain.  He didn't dare to leave, so he curled up into a ball and squatted on the embankment, guarding the dark embankment alone and desperately.

    The arrival of Xu Yishan gave him a glimmer of hope.  As if seeing a straw in a huge wave, he held onto it tightly and drifted with the current.

    Under Xu Yishan's insistence, Xiao Kuang followed him down the embankment despite his fear.

    When the flashlight shone on the scale, Xu Yishan's heart sank suddenly.

    The river water has exceeded the normal water level of the scale by one meter.  That is to say, from the beginning of the rain to the present, the river has risen by one meter in just one hour.  If it rises at this rate, the river will overflow the embankment before dawn.

    When the river overflows its embankment, it is a disaster.

    Hongshan Town is under the river embankment, and the sediment deposited on the bottom of the river has raised the river bed a lot over the years.

    In other words, the current riverbed is already higher than Hongshan Town.  If the embankment breaks, the river will pour down from the top of the head, and the huge waves will completely destroy Hongshan Town.

    The more Xu Yishan thought about it, the more afraid he became, and he didn't dare to think about it.

    He turned his head and shouted to Xiao Kuang: "Run back immediately and ask Secretary Duan to take measures."

    Xiao Kuang asked blankly: "What measures?"

    "Evacuate the crowd immediately."

    "And you?"

    "I'll stay here to observe. Go quickly." Xu Yishan roared sternly, looking terrifying.

    Xiao Kuang hesitated for a moment, climbed up the embankment with hands and feet, and ran away.

    The rolling thunder in the sky stopped, and the world suddenly became quiet.

    wind and rainOn the embankment in Yangyang, Xu Yishan stared at the churning river water, feeling like a pot of boiling water in his heart.

    The brief calm indicates that more drastic changes are coming.

    He turned back to look at Hongshan Town.  At this moment, Hongshan Town is still brightly lit.

    This town is no less prosperous than the county seat, and its nightlife is much more colorful than the county seat.

    In the distance, the huge neon lights of the nightclub are still shining brightly, and the street lamps stand alone in the rain.

    On the Honghe River, a Hongshan Bridge that can walk four cars side by side spans both sides of the river.  The lights on the bridge were brightly lit, and the lights of passing vehicles tore through the dark night sky.

    Most of the people in the town have fallen asleep.

    Xu Yishan thought, do they know that a catastrophe is quietly approaching?

    The rain stopped suddenly, and there was a sound of insects all around.

    At the edge of the sky, a trace of the white belly of a fish is revealed.  It's almost dawn.

    Xiao Kuang didn't come back, and Duan Yanhua disappeared.

    Xu Yishan thought, did Xiao Kuang run away because he was afraid?

    It wasn't until dawn that Xiao Kuang appeared in sight covered in muddy water.

    He hastened to meet him and couldn't wait to ask: "Have you found Secretary Duan?"

    Xiao Kuang shook his head, and said in a hoarse voice: "I searched all over, but there is no one in the office, and there is no one in his room."

    "Where's the person?" Xu Yishan asked suspiciously.

    Xiao Kuang spread his hands and said, "I don't know, I can't find anyone anywhere."

    "Is there no one on duty in the town?"

    Xiao Kuang shook his head and said, "I don't even see a single ghost."

    Xu Yishan frowned.

    There are regulations in the county that the government must be on duty 24 hours a day to prevent emergencies.  Especially in the peak period of flood control, there must be more than two people on duty.

    Duan Yanhua is not here, where did the staff on duty go?

    "Who was on duty last night?"

    Xiao Kuang looked at him blankly, and said in a low voice, "I don't know."

    Xu Yishan was silent, he looked at the drenched Xiao Kuang and said, "Go and change into some dry clothes."

    Xiao Kuang looked at him, grinned and said, "Brother Xu, you're soaked too. Why don't you change it?"

    Xu Yishan sighed: "I have to stay here."

    "I will accompany you."

    The two looked at each other and smiled, each holding their arms tightly.

    The sky is getting brighter, and people can be seen vaguely.

    Xu Yishan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the sky is bright, things will be much easier to handle.

    He stared fixedly at Hong He, and his eyes would fall on the scale after a few minutes.

    Suddenly, he stood up and said nervously: "No, the river is still rising."

    The water of the Hong River has become extremely turbid, and the water surface, which was originally as gentle as a piece of silk, is galloping like a wild wild horse.

    The tumbling waves came one after another, and the river beat against the embankment, making a loud noise.

    Countless branches and weeds appeared on the river surface, rolling down all the way, and occasionally, ducks struggling in the water could be seen.

    Needless to think about it, there was a flood in the upper reaches of the Honghe River.

    The flood rolled up dead branches and leaves, and filled a flood river to the brim.

    The water level has reached the dangerous water level on the scale.  At this point, it's time for an early warning.

    Xu Yishan glanced at the winding and huge embankment, and his heart hung up again.  (Remember the site URL:
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