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Chapter 812 Practice

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    When they reached the gate, a copy of Kushinai's shadow was smashed by struggling guards.  The armored guard suddenly stood up and rushed towards the three of them.


    However, before he could act, a figure appeared.  In the palm of Ye Han's incident, a blue chakra light sphere condensed.

    "Screw pill!"

    With a twist of Ye Han's palm, the Helix Pill flew directly towards the armored guard, and its power immediately shook the armor out of the cracks.

    "Ye Han Incident, you" When the crowd responded, Ye Han Incident had already completed all actions.

    Jiu Xinnai didn't understand very much, because the damage to the armor would attract the resonance of the dragon's veins, and now they were exposed.

    In the future, you will protect Sarah and leave the rest to me. Ye Han turned around and said.

    Although these two people couldn't see Ye Han's intention, they both believed it and nodded immediately.


    The Ye Han incident soon broke out directly from the window.  Naruto and Kushinai looked at it.  The latter hugged Sarah tightly and giggled.

    "do not be afraid."

    The next moment, the three of them also jumped out from Ye Han's broken window

    The sympathy of Longmai naturally aroused Tarot's thoughts.  He said in shock: "That's Sarah's palace. How did these guys find it?"

    He immediately regretted why he didn't take Lou Lan away.  Ye Han event is proficient in time and space tolerance.  Once he finds Sarah, it's next to impossible for him to get it back from her.

    But when he felt it carefully, he found that several people in the Ye Han incident, including Sarah, had never left this area.

    Soon, his hands were violently stamped out, and his eyes were cold


    Several people fell down in Ye Han's building, and on the top of a building, the dark purple energy light began to move, especially intense, the light extended, like sunlight, almost changing the color of the sky above them.

    "Take Sarah and hide it first." Ye Han said, a smile slowly formed on the corner of his mouth.

    Jiu Xinnai and Naruto nodded, and they flashed past Sara.


    As soon as they left, the deep purple light on the top of the building turned into a light cluster, and then sprayed air towards Ye Han's bottom like a meteorite.

    Shua, Shua, Shua!

    The Ye Han incident was not surprising at all.  It is not at all difficult for him to dodge such a large aerial target with his speed.

    Four dark purple energy light clusters fell in front of Ye Han respectively, and then above the light clusters, ripples spread out like lightning.

    The ripples oscillated for a while, erupted in a traction, and immediately pulled and disintegrated the surrounding ground, and countless boulder fragments gathered on the four beams of light.

    The Ye Han incident immediately got out of the way, then shuttled between the stones, printed with one hand, and sensed it carefully.

    "I see."

    He whispered that the Ye Han incident made people wonder why the traction force on the light group only acts on the guard's armor and the ground.

    Because both the armor and the ground contain a little bit of dragon vein power.  Only in this way can resonance be formed, and then traction can be carried out.

    The stones kept piling up, and then in Sarah's terrifying eyes, they turned into four giants nearly ten meters high!

    The Ye Han incident was surrounded by them!

    The Ye Han incident was surrounded by the four giants with awesome fluctuations, making him look like a mouse that could be trampled to death at any time.

    Ye Han was surrounded among them, his eyes did not change at all.  Instead, he glanced slightly sideways at Sara, who was protected by Kushinai and Naruto.

    Sarah's face was shocked to see the giant appear, but the fear lasted only a moment in her eyes and then disappeared.  (Remember this site URL:
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