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Text 977 [Cultural and Educational Policy Adjustment]

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    Kunning Palace.

    Before the king of Chu left the Forbidden City, he visited his mother here again, and then excitedly went to prepare magazines.

    Whether it is running a magazine or doing other businesses in the future, you have to learn and exercise slowly, not overnight.

    In the evening, Zhao Han came to Kunning Palace, sat down and chatted for a while, and asked casually, "How much did you give Ping'er?"

    "Five hundred taels of silver," Fei Rulan said angrily, "You will be unhappy if you give too much. I have never seen any emperor treat his children so poorly." 1

    Zhao Han said with a smile: "Too much money is given, so he only knows how to enjoy it, so why would he want to make a living by himself?" 4

    Zhao Han is actually experimenting with his own children to see how they can be forced to develop.  Everything can be adjusted, such as increasing the clan's salary, the bottom line is that it should not be too high, and the prince's salary is three times that of Zhengyipin is the limit.  44

    Or, a franchise license will be granted in the future, but the scope of the franchise is limited.  2

    As for whether the prince should stay in the capital or go to the local area to become a vassal, this is also under observation and experimentation.  Qi 2 Fei Rulan suddenly cared about Qipan Qimei's child, and asked curiously, "Will King Jin be in danger in Tianzhu?" "Probably not, he chose a small country." Zhao Han said.  1

    At this time, Zhao Kuangdong, King of Jin, was still harvesting winter rice in India. Several foreign wars had not started, and nothing was known about his situation in China.  ,1

    Fei Rulan still has a son who has not graduated from middle school.  Among the three biological princes, the eldest is the prince, the second is trying to do business, and the third wants to arrange it.  But wanting the child to stay by her side, but also wanting the child to make a career, Fei Rulan was very conflicted.  4

    "How's the weather in Tianzhu? I heard it's very hot there." Fei Rulan asked again.

    Zhao Han nodded: "It's very hot, even in winter, the temperature in southern India occasionally exceeds 30 degrees."{3

    Fei Rulan said: "Princes, you are all pampered, how can you stand this kind of weather? There are no good doctors in Tianzhu, what should you do if you have a headache?"  Herbs."

    Fei Rulan said: "Your Majesty, don't lie to me. Famous doctors don't want to go to sea. Those who go to Tianzhu are all quack doctors and apprentices." 4

    "Among those doctor apprentices, there are also a few brilliant ones who have been consulting with their teachers for many years," Zhao Han explained. "The last time Huan'er fell ill, it was still an intractable disease. Didn't Dr. Hu ask his apprentices to consult him? That apprentice  Dr. Hu didn't change a single word of the prescription prescribed, and Huan'er was cured within a few days." 2

    Fei Rulan nodded and said: "I remember that apprentice, it seems to be Zhou Xin or something?"

    Zhao Han said: "It's Zhou Maoxing, and this time he went to India with King Jin." "That's great, it can make people feel at ease." Fei Rulan smiled.

    The next day, the imperial meeting.

    Not only ministers from various ministries participated, Prince Zhao Kuanghuan and Qu Guan were also allowed to attend.

    Wang Tiaoding, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, first reported his work: "The Imperial Academy, in cooperation with the Ministry of Rites, has compiled a comparison table of common words and expressions of various ethnic groups, and will distribute them to the official histories of relevant regions across the country next month. However, the words and expressions of various ethnic groups in Qinghai and Tibet  The comparison table has not been compiled yet." 8

    "It's not bad." Zhao Han praised.

    Zuo Xiaoliang, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, said: "There are more and more Miao historians in Guangnan Province, which has caused dissatisfaction among Yue historians. The situation is a bit tricky. Yue historians contravene government orders, and they often obey government orders. Guangnan Province  Many Vietnamese historians have been replaced, but the matter still cannot be resolved. The Chief Secretary of Guangnan asked for additional education funds to open more primary and secondary schools."

    Zhao Han said: "Let the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Rites discuss this matter, and come up with a plan within two months."

    Zhao Han has long put forward the idea of ??the Chinese nation, saying that the Han people are the elder brothers, and all ethnic groups are the younger brothers.  This is all he can do. It is not to artificially create ethnic differences, but that the languages ??of various ethnic groups cannot communicate.

    When officials govern, they also have certain tendencies.

