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Body 411 [Flesh and blood fight]

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    "Beep beep beep!"

    "Beep beep beep!"

    After Ma Wannian received the order, he brought back the dragoons immediately, and entangled with Yide's Manqing Xiaoqi, because the Datong firecrackers behind the cover side were about to switch positions.

    Seeing the dragoons coming back here, Ild was very upset, but he could only fight with Ma Wannian.

    If Ma Wannian doesn't come back again, when all the firecrackers in Datong are transferred to the front row, Man Qing Xiaoqi can take out heavy arrows and shoot flat at close range.

    There are three kinds of arrows in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, namely: covered arrows, stabbing arrows, and sentry arrows.

    Phi arrows are commonly known as Manchu Heavy Arrows. The arrows are inverted triangles and look like small shovels.

    This thing is extremely powerful. Under close range shooting, it can penetrate two layers of leather armor, one layer of chain armor, and one layer of iron leaf.  Iron helmets will also be penetrated, and the bamboo helmets of the Datong Army with iron plates are also unable to prevent them.

    Moreover, even if the heavy arrows of the Qing Dynasty cannot penetrate the armor, they can still cause a heavy blow effect, just like being hit by a bullet while wearing a body armor, the impact alone is very uncomfortable.

    The core tactics of Manchu battles were to rely on chariots to advance, and then shoot heavy arrows at close range.

    The elite servants of the Ming border generals were often shot into chaos, or simply collapsed on the spot.

    A soldier who can hold two rounds of heavy arrows is definitely called an elite soldier, and a soldier who can hold three rounds belongs to the dead!

    Of course, Manqing heavy arrows also have weaknesses.

    That is, the arrow is too heavy to be thrown, and can only be shot flat from 30 meters to 50 meters.

    30 meters is 20 steps, that is the world of Datong firecrackers.

    As for the Manchu thorn arrows, the arrow body is slender and light, and the arrowhead is also slender and sharp.  It has strong penetrating power for leather armor and is mostly used for long-range shooting, but its power is not very great, and the Datong Army can completely take it down.

    At this moment, the cavalry of both sides entangled again.

    While the Qing infantry was still advancing, the archers hid behind the chariots and used stabbing arrows to project long distances.

    38 Manchu chariots have been defeated, and only 59 are still moving forward, exposing a large number of Manchu infantry.

    "Boom boom boom!"

    The artillery of the Datong Army rang again, and the artillery position was on a small mound.

    Even mounds are not counted, just relatively raised flat ground.

    After adjusting the angle of the artillery, the solid bullets passed over the heads of the Datong army, aiming specifically at the infantry of the Qing army who were not protected by chariots.

    One of the shells, after killing the two people in front of them, continued to bounce and roll along the ground with huge kinetic energy, smashing into twelve calves of the Manchu infantry one after another.

    "Ah, my feet!"

    "My leg is broken, my leg is broken!"

    In the large infantry formation of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, some who survived after being shot, and who were not unconscious on the spot, hugged their broken legs and hissed and howled.

    Until now, due to the destruction of 40% of the chariots, the Manchu tactics of chariots, heavy arrows, and heavy infantry have been greatly reduced in effect.

    Because according to the fixed routine, after the chariot is pushed forward, it has to hide behind and throw a stabbing arrow.  Wait until the enemy is shot in a panic before using heavy arrows to carry out a devastating blow. If you directly let the elite archers stand up, they will become the target of the enemy's firecrackers!

    Duduo was a little anxious, because the front line of the Datong Army did not waver in the slightest because of three consecutive rounds of stabbing arrows.

    Chen Dafeng was a Zhejiang soldier who was conscripted into the army after only serving as a farmer for one year.  A few months ago when the army was expanded, he was promoted to be the head of the post. At this moment, he was holding a long gun and hiding behind the rattan plate.


    A stabbing arrow was thrown, fell from top to bottom, rubbed against the edge of the rattan plate, and stabbed obliquely into his shoulder.

    It doesn't penetrate deep into the flesh, it only pierces the flesh, but it hurts a little.

    Chen Dafeng heard a muffled groan from the rattan player, but was pierced by an arrow through his left foot.

    "Hold it, don't move, don't move!" Chen Dafeng urged repeatedly, also to encourage himself.

    Another wave of arrows flew in, and several rattan players in the front row fell down.

    Some arrows even hit the firecrackers, but the firecrackers retreated and still stopped fighting.

    ? Simply resisting the projectiles of Manqing archers, an elite archer, if he does not rest, can shoot more than ten arrows in a row at most.

    "Boom boom boom boom!"

