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Text 295 [Monarch and Subject]

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    Seeing that Zhao Han started to read "Yuanjun", both Gu Gao and Wu Yingji felt uneasy.

    This article is an elaboration of the monarchy. The country is like a big business, and the common people are all shareholders.  The emperor is the big shopkeeper who was hired, and the officials are the second shopkeeper, the third shopkeeper and the semicolon shopkeeper who were hired.

    It vaguely reveals the meaning of restricting the monarchy.

    Although Huang Zongxi was going all out, he was still quite nervous and kept observing Zhao Han's expression.

    Surprisingly, Zhao Han was actually smiling.

    That kind of smile is neither contempt, nor joy, nor anger.  It's like like Mr. Murakami, grading schoolchildren's homework, the meaning is indescribable.

    The article is very short, read it quickly.

    Didn't get angry?

    This was beyond the expectations of Gu Gao and Wu Yingji. It both touched Zhao Han's heart and shocked Zhao Han's city.  They believed that Zhao Han was able to tolerate dissent and at the same time control his emotions. He probably hated Huang Zongxi in his heart.

    Zhao Han asked: "Do you want to limit the monarchy?"

    Huang Zongxi replied: "It is natural that the sages of generations are the best, but it is inevitable that there will be fatuous lords."

    Zhao Han smiled and said: "You said that the common people are the shareholders, so may I ask, which are the major shareholders and which are the small shareholders? Which shareholders count when they say it?"

    Huang Zongxi was stunned.

    "Let's talk about it small," Zhao Han put down the article, "There are ten thousand shareholders in Tianxia, ??ten of them are major shareholders, and they can elect the second shopkeeper, the third shopkeeper, and the semicolon shopkeeper. Except for the emperor  Except for the big shopkeeper, the rest of the shopkeepers have to listen to the words of the ten major shareholders. The shopkeepers and the major shareholders have joined forces to fabricate false accounts, run a deficit on the firm, and embezzle privately. So, who owns this big firm? It belongs to the ten major shareholders,  Or the 10,000 shareholders?"

    Huang Zongxi fell into confusion.

    Zhao Han continued: "In this firm of Ming Dynasty, the shopkeepers were losing money, and the big shareholders swallowed up the shares of the small shareholders, which caused the firm to continue to lose money, and the business was squeezed out by the Manchu firm. As the big shopkeeper, Chongzhen wanted to turn the tide  , but no one can believe it. While teaching other shopkeepers, he forced the shareholders to invest money. The major shareholders were unwilling to invest money and asked the small shareholders to invest. The small shareholders had no money and starved to death. Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and I were both  The small shareholders who are forced to do nothing can only withdraw their capital and build another firm."

    Gu Gao and Wu Yingji stared wide-eyed, how can the general situation of the world be described in this way?

    Zhao Han pointed to Huang Zongxi again: "The so-called Donglin Party and Fushe are either the second shopkeeper or the shareholders who want to be the shopkeeper. You think you can make the company prosperous, but you have been greedy for the money of the company. Even if you don't greedy now  , will be greedy in the future! May I ask how many honest officials there are in the world? In my opinion, the Eunuch Party and the Donglin Party are the sameDon¡¯t be angry, everyone, I know you have virtues, but what good is virtue in governing the country and the people?"

    Huang Zongxi stood up, cupped his hands and said: "Thank you for your enlightenment, sir, I will take my leave!"

    Zhao Han said: "Just live on this boat."

    The three were taken to the cabin, where Zheng Sen, Kuang Lu, Wang Dai, Zhang Jiayu and other secretaries who followed the army lived together.

    While exchanging pleasantries, Huang Zongxi took out "Theory of Family, Country and World", and re-read it while thinking carefully.

    The next day, take a boat to the west.

    Huang Zongxi not only revised "Yuan Jun", but also wrote two articles "Yuan Chen" and "Yuan Min" one after another.

    Combined, the three articles are roughly as follows:

    All the people are raised naturally, and survive and reproduce through labor.  All industries, regardless of high or low, are creating wealth for the country.

    However, people need to resist natural disasters, fight against foreign enemies, mediate disputes, and punish crimes.  Therefore, there must be a leader, and this person is the monarch of the world.

    The monarch is supported by all the people and has supreme power.  His power is endowed by the people, and it should be for the well-being of the people, otherwise it belongs to an incompetent monarch.

    There are many people, the world is too big, and the monarch cannot govern alone, so hundreds of civil and military officials and officials are needed.  The way to be a minister is not to be loyal to the emperor, but to be loyal to the people.  Officials do not have the salary of the king, but the salary of the people.

    After "Yuanjun", "Yuanchen" and "Yuanmin" were written, they were first circulated in the cabin.

    Kuang Lu exclaimed: "Mr. is a great talent, this is a masterpiece!"

    "This is a statement that harms the country!" Tao Aizhi was furious, "As a minister, he should be loyal to the emperor. He said that Mr. Zhao, without him raising his arms and shouting, would there be great governance in Jiangxi? The people are like sheep, without the leader to lead the way.  Buried in the belly of tigers and leopards. It is not for the people to support Mr. Zhao, but for Mr. Zhao to provide for the people. We are ministers, eat the king's salary, and are loyal to the king!"

    Zheng Sen, Wang Dai, Zhang??With a passion and a heart full of people, I didn't expect to have so many complicated thoughts!

    Wu Yingji also said: "The "Yu Zhi Da Gao" has been shelved by Chengzu, how long can "Da Tong Ji" exist? At most one or two generations of kings, "Da Tong Ji" will be deleted beyond recognition."


    There was a sound of piano, but Kuang Lu was in a happy mood, playing the piano and singing on the deck.

    Kuang Lu didn't think as much as Wu Yingji. When he was young, he was unrestrained and unrestrained. The young man avoided disaster and visited half of China.  Hearing a lot, seeing a lot, thinking a lot, after hearing what Zhao Han said today, he was completely overwhelmed by his heart.

    Another hour later, Huang Zongxi came over with the supplemented article: "Brother Kuang, please correct me. If there is anything wrong, I will take it and revise it."

    "Correcting should not be done, it's just mutual confirmation." Kuang Lu said happily.

    These two people were strangers before, but now they seem to be good friends who have known each other for many years.

    Just as they were discussing the article, it was almost evening, and the fleet docked between Hekou Town and Ehu Town.

    After many years, Zhao Han finally returned to Qianshan Mountain, and he still came with an army.

    (Ask for a monthly pass. ?
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