    ? For example, in the southwest region, when selecting historians in prefectures and counties,

    Will be more inclined to the Han people.  But in Guangnan Province, there are not many Han people there, so in addition to selecting Han historians, priority is also given to Miao and Han-speaking Yue people.

    The Miao people are obviously closer to the Han people! 14

    It can be concluded from the vocabulary of the language that although the Hmong languages ??of various ethnic groups are different, they are generally similar.  Sun, moon, person, hand, mouth, big, small, many, few, middle, lower, fish, bird These basic words in Miao language can all find their etymology in Chinese.  1

    For example, "Book" and "Zi" in Miao language are pronounced as "Diao".  The pronunciation of "cow" and "horse" is very similar to Chinese.  This shows that a long time ago, the Han and Miao races came from the same source.  As for Vietnamese, although there are a large number of vocabulary, the pronunciation is very similar to Chinese, but most of them are advanced vocabulary, not basic vocabulary.

    &nbp; In this imperial examination, the scores of scholars from Sichuan and Hunan have obviously exploded.

    Especially Sichuan, which has not experienced much war and chaos, not only has the largest population in the province, but also has a solid foundation for imperial examinations.  Scholars from Chengdu County and Fushun County took the examination of twelve Jinshi this year, and the rest of the list suffered heavy casualties.

    "It needs to be changed." Zhao Han said.

    The officials from the Nanbang area were unwilling to do this, but they could not object to the emperor's opinion, so they could only blow their beards and stare at Wang Tiaoding.

    Of course, Zhao Han also made a compromise to increase the number of Jinshi in the next session.

    There is no fixed number of Jinshi, which is adjusted according to official vacancies. In the Ming Dynasty, there were between 300 and 400 Jinshi in each session.

    The Datong court had a vast territory and needed more officials.  The number of Jinshi in the next imperial examination will be increased to 451, and a fraction will be given to overseas candidates.

    That is: 225 candidates (50) in the southern list, 171 candidates (38) in the middle list, and 54 candidates (12) in the northern list

    Although the proportion of Jinshi in Nanbang has decreased, the overall number of Jinshi has increased. In fact, it is possible to take a few more exams than before.

    Zhao Han held a meeting today, not only to talk about these things, but also to do other things.  uu Reading &lt;a href=&quot;<a href=";" target="_blank">;</a> target=&quot;_blank&quot  ;&gt;<a href=";/a&gt;" target="_blank">;/a&gt;</a>

    Zhao Han said: "In provinces like Gansu, Yunnan, Guizhou, and Guangnan, it is not easy for scholars to go to Beijing to catch the exam. I plan to divide the exam into several places. Those who fail the exam can go home nearby, and those who pass the exam will come to Nanjing for the imperial exam."

    Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, even Wang Diaoding was dumbfounded.

    The ministers objected one after another, but the objection was ineffective. Zhao Han said with a smile: "It's better to try it for two sessions and see the effect."

    Zhao Han's idea is because the land area continues to expand, and it is really not easy for candidates in marginal provinces.  Just going to Beijing to take the exam is a huge administrative expense. If you can take the exam nearby, those who fail the exam will not have to travel too far, and related expenses will also be reduced, and both scholars and the court will benefit.  6

    Of course, the provincial test will definitely not work.

    ?There are three examination areas across the country. The Southern Examination is held in Nanjing, the Northern Examination is held in Beijing, and the Central Examination is held in Baling (Yueyang).  29 After the three-rank examination, the failed candidates went home directly, leaving more than 400 people to come to Nanjing for the imperial examination.

    The palace test time must be adjusted, and it will be delayed by one and a half months than before.

    ?For the three major examination areas, the chief examiner and marking officer are dispatched by the central government, and the local government is responsible for organizing the examination.  2

    ? In the future, there will be more test areas, such as overseas attached lists. According to geographical conditions, the attached list exams will be held in Yecheng.  The premise is that there are enough overseas candidates and the number of overseas universities is enough, otherwise you will only get a poor number of places forever.

    This is not only an imperial examination issue, but setting the center of the Beibang examination area in Beijing is also increasing Beijing's political influence.

    Next, we need to divide the country's theaters in detail, increase Beijing's military influence, radiate the Northeast and the grasslands, and consolidate the dominance of the frontier.
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