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    The first forty-six years of the Republic of China.

    Prince Zhao Kuanghuan is 51 years old. Since he was 40 years old, he has been officially handling the government affairs.

    All the memorials sent by the cabinet were sent to the prince, and the emperor only randomly checked and reviewed them every day.

    This situation puts more pressure on the prince.

    Because the prince wants to do things, he must have his own team.  The team he promotes often conflicts with the important ministers of the cabinet, and the important ministers of the cabinet are the emperor's people.

    In the end, it became a conflict between the emperor and the prince!

    Under normal circumstances, the emperor is the prince.  But at every critical moment, the emperor suddenly exerted force, and more than a dozen people from the crown prince's team were demoted one after another, and one was even exiled to Beihai (the one who was exiled deserved it, and was involved in the case of government coercion and people's rebellion.  During the prosperity of Datong, the people of Gansu actually rebelled).

    Fortunately, he was already in his early years. The emperor's health was getting worse and worse, and his mental health was getting worse day by day.

    "Your Highness, the birthday ceremony has been properly arranged."

    "Drill it again, I'll go and see it myself."

    It was the emperor's 70th birthday soon, and Emperor Zhao, who had always been reluctant to make arrangements, suddenly proposed to celebrate his birthday grandly.

    When the news came out, not only the officials were enthusiastic, but even the people were jubilant.

    Merchants inside and outside Nanjing city spontaneously purchased red satin, decorated their shops with joy, and hung up red lanterns to celebrate all night.

    In the early morning of this day, Nanjing was already lively.

    Civil and military officials all wore uniforms, and envoys from various countries also entered the city early and waited in line outside the Donghua Gate.

    Zhao Han rode the imperial chariot to the Meridian Gate Tower, stood up tremblingly, and was supported by the female officer to climb the city.

    Three years ago, he was still in good health and felt that he could live to be in his eighties or nineties.

    ?I don't know when it started, the frequency of defecation increased, and I had to pull three or four times a day.  When defecating, it seems to have diarrhea but not diarrhea, and there is no other discomfort, and the energy is very energetic, and there is no problem with appetite.

    Just last year, Zhao Han suddenly felt severe abdominal pain, and even had blood in his stool.

    ? Famous doctors from all walks of life came to the palace for consultation in turn, and the diagnosis results were similar. They all said that the emperor had heat poison in his body, and he had to clear the heat and eliminate the evil to recover.

    After taking the medicine for many days, there was a slight improvement.

    Last winter, the condition took a turn for the worse.  Difficulty defecating at the beginning, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, and then the liver also hurts. Sometimes he fell asleep and couldn't wake up, so he had to wait for him to wake up naturally.

    This year is even worse, at least 30 catties lost.

    Zhao Han can probably guess that he should be suffering from bowel cancer, and it is probably at an advanced stage.

    If it cannot be cured, it will not be cured in another three hundred years.

    The concubines followed them and went to the city one after another.

    Empress Fei Rulan has died of illness for four years, Tian Xiuying and Liu Rushi have also passed away.  Now it's Fei Rumei who is the queen, and she doesn't do very well, and she has a little temper from time to time.

    Today there is a warm sun, Zhao Han was helped to a chair and sat down.

    Although the spirit is not bad, but the physical strength is not enough to support sitting for a long time, Zhao Han can only lean on the backrest and look at the city.

    "The imperial family enters!"

    Members of the clan lined up in front of the Meridian Gate, led by King Zhao Kuangping of Chu.  The two eldest princesses, Zhao Zhenlan and Zhao Zhenfang, were also there, but their husbands had both died of illness, and this time they brought their children to the capital to celebrate their birthdays.

    After Zheng Sen stepped down as the chief envoy of Guangdong, he served as Zongzheng of the Clan Mansion for two years.  I really couldn't stay idle, so I took the initiative to apply for a transfer and was assigned to be the governor of Bangladesh.

    Bangladesh has been destroyed, not by invasion, but by playing itself to pieces.

    ?The emperor of Bengal launched a military campaign and expanded his territory to the limit. When the monarch was critically ill, rebellions broke out all over the country and split into seven separatist forces.  Chinese merchants took advantage of the situation and obtained the commercial privileges of several ports by selling cold weapons.

    ? When the melee started, the merchants couldn't bear it anymore, so they had to ask the imperial court to send troops, and those ports became the imperial court's colonies.

    Together with the Chittagong acquired by dowry, they will form the Governor-General of Bangladesh.

    "My son, Zhao Kuangping, congratulate Father on Christmas, and wish Father a long life!"

    Zhao Han raised his hand slightly with a smile on his face.

    Zhao Kuangping immediately retreated to the side, and Han Wang Zhao Kuangbai came forward to celebrate his birthday again.

    Among them, Jin Wang Zhao Kuangchen did not come in person, but sent a Han official as a birthday emissary.

    Zhao Kuangchen's health is not very good, and he is occasionally bedridden.  But his state of Jin has expanded its territory several times, owning the lands of the five kingdoms of Tanjore, Madurai, Julan, Klady, and Mysore, occupying half of South India.

    The number of Han immigrants and their descendants is about 500,000, but they rule over 100,000Handled by law".

    Charles III was furious and dissolved the British Parliament again.

    Members of Congress colluded with the nobles to rebel, the Earl of Argyll launched a rebellion to invade Scotland, and the Duke of Monmouth (the illegitimate son of Charles II) led the rebel army to land in southwest England.

    The National Defense Army built by Charles II showed strong combat effectiveness and easily defeated the two rebels.

    Then, Charles III began to mess up. He felt that there were rebels everywhere, and ordered the severe punishment of those who conspired to rebel.  Not only killed the younger brother (half mother) who led the rebellion, but also arrested suspects around London.  Then deliberately confronted the Anglican Church and used a large number of Catholics as military officers.

    Now that the civil war broke out again, even the army left by Charles II began to oppose the king's perverse actions.

    Especially the group of pirates and descendants from Chittagong, all of them were baptized into Protestantism, and they were very devout in seeking identity.  The king not only insulted their beliefs, but also used a large number of heretic officers. These Chittagong pirates had a tendency to defect.

    When Zhao Han celebrated his 70th birthday, the second son of Charles II was elected as the leader of the rebel army and declared himself King Edward IV of England.

    Edward IV won the battle, but the centralization of the British monarchy was also over.

    Because he relied on the strength of the squire to defeat his elder brother, the squire group regained power through the House of Commons.  The British named this incident the "Glorious Revolution".
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