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Text 749 [Island Owner Evolution History Part 4]

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    Zhenjuan Yishui Shoal 749 A river valley where tens of thousands of troops are stationed.

    ?Using the tribe as the unit, there is a group in the east and a group in the west, and there are strict boundaries between each other.

    At night, the sky is full of stars.

    The astrologer sits by the campfire, holding many wooden boards, each with a pattern.  After working so carefully for a while, he suddenly stood up, opened his arms and shouted.

    A temporary altar with a cow placed on it, which is a sacrifice to the gods.

    When the astrologer chattered, the king was overjoyed and asked the speaker to announce the result of the divination.

    The speaker is also an official position, responsible for conveying and carrying out the king's orders.  He climbed up the hillside and announced loudly toward the river valley: "The wise astrologer has communicated with the supreme sun god. The Thor tribe in the north believes in an evil god. That evil god will bring drought and hurricanes.  Kill them all. Now, follow His Majesty the King and pray to the gods for victory!"

    In the west of Madagascar, the indigenous people believe that everything is animistic.

    The god of creation is called "Zalahari", and there is a sun god under it.  The Creator God has disappeared and no longer cares about world affairs, so the Sun God is the most authoritative.  They like to smear sunflower-like signs on their faces with paint, so that they can get the blessing of the sun god.

    In addition, a mountain, a river, a treeall have spirituality and can be worshipped.

    The king is the messenger of the sun god in the world, responsible for ruling the people of the whole world, and everyone must be loyal to the king.

    But there is no high priest here, but a kind of royal astrologer, and their astrology is likely to come from Arabia.

    After a series of ceremonies, the king sanctified the expedition, which was the conquest of the sun god against the evil thunder god.  The warriors who died in this battle can enter the Kingdom of God after death and receive the blessing of the gods forever.

    For a while, morale burst.

    Even in those small tribes, the native soldiers were eager to try, but only the tribal leaders expressed doubts.  Because in normal times, the leaders of small tribes would also use gods to fool the tribe.

    In the meandering and narrow river valley, more than 10,000 people moved slowly, dragging them into a long snake stretching for two or three miles.

    Damo is the "prince" of a small tribe. His father is old and frail. This time he led the tribe to the expedition.  In fact, he was very reluctant to come, because last year's typhoon severely reduced grain production.  There was not enough to eat, and I had to bring my own dry food to fight the war. There will definitely be a famine when I go back this year.

    Walking ahead of Damo is the Longniao tribe. He knows the leader of the Longniao tribe, and the Longniao tribe is not doing well this year.

    The ostrich is much bigger than the ostrich, and one egg is as big as seven ostrich eggs.  This kind of bird cannot fly and is almost extinct. If you are lucky, you will see one or two.

    This river valley is too far away, and Damo has never been here before, so he looked curiously at the scenery along the way.

    "Boom boom boom!"

    Three cannon shots were heard from the other side of the river.

    The terrain on the opposite bank is steeper and not suitable for large-scale marches, but the erection of forts can cover this side with firepower.

    There are still nearly ten miles away from the village of the Han people, and the battle started early.

    "Thor is angry!"

    Hearing the rumbling cannon, the natives began to panic, stopped and looked at the other side at a loss.

    Although the king is the messenger of the sun god in the world, the god of thunder is not something that ordinary people can deal with.  The shell fell into the crowd of two small tribes, and the nearby natives knelt down in fright and prayed, silently begging Thor to forgive him.

    King Zahal pulled out his bronze sword and shouted against the sun: "The sun god has given me supernatural power, and I will bless you with supernatural power. All the warriors who died in battle today can enter the kingdom of God and serve the gods forever and ever.  Rush to the other side of the river and kill the followers of the evil god!"

    A large number of messengers and speakers were sent from the king to deliver news to the various tribes.

    The astrologer also took out the wooden sign, pretended to be a ghost, and shouted: "The gods told me that we will win this battle!"

    "Bless the Sun God!"

    The nobles around the king shouted, and the rest of the civilian soldiers followed suit.  The shouts spread to both sides, and finally more than 10,000 people shouted collectively, which not only prevented the collapse, but also boosted morale.

    "Boom boom boom!"

    Another three shells hit, the sun god was obviously not blessed, and some unlucky ones were smashed to pieces.

    "Kill across the river!"

    Thousands of soldiers rushed to jump into the river, just swimming with bare hands.

    Although they have shipbuilding technology, they can build some small boats.  But the rivers here all run from east to west, but this time the troops were dispatched from south to north, so there was no problem at all."One cannot stand still and be dumbfounded."

    The various tribes on both sides showed obvious hesitation and dilly-dally gathered towards the king.

    On the frontal battlefield, Deng Youzhang's soldiers had completely gone down the hillside.  The front row is full of musketeers, with swords and shields guarding them, and the shields are simple wooden shields.  The spearmen followed, and the native soldiers even further behind.

    The two sides approached a little bit, and the enemy was already throwing stones.

    It was a primitive catapult made of wooden sticks and ropes. If it hits the body, it will be bruised directly. If it hits the head, it is likely to pass out on the spot.

    "Puff puff¡­¡­"

    The stones fell on the wooden shield one after another, and occasionally the legs and feet were hit.  There was even a Han soldier who had his tibia cracked by a stone.

    The two sides continued to approach, and the native spearmen were ready to throw their spears.

    "Bang bang bang bang!"

    A burst of gunshots rang out, and then gunpowder smoke rose, and the native soldiers facing each other fell down.

    "Thor's weapon! Run!"

    The native soldiers who were not shot turned around and fled in fright, thinking that the firecrackers could shoot continuously.  The native nobles ran the fastest, completely ignoring the king, and ran in the direction they came, causing thousands of tribal soldiers to disperse together.

    The tribal soldiers on the other side did not dare to return the same way, so they jumped into the river to escape.

    There are also some tribes, under the leadership of the leader, collectively kneel down and ask for surrender.

    Damo didn't run away, nor did he kneel, but said to his tribe: "The king has failed, and Thor is the true god. Come with me to help Thor fight! Kill the king!"

    If you kill the king, you don't have to hand in this year's tribute

    The king wanted to gather the rout, but no one listened to him at all, so he could only flee with the prince.


    "On the bayonet!"

    The Han soldiers pointed at the king and chased after them, and the native soldiers they brought with them also started chasing and killing them with red eyes.

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