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Chapter 258 Fragments

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    On the fourth day, when they entered the southwest, there was still no sign of the flamingos.

    Currently, only the last area remains unexplored, the easternmost end of the gentle slope.  According to the terrain, this is a low-lying area similar to a small basin, which is also their last hope.

    If the flamingos still don't appear there, they will have to return to the Warriors Guild, because tasks that cannot be completed within the time limit must be reported to the Guild as soon as possible, otherwise there will be a lot of punishment, which will have a great impact on the future reputation of the Warriors Guild  big impact.

    Along the way, Leo made some improvements in archery.  He can already rely on his longbow to shoot small animals such as rabbits and pheasants.

    Leo's love for bows and arrows was originally a helpless choice, because as a small nobleman, he really didn't want to fight with others with some weapons, so he finally picked up bows and arrows.

    However, Leo's archery skills are already very good, because in fact, Leo has only used bows and arrows for less than a year, and there is no major problem in attacking static targets.  The only thing he lacks is practical experience.

    Of course, because the three of them are not idle, for example, three people kill a wild boar together

    "This is the last day. If there are no flamingos today, we must go back!" Ye Han put away the tent and said to the four people who were packing their luggage.

    "Actually, even if I don't go back, I don't care much about the punishment of the Warriors Guild" Re Cheng knew that the four of them actually lived happily these few days, and even found the happiness of childhood.

    In addition, it is important that everyone's strength is also improved.  Recheng has fully adapted to the power brought by the third-level soul power.  As long as he holds a two-handed giant sword, he only needs four swords, and Re Cheng can cut down a big tree that requires two people to surround him.

    However, Leo and Recheng also feel that they are very close to the breakthrough of the third level.  What they're missing is an opportunity.

    Ye Han patted Re Cheng on the shoulder.  Now is the time to say something admonishing, "What are you talking about? Recheng, this time it was all because of my mistake, so we can't make any more mistakes because of this mistake, and after submitting the mission failure report, we  You can continue to adventure elsewhere!"


    Ye Han's words really worked.  Re Cheng even showed the attitude of "say what you want to say".  Ye Han was overjoyed, and wanted to say that "Ye Han" had dug many holes for him before, but only these three kids really had eyes!

    When Ye Han in her 20s met these three friends for the first time, she actually knew the category of "good guys".  What is a good person?

    Definitely do not go to those who scam and steal!

    Consider that six months ago, the four of them had no advantage.  Recheng's only forte is excellence, but the four of them are still together.

    People are divided into groups Ye Han is quite aware of this fact.  For example, the people around Gary Old are arrogant people.  However, when I think of Ye Han here, I think of Araki.

    Because Arachi's black hair is typical of people in his original world, but as to why most yellow-haired people still have red hair like himself or Arachi's black hair, Hugh felt the need to spend some time exploring,  Might be able to find some clues or something

    "Oh, my God, look at that!" Re Cheng followed the team to the last place, suddenly surprised, interrupting Xio's thoughts.

    In front of the heat bearing is a small basin-like area.  As the terrain got lower and lower, the heat bearer could now see the entire small basin.

    The three men also stood on the edge of the place, looking inward.

    "This?!" The expressions of these three people were all very surprised.

    In front of them was a small circular basin, but within the basin, there were ruins.

    "What is this?" Charlotte asked in surprise.

    Because he shook his head, "It seems that a town has been abandoned for a long time"

    The four of them slid down the gentle slope with anxiety.  The closer they get, the more shocked they become.

    There are ruins everywhere, weather-beaten erosion everywhere, and the walls of the buildings have been overgrown with moss and weeds everywhere, trying to hide the glory of this place.

    "What the hell is this place?" Recheng felt the coldness on the short wall with his hands, but there was no doubt that this was once a large-scale city.

    Ye Han frowned, suddenly having some bad premonitions in his heart.  Although he didn't want to think about many things carefully before, but now, he seems to feel that too much darkness has been buried under the history.

    There were no dead bodies on the ground and little or no furniture in the building.  It's just a ghost town.  You can see it should be voluntarily opted out here.

      The four looked around as they walked east, which was the center of the ruins of the town.

    Although littered with destroyed houses, the town's main street is still recognizable.  There are broken bluestones under the weeds.

    The entire main road was originally built with bluestone, which shows that the living standard of the town at that time was very high, at least comparable to that of several slightly affluent towns in the northern Heidel Plain.


    "Ye Han, did you hear anything?" Leo thought he heard something.


    Ye Han moved his five fingers a few times, their luck seemed to be good.  "It's the cry of a flamingo!"

    "Yes!" Charlotte said, having seen his father present a noble flamingo.  He heard strange noises of flamingos.

    Without prompting, Re Cheng and others immediately took out their weapons.

    Flamingos are usually gentle, but once they find themselves in danger of being attacked, they will immediately retaliate.

    Walking through a broken street corner, the four saw a flamingo dancing on the ground with its two paws, as if something was prodding it.

    Seeing the four people appear, the flamingos immediately stopped their activities and their eyes became alert.

    For monsters, their brains are much more developed than ordinary animals, and even advanced monsters can have the same intelligence as humans.



    The flamingo opened its long beak and made a very strange sound.  The four understood that this was yet another warning to them.

    "Hmph, I finally see you!" According to the plan, Charlotte took out a large net from her backpack.  This is a net made of metal chains that is not afraid of flamingo fire.

    "He Cheng, in order to attract its attention, Charlotte approached slowly and waited for the opportunity, Leo and I will help you!" (Remember the website URL:
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