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Chapter 65 Strength Improvement

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    There is no unified view on war within the Qiyao family.

    It seems that there is no sound of crabs in Qi Yao's house.

    Because of some speculation, maybe Emperor Rubik of the Motu Empire would not leave his grandson behind.  As spring is about to enter February, not only is the undercurrent surging in the Star Sea Kingdom, but the entire continent is slowly covered by a layer of clouds.

    After winter, spring and January, the combat effectiveness of Morrowind's collar has also improved.

    After this period of time, 800 fully armed soldiers have already possessed a very strong combat effectiveness, of which 200 are professional crossbowmen.  They are just ordinary human soldiers, but they are good at using crossbow.  They consider themselves the strongest fighting force.

    Hans, as one of Ye Han's best partners, is not only the force led by Chen Feng, but also almost all of Irwan's inheritance.

    Hans, you are only one step away from the great knight!

    Irvan made no secret of his surprise.  Hans is only 20 years old, but he already has the potential to surpass himself very quickly.

    The name between the big knight and the knight mainly comes from the existence of a higher level than the knight, so as to better distinguish it.

    This definition method is also very easy, that is to say, as a knight, one must understand the path of the knight.

    Understanding one's own chivalry is equivalent to entering the realm of chivalry, which is different from the realm of the mage.

    The so-called knight's road (knightsr) is a soldier's choice to develop his own strength and how to use his soul power.

    The comparison between a great knight and a knight is the comparison between the presence of chivalry and the absence of chivalry.

    For Hans, his knight skill is to control the opponent's sword soul skill.  His greatsword is his knight skill, inherited from his father Bais, and their greatsword skill from Irwan.  This is Hans' knight skill.

    The knight's way can be regarded as a creed, which is the creed of the knight's pursuit of power. At this time, the great sword in Hans' hand only owes some unfinished work, and what is lacking is more actual combat experience. As long as Hans really understands where the great sword is  A moment of soul skills, he is the real great knight.

    Although Charlotte is not as good as Hans, she has already suppressed Ye Han at the level of soul power.  If Ye Han didn't know that there was a problem with her own soul power level, she would have some thoughts when she saw the fact that Charlotte was suppressing her.

    Ye Han still needs a few months, but the good news this time is that his soul power level has risen to level 8, but in fact, from Irwan's experience, Ye Han's flame bomb has no less than 15  The full explosive capability of the class

    After the snow and ice melted, Irwan ordered the construction of many sentinel buildings in front of the Thunder Star Fort ruins, to watch out for enemies in the possibly abandoned Bone City in the north.

    The eastern part of Huangshui Town has become another business opportunity for Ye Han.

    The southern part of the Haider Plain is bordered by the Luntaitan Plain, and in the southeast, it is also bordered by the Kingdom of Navarra.

    Initially, the position of the Morrowind collar was surrounded.  However, after capturing the barren city of Water, Morrowind can reach the kingdom of Friedton to the west and the kingdom of Navarran to the east.  This is an opportunity that must be used for the collar of thun morrowind.

    There is one more thing to say about the Navarran kingdom, because Wasteland Town also traded with the merchants of the Navarran kingdom before, but there were some civil strife before the Starshin kingdom, which made the exchanges between the merchants of the Navarran kingdom a bit  stymied.

    However, this reason is not particularly worrisome.  Although the morning breeze between Huangshui towns has become very orderly, there will always be traders who find business opportunities and dare to walk the road that others will not go.  These businessmen will definitely be secretly happy to see the new order in Huangshui Town.

    Thus, the link to the kingdom of Navarre could be based on folk exchanges from primitive barren towns.

    At the same time, Ye Han also ordered the establishment of the same place and communication as the leader of Chenfeng in Huangshui Town.

    Ye Han discovered that such an independent trade organization for different places does have its advantages.

    The advantageous resources of the town are concentrated in one place, and the business contacts are also concentrated here, which is not only convenient for management, but also reduces the number of spies who may come from the outside to find information deep in the town.

    Invisible people are easy to spot.  Seoyin will build more of these establishments in the future.  However, Saiyin's energy is limited, and his territory is not needed for the time being.

    Morrowind Link is the main ore trade, while Wastewater Town is naturally the food trade.

    ?Because no further tax officials were appointed, Ye Han found some old people and dignitaries in Huangshui Town.  Currently, Ye Han hoped that they would resolve the issue through negotiation.  Of course, additional requirements??, every resolution requires the participation of Hans and Bias to be effective.

    The matter in Huangshui Town in the east has been well resolved.  Ye Han felt that he still lacked talent.  In fact, in any era, the most basic thing is the competition for talents.  However, considering that he currently only has three shares per mu, even in Starlight Kingdom, it is difficult to find talents who are willing to come here

    At this time, Ye Han turned his gaze to the west.

    In fact, according to the original territorial scope, Thun's Morrowind Territory is included in the territory of the Haider Autonomous Region, which does not involve the border issue of the Star Sea Kingdom at all.

    However, it has been separated from Marquisfaire, and the land Ye Han can see is naturally his own territory.  Therefore, under the leadership of Morrowind, in the west, it only needs to pass through a small valley terrain to reach the border of the Kingdom of Friedton (kingdomoffridtom).

    What thun needs is to establish a connection with Fridtom Kingdom, because Morrowind has too much ore to deal with, and Fridtom is a reliable trading partner.

    As a neighboring country, there is already a lot of information about the Kingdom of Freeton.

    As a kingdom the same size as the Star Sea Kingdom, both countries have experienced a remarkable history from weak vassal states to medium-strength kingdoms, and there have been some frictions between the two countries in the past 100 years.  However, due to the similar strength of the two countries, the wise kings of the two countries at that time did not choose to fight for the loss of both sides, but finally chose the branch of friendship as much as possible, although this friendship was not a true friendship.

    However, in his opinion, this is not a "true friendship", but an opportunity for Chen Feng to make a bold decision.

    He will go to see His Majesty the King of Friedon in person.  (Remember this site URL:
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