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Chapter 85 - Chapter 87 Dark Temple

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    When the ancient and long spell sounded, even the shadow seemed to tremble.

    However, the shadow didn't have enough time to think about why Bartica chanted the spell, because while the spell stopped, the small magic circle in front of Bartica's palm had become bigger and bigger as the spell was chanted.

    As soon as Bartica's spell ceased, the battle formation resembled a bright red teardrop in the night sky.

    This scarlet is more like a red sickle, suddenly sweeping across the blank area where the imaginary shadow in front of Ye Han's eyes is.

    It is not a simple scarlet.

    Ye Han could clearly feel the fluctuations of the elements in it, which belonged to the fluctuations of the flame element, and the concentration exceeded Ye Han's imagination.

    This is a scarlet color formed by an extremely high concentration of fire elements.


    When Scarlet erased the virtual shadow, Ye Han finally understood how the virtual shadow made Owen and the three of them fly.

    There appears to be a black cloak that almost blends with the night beyond the imaginary figure.

    This cloak is a means of defense against the virtual shadows.  The cloak stood in front of the virtual shadow as a strange scarlet streak ran across its front.


    It ripped like a piece of cloth in this area, but it also kept the Shadowman from the Crimson's frontal attack.

    Scarlet not only tore the cloak, but set it on fire, which was even more terrifying.

    The Shadow Man had no choice but to give up the cloak immediately.  As a result, the cloak disappeared into the night with the slight night wind at the next moment.

    The virtual shadow is not a virtual shadow, although the dark night makes this person look unclear, but because "Silver Pupil" has already seen this person.

    A person with white hair must be at least 50 years old.  Unlike some traditional old people in the mainland, this man's face is clean-shaven.

    Ye Han knows that there is indeed a class of people who will do this, that is to say, some "old people" still have ideals for magic.  The old man before them, whom Aldrin called "Master Hidden Wind," was one of these "old men."

    "JiejieUnfortunately, my nightmare robe."

    However, the old man who exposed his figure has no regrets in his eyes.  He hadn't seen the Nightmare Robe dissipating into the air from the very beginning.

    On the contrary, the old man's face must be staring greedily at Bartica.

    "Shout, shout" Bartica's face was dripping with sweat, this magic power had withered all the soul power in her body.

    "Jie Jiejie"

    The old man smiled coldly at Bartica.

    Redding Blink Slash is a magical mystery inherited by the Bartica family.  At Bartica's age, it was a genius to pull off this attack and wipe out the magic.

    "Don't lose, you are the heir of Scarlet Rose. What Delin said is right. The mage tower baby is on your body. Jiejie The move just now was really good. If it were someone else, I might not even have the corpse now, Jiejie  "

    When Bartica heard the old man's words, she stepped back step by step.  At this time, she did not resist.  Facing the old man walking towards her, Bartica's sweat rolled down her little cheeks.

    It was a blow and she was full of confidence to win.  Even though the old man had been in the southwest corner from the beginning, she had noticed.  But she didn't prompt Owen and them.  She is waiting for him here.

    Bartica believes that as long as he can use all his strength to kill the strong man sent by Aldrin, Scarlet Rose will have hope tonight.  Irving and his team are definitely superior to Aldrin and his team in terms of fighting quality.

    But Bartica's attack failed, with scarlet and instant attacks.  This is not ordinary fire magic, but an arcane skill with extremely strong attack and killing attributes.  Also, the fire element used here is not an ordinary fire element.

    The attribute of inflammation, as the soul power attribute of the fire attribute, has evolved.  The inflammation attribute not only has the same extremely high attack ability as the fire attribute, but also has several times the soul power of the fire attribute in terms of burning effect.

    Scarlet, bursting out in an instant, it was the old man's baby nightmare robe that was torn apart in an instant, and the accompanying flame burning effect instantly turned the nightmare robe into a puff of smoke and dissipated in the night sky.

    This made the corner of Xio's mouth drooling.

    The power of inflammatory properties, why wouldn't you want it?


    The old man sneered again.  He walked slowly towards Bartica.  Victory is at hand.  Plus, babies are around the corner.  There is no need to look for the old nest of red roses.  The old man smelled of Batika's baby.

    "Without it, you can't play"Have reached the magic power of the superior, Jiejie" the old man said as he walked.

    Bartica's face had lost a trace of blood, and of course she knew the "it" the old man said.

    Bartica gritted her teeth, and suddenly made a decision, "Derlin asked you to come? Is your goal 'it'?"

    "If so, I will give it to you. Can you help me eliminate Aldrin?"

    Bartica's decision undoubtedly made the old man slightly startled, but he didn't expect that the girl in front of him would change his mind soon.

    But it was too late.

    "Jie Jie, old immortals like us who walk in the dark are also trustworthy. But don't worry, my goal is only "it". If you give it to me, I won't kill you!"

    There is something tantalizing about the old man's situation.  In a way, this means that the old man will no longer interfere in the fight between them and Aldrin.


    Bartica looked at Owen and them, they still couldn't get up.  She knew it was useless to hand over that thing.  The three main abilities of their Red Rose suddenly lost three.  Each of them could almost single out Aldrin, but now, without the three of them, no one wearing a scarlet rose can stop Aldrin's power.

    ? If you can't beat it, maybe you can escape

    Bartica came up with an idea, she was ready to compromise with the old man, of course, the premise is that the old man really believes in this.

    Give it to you, can you really stop participating in the fight between us and Aldrin?  Bartica asked seriously.


    There was some joy in the old man's eyes.  He doesn't want to be too tough.  For someone like him, the lowest cost is more cost-effective than anything.

    That is of course what we said in the Dark Temple, it does not count!  (Remember this site URL:
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