    The artillerymen of the Datong Army are constantly busy. In this case, there is no need to fire salvos. Whoever loads the shells will fire first.

    ?The Datong Army carried bows and arrows hard, and the Eight Banners Army carried artillery hard, and the two sides accumulated little by little.

    A Manchu commander rode up to Doduo on horseback: "Your Highness the Ten Kings, stabbed arrows won't work, please use heavy arrows!"

    Li Soltai also rode it himselfIf so, the combat effectiveness will plummet.

    Well, Manchu archers also wear heavy armor and are also melee soldiers!

    Without waiting for the Chinese army's order, Chen Fugui ordered the battalions of the firecrackers to line up across the defense line of the melee soldiers.

    Chen Dafeng got up from the ground, he was shot in the shoulder by an arrow, and continued to bleed.  Not only was his shoulder numb, but his entire left arm also had no strength.

    "Third Battalion, those who are still alive, stand up!" Chen Dafeng held a long spear in one hand, ready to step forward to meet the firecrackers at any time.

    Thirty steps, twenty steps

    "Fire the gun!"

    2500 firecrackers, three-stage continuous fire.

    Duduo put down the binoculars, then picked up the binoculars again, he was dumbfounded.

    The heavy armored soldiers of the Han Army Banner have already collapsed, some of the Eight Banners are still charging, and some of the Eight Banners have already collapsed.

    Senior traitor Li Sutai fell to the ground at this moment, his body still twitching.

    Geng Zhongming's horse was shot, throwing him to the ground and breaking his leg, he limped back enduring the pain.

    "On the bayonet!"


    "Vine card player, spearman, all step forward!"

    Chen Dafeng held a heavy arrow and a stabbing arrow on his shoulder, and led his troops forward with a spear in one hand.

    "Boom boom boom!"

    The elite of the Eight Banners who were still charging encountered the enemy of thousands of people head-on.  After the explosion, more than 400 people fled again.

    The grenadiers threw two bombs each, and also drew their waist knives and charged forward.

    Li Guoying's department, who had already sideways, ignored him at all.  At this moment, he could rush to the Datong army immediately, but he was really terrified so far.

    I heard that Emperor Zhao had a lot of troops like this, and the Manchus still have nothing to do with the world!

    Li Guoying cut off her braid before the battle, raised her knife and shouted: "Han Jia Erlang, follow me to kill the Tartars!"

    This guy actually got cold feet.

    "Toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot"

    The charge horn rang, and all the firecrackers put on their bayonets, aiming at the ones that hadn't fled.

    The rattan card player threw away the rattan card, held a waist knife, and rushed forward with the spearman and the grenadier.

    Chen Dafeng held the spear with one hand, and threw himself forward, another spearman had already reached the enemy.  The two of them stabbed Hongba Yala's elite soldiers together, but it was really just a stabbing, because they didn't pierce the armor.

    The three of them rolled together, their weapons no longer functioning, and they fought like a street brawl.

    "Boom boom boom!"

    A cannonball smashed Duoduo's commander-in-chief flag, but the artillery was still firing.

    "The enemy general is dead!"

    Doduo ran away on horseback. This was not the first time he had escaped, and he had a history of running away before.

    The Eight Banners soldiers, the whole army collapsed, only the more than 2,000 cavalry remained.

    Yide wanted to take the cavalry to join Dodo, but Ma Wannian's dragoons stopped him.  It didn't matter that there were so many of them, they led the troops and fled towards the mountains to the north.

    Many of the cavalry led by Keyilde were Dodor's bannermen.

    These banner men did not dare to leave Duoduo and escape, otherwise they would die if they fled back.  More than 2,000 Manqing Xiaoqi were actually divided into two, and one of them went desperately to find Duoduo.

    Ma Wannian led his troops to entangle these guys to fight, and sent another 500 riders to chase directly in the direction of Duoduo.

    "Father, get on the horse!" Geng Jimao got a war horse from nowhere.

    Supported by his son, Geng Zhongming wanted to climb onto the horse.

    The Datong army was chasing after him from behind, Geng Jimao suddenly pushed his father onto the horse's back, then got on the horse and fled far away.

    Geng Zhongming had a broken leg, and his son pushed him so hard that he almost fell off the horse from the other side under the pain.

    Before he could sit still, the Datong army grabbed his broken leg and pulled him off the horse desperately.

    Another Datong army, holding a firecracker, pierced his face with a bayonet, causing Geng Zhongming to scream in pain.

    Another bayonet stabbed at the throat, Geng Zhongming drew the knife and slashed wildly, wounding the Datong soldier's arm, and then died himself.
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