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Chapter 607 The Last Mercy

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    Anya knew that Jing Shaoqing might be in a complicated mood now, and she couldn't take care of her. It would be meaningless for her to stay any longer, so she could only leave here and go back to the apartment.

    She asked Lin Sa for a half-day leave, only to find out after returning home that the things belonging to Chen Mengyao had been emptied, only the heavy appliances such as the large double-door refrigerator sent by Xia Lan in the kitchen were not removed.

    She didn't have the slightest ups and downs in her heart. If Chen Mengyao didn't move out, she would move out. Now they obviously couldn't continue to live under the same roof. Now it's all right, so she won't have to move.

    She didn't sleep well last night, and she continued to catch up on sleep with peace of mind. The step she always wanted to take was finally taken.

    In the company, seeing the resignation email sent by Chen Mengyao in the early hours of last night, Lin Sa felt a little uneasy.  What happened to send him a resignation email in the middle of the night?  Chen Mengyao's cell phone couldn't get through, and Anya asked for leave again, so instead of calling Anya, he sent Wen Yan a message: Chen Mengyao resigned from me, I don't know what happened.

    Wen Yan didn't sleep well last night, because Mark Tingchen tormented her. When she heard the message notification tone, she took a look at the phone in a daze. The content surprised her.  He left Lin Sa's company after being in the top ten and had development prospects. What happened?

    She replied: I don't know either.

    Suddenly, Mama Liu came in with Xiaotuanzi in her arms and asked for milk as usual. She rubbed her hair apologetically: "I'm sorry, Xiaotuanzi, mom got up late again."

    Liu Ma handed the child forward: "You usually get up very early, and your eyes are still swollen today. Did you quarrel with the young master last night and cried? The young master woke up early, and I have coaxed you several times. Seeing you sleeping,  I didn't wake you up."

    Wen Yan smiled awkwardly without explaining.  Mark Tingchen said that if she didn't cry, he would write the word Mu upside down. Now it seems that he won.  She always thought that he was no longer a young man in his early twenties, with less energy, but now she knew that he was full of energy, tossing her to sleep until almost noon, but he was able to go about his business as usual.  It was the same two days ago, he even worked overtime on weekends

    After breastfeeding the baby, she kept calling Chen Mengyao, but the phone was always turned off.  Anya and Chen Mengyao rented together, she had no choice but to call Anya.  Anya's cell phone was connected. Listening to the voice, Anya seemed to be sleeping, and her voice was a little hazy: "Hello?"

    She hurriedly asked: "Where is Yaoyao? What's the situation with her? Why did she resign? The phone can't be reached, is she at home?"

    Anya suddenly lost sleepiness, why did everyone only care about Chen Mengyao?  Her dream was disturbed, and Wen Yan didn't say sorry.  Her tone was a little blunt: "She moved out of the apartment, probably to live with her mother, and she didn't tell me when she left."

    This series of events made Wen Yan realize that something big must have happened: "Why did she move away? What happened?"

    On the other end of the phone, Anya was silent for a moment: "You can go to her and ask, it's not convenient for me to tell. I have to go to work in the afternoon, so I'll hang up first."

    After the phone was hung up, Wen Yan speculated that the whole thing must have something to do with Anya. She took the child and went to Jiang Ling's house. Seeing her, Jiang Ling murmured: "Early in the morning, Jing Shaoqing called to ask Yaoyao  , and now you brought your child here again, what happened?"

    Wen Yan has a bad feeling, is Jing Shaoqing involved?

    She prevaricated a few words and entered Chen Mengyao's bedroom.  Chen Mengyao didn't sleep, but lay on the bed silently like a corpse, her eyes were swollen like walnuts, she had obviously cried just now, the blood on her forehead had dried up, and the untreated wound was shocking!

    She took a deep breath and sat down on the edge of the bed: "Yaoyao, what's wrong? Who made it on her forehead? You'll scare me like this"

    Chen Mengyao sniffed, afraid that Wen Yan would trouble Anya, so she lied: "It's okay, I accidentally fell. Anya slept with Jing Shaoqing, and now thinking about it makes me feel sick, it happened last night. I  At first, I thought it was some kind of accident that Anya didn't come home at night and her phone was turned off again, so I hurried to Jing Shaoqing for help, but I was disgusted when I saw that kind of thing"

    As if struck by lightning, Wen Yan was stunned for a long time before opening his mouth: "How could this be? I don't think Jing Shaoqing is that kind of person. He can't get involved with Anya with any woman There must be some misunderstanding  .It was originally agreed that you would go to him today to reconcile, but I didn't expect such a thing to happenHave you talked to him yet?"

    Chen Mengyao shook her head: "What else is there to talk about? I saw it with my own eyes. At that time, he was drunk and slept like a pig. Only Anya was helping him clean the house. It's not like I have nothing.  Little girl who understands, just look at itKnowing what happened, Anya's underwear was still on the ground in front of his bed!  "

    Wen Yan really didn't know how to comfort her, because she didn't know the specifics, and she couldn't say that Anya was taking advantage of others, but the nature of this matter was really extremely bad.

    Perhaps because the atmosphere was too heavy, Chen Mengyao forced a smile, and reached out to touch Xiaotuanzi's face: "It's rare that you brought your son to me, why are your eyes swollen? Did you quarrel with Mark Tingchen? He still won't let me  Do you go out to work?"

    Wen Yan shook his head and said nothing. Compared with Chen Mengyao's current situation, the conflict between her and Mark Tingchen was nothing at all.

    After a long time, she asked: "Then what are you going to do now?"

    Chen Mengyao took a deep breath and seemed a little powerless: "Take a step and look at it. I am not a newcomer in the design circle now. I have good works. No matter where I go in the future, I will be treated well. I just want to escape from all this now. I don't want to  Seeing Anya, I don't want to see Jing Shaoqing. I want to burn everything in the past, stand up from the ashes, and start again. I'm fine, I just met people who are not nice. Anya did it on purpose. Last night I  Talked to Anya, that's why I feel sick."

    Wen Yan felt very uncomfortable in his heart. Anya was obviously such a simple girl before, but she didn't expect to become like this.  Walking all the way from the dessert shop, she thought that at least they had experienced those things together, and they could be regarded as good friends, but she didn't expect to confirm the sentence: fire prevention, theft and girlfriends.

    Wen Yan didn't return to Mu's house until Mu Tingchen was about to go home in the afternoon.

    It was only after entering the door that Mo Tingchen arrived home before her. Seeing her listless look, he took Xiaotuanzi over and said, "What's wrong? Where did you take the child?"

    She mysteriously dragged him upstairs to the bedroom, and told the story of Jing Shaoqing and Anya: "What do you think of this?" (Remember the website URL:
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