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Body 414¡¾Siege Artillery¡¿

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    The news that Duoduo's main force had left only deceived Fei Ruhe for less than ten days. After all, there are Datong troops in every city.  Although Duoduo came up with all kinds of deceiving tricks, the transfer of supplies still cannot deceive people.

    There is no way to chase. If Zhang Tieniu hadn't returned to the army early, Yizhou City could only be carried by the peasants and soldiers defending the city.

    Fei Ruhe chose to attack Jining regardless of the enemy's main force, because the siege artillery was brought in!

    A total of six siege cannons were built, three of which were made in Macau, shipped to the Yangtze River by sea, and then sent to Fei Ruhe by the Grand Canal.  The other three were manufactured in Jiangxi and shipped all the way to the battlefield in Henan.

    These siege guns have a body weight of 3.5 tons and a diameter of about 20 cm. According to the British name, they should be called "63-pound guns".

    Zhao Han borrowed this method and localized it, calling it "Forty-seven Jin Pao" (57.15 Jin).

    But the "forty-seven catties gun" is really not imposing. Some soldiers followed the name of the Ming Dynasty and still called it "the mighty general gun", or they called it "six thousand catties gun" based on the weight of the gun body (actually 7000 catties).  .

    At this moment, Zu Zeyuan has brought the Han army with a white flag to help, and is currently stationed in Jining City.

    Whether it was Hong Chengchou, Zuo Liangyu, or Zu Zeyuan, they didn't care about Fei Ruhe's siege.  Because there is a large army stationed in the city, and Jining is high and deep, as long as the spies in the city are strictly guarded, Fei Ruhe will not be able to break the city after a year of attack.

    The Jining city wall is 13 meters high, the wall base is 14 meters thick, and the wall top is 7 meters thick.

    Even if you dig a tunnel and use gunpowder to blow it up, it¡¯s not enough to blow it up with a few hundred catties of gunpowder!

    Hong Chengchou sat on the tower and read a book. The people outside the city were still filling the moat.  Zuo Liangyu was simply basking in the sun, thinking about the situation of the war in his mind, he always felt terrified these days.


    Suddenly, a guard soldier exclaimed.

    The noise was getting louder and louder, Hong Chengchou finally couldn't sit still, got up and went to see what happened.

    I saw a tripod set up with logs on the shore, and there are only a few tripods like this.  The specific details are not clear, there seems to be a pulley (pulley) device, and there are a lot of ropes. The enemy soldiers are pulling the pulley block, and something is pulled from the boat.

    Hong Chengchou snatched the binoculars from the observation soldier's hand, but saw that a gun barrel was hoisted by a block of pulleys.  It is slightly slender than the common Hongyi cannon, but the barrel is really thick.

    Zu Zeyuan also ran over, snatched the binoculars from Hong Chengchou, and said dryly, "This time it's troublesome!"

    Another artillery officer who mastered mathematics came to the designated artillery position and took out a measuring instrument to measure angles and distances.

    The Ming Dynasty had the technology of artillery distance measurement. There are hundreds of scales on the pole of the watch, and the Pythagorean oblique string is used to measure and calculate.  Sun Yuanhua also wrote "Western Magic Machine", which introduced European artillery ranging technology.

    Three siege cannons and a sports car with wheels.

    The civilian husbands pushed the sports car hard to the side of the artillery officer.  This kind of sports car is also specially made, made of copper, iron, and hardwood. The recoil force of the siege cannon is completely cushioned by the wheels and the ground.

    After repeated calculations, the Datong Army began to test artillery.

    Hong Chengchou, Zuo Liangyu, Zu Zeyuan and others ran down the tower to escape without waiting for the shells to be loaded outside the city.

    According to the weight unit hundreds of years later, a cannonball weighs more than 57 catties, and it takes a lot of effort to stuff the cannonball into the barrel!

    In addition to the three heavy siege artillery, twenty-five field artillery were also aimed at the same section of the city wall.

    The wonderful scene is coming.

    Three heavy siege artillery pieces and twenty-five field artillery pieces fired at the same section of the city wall one after another.  Every time a door is fired, the data will be recorded, and then the angle adjustment will be made.

    "Boom boom boom boom!"

    Most of the shells were too far or too close, and only three hit the target, one of which hit the parapet at the top.

    No one could suppress it, and no one suppressed it. Anyway, all the guards on that section of the city wall ran away.

    Every time the heavy siege artillery was fired, it would be pushed back to its original position. There were ten soldiers pushing the artillery cart alone.


    Finally, a heavy artillery hit, and the 47 Ming Jin (57 Shi Jin) iron bullet slammed on the city wall.  The bricks of the outer city wall were smashed into pieces, but the rammed earth city wall inside could absorb the kinetic energy of the shells.

    The city wall of Jining is too thick!

    In the city, only Zu Zeyuan's Eight Banners of the Han Army surrendered, and the rest were all Han surrendered troops, including Shandong surrendered troops and frontier troops surrendered.

    Some Shandong generals have already made up their minds to escape. Whenever the city wall collapses, they will flee at any time. Anyway, it is impossible to work for the Qing Dynasty.

    At least, before the Manchus did not win the battle.?Order to replace the flag of Datong.

    However, the occupation is unknown, and Zhang Yingxiang dare not turn against him easily. What if the Manchu Qing army wins?

    Don't wait for it to get dark, anyway, his family is not in the city, and his property is not in the city either.  Before more than 100,000 rebels besieged the city, Zhang Yingxiang led his troops to abandon the city and fled, circled north and rushed to Jining to join Zuo Liangyu.

    The Datong Army Navy has occupied the canal near Jining!

    "Why are you here?" Zuo Liangyu asked.

    Zhang Yingxiang replied: "More than 200,000 rebellious troops attacked Jiaxiang, and the humble post really couldn't be defended."

    Zuo Liangyu became more and more worried, and the development of the situation was very different from what he imagined.

    This is no longer a war between the Eight Banners of the Manchu Qing Dynasty and the Datong Army, but the entire Shandong people who rose up to fight against the Qing Dynasty.

    Historically, the Manchu Qing occupied Shandong for ten years before completely eliminating the rebels in Shandong.

    Now the Datong Army is making rumors carefully, colluding and inciting everywhere, and with the Datong Army as its confidence, the Shandong Rebel Army is several times more than in history.

    The vast ocean of the people's war!


    The crack in the city wall became bigger, and Hong Chengchou's face became more and more gloomy.

    The Datong navy occupied the canal, and the Jining defenders couldn't leave if they wanted to.

    It is also possible to withdraw the troops, but they cannot take away the supplies and food.  Because the more troops are withdrawn by land, the more civilians are needed.

    Once there are more civilians, plus a group of demoralized soldiers and generals, I am afraid that the Datong army will not be able to catch up for a few miles, and Hong Chengchou's side will change from withdrawing to rout.


    Another heavy artillery hit, and Hong Chengchou was terrified when he saw it.

    A messenger ran from the east, and after entering the city, he said in horror: "Sishui County is gone, and the enemy is besieging Qufu County!"

    Zu Zeyuan was terrified: "Where is the army of His Highness the Ten Kings?"

    "The ten kings were defeated and killed!" said the messenger.

    Hong Chengchou and Zu Zeyuan looked at each other and looked at Zuo Liangyu at the same time.

    Zuo Liangyu was far away, he wanted to know the military situation, but Hong Chengchou wouldn't let him listen.

    On Jining's side, the general has already left his heart.

    Zu Zeyuan recruited his own soldiers, surrounded Zuo Liangyu and said: "The ten kings have been defeated, and Jining can't stay here for long. Tonight, take the elite and withdraw to Dongping."

    Zuo Liangyu lowered his head and said, "Okay!"

    Zuo Liangyu was held hostage, and if he said no, he would be hacked to death by Zu Zeyuan.

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