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Body 222 [Zhao Tianwang's Wild Fan] (addition for the leader "yzzzzzzzzz")

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    The real bitter battle is in Zhangshu Town.

    Zhangshu Town is a town with the richest tax revenue under Zhao Han's rule.  The fiscal revenue contributed by Zhangshu Town alone is worth the sum of Longquan and Yongning counties!

    After the Ganjiang River flows through Ji'an Mansion, it merges into a large river and several small rivers.  When they arrived at Zhangshu Town, the Yuan River came again with floods. The two rivers converged and washed out a sharp bend, and even brought a large amount of sediment to deposit into a sandbar.

    At the beginning, Wang Siren's officers, soldiers and navy had an absolute advantage, but they didn't dare to read the river mouth.  In fact, they dare not cross the sandbar. The river is narrow and the water situation is complicated. Even if they are not attacked by fire, they will be surrounded and ambushed.

    With this, Zhao Han was able to calmly confront the government and army, but now because of this terrain, Zhangshu Town has brought huge pressure to fight the flood.


    The bamboo whistle sounded, and more than two thousand farmers and soldiers rushed over.

    There were thousands of young adults who were organized by the peasant association and went to the lower reaches of Zhangshu Town.

    The mayor of the town took his officials and knocked on doors from door to door, recruiting the townspeople to build embankments to fight the flood.

    In fact, along the entire Ganjiang River, flood embankments have been built since the Tang Dynasty.

    ? In particular, the east dike of the Ganjiang River upstream and downstream of Fengcheng, from the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, has been able to protect 600,000 mu of farmland.  The Ming Dynasty continued to build more, but it was not until the Republic of China that the dikes on the Zhangshu Town side could be connected.

    After the Wanli Dynasty, the local water conservancy was corrupted, and it all depended on the responsible local officials to call on the gentry to donate money for repairs.

    As long as there are official organizations, the gentry are also willing to donate money, which is to protect their property.  Take the dikes in Zhangshu Town as an example. Once the flood floods or breaks the dikes, it may submerge 100,000 mu of fertile land, because the banks are all low-lying areas.

    Both the prefect of Linjiang and the prefect of Qingjiang are in charge of the prefectural city, and they can't get through during the flood.

    The safety of Zhangshu Town rests on the mayor Liu Tongyu.

    Liu Tongyu was born as a scholar of a wealthy family, with both civil and military skills, and served as a civil servant in the army at the beginning.  Together with Zhang Tieniu, he also captured Xingan County by defrauding the city. His position as mayor was not inferior to that of the county magistrate.

    At this moment, Liu Tongyu was running on the embankment along the river to direct the flood fighting in the rain.

    Under the organization of the government, the residents of the town joined in one after another, and the peasants, soldiers and peasant associations also took action.

    No one dared to slack off, their ancestors lived by the river for generations, and they knew that this year's situation was not right.  This torrential rain has been falling for too long, and it finally cleared for two days in the middle, and suddenly there was another heavy rainstorm.

    ? Not only the town leads people to observe the water level every day, but the common people also go to observe it every day. After all, it is more than 100,000 mu of land once flooded, and there is no status in the face of the flood.

    The medicinal material merchants in Zhangshu Town all joined forces and sent money and men to build embankments.  If the embankment breaks or floods, they will suffer the greatest loss. Many people have piled up several warehouses of medicinal materials.

    ?From Zhangshu Town to the north, there are peasant soldiers and peasant associations on both sides of the bank, organizing the masses to fight the flood.

    If you look down from a high altitude, it looks like countless ants, carrying sandbags and mud baskets to and from the river, performing the most grand and magnificent epic in the world.

    Fei Chun was actually the one who had the most headaches. Not only did he have to allocate funds for disaster relief, but after the flood receded, he also had to reduce or exempt the people's land taxes as appropriate.  Although mountainous areas are not affected by floods, the drought is extremely severe, which means that taxes will be generally reduced or exempted this year.

    The money and food in the official warehouse are not enough!

    ? Originally, the truce of Zhaoan, the smooth flow of salt roads, and the financial problems have been alleviated.  As long as the harvest continues this year, or an average year, the warehouses in all counties will be able to pile up like mountains.

    What the hell is a catastrophic year coming suddenly?

    Fei Chun felt a deep malice, feeling that God was deliberately against him.

    Han Chengxuan, as the county magistrate of Nanchang appointed by the imperial court, also left Nanchang County at this moment, and came to the bank of Ganjiang River to direct the increase and construction of embankments.

    He had already been emptied, without any real power to speak of.

    However, he was active in disaster relief, and at this moment he also obtained part of the command, as if he had become an official under Zhao Han's command.

    After working hard for two consecutive days and nights, seeing the water level drop little by little, Han Chengxuan was so tired that he lay directly on the embankment.

    "Master Han is eating." A woman brought the food with a smile.

    Han Chengxuan struggled to get up, smiled and said, "Thank you."

    While eating and observing, the embankment is full of officials and civilians lying in disorder.

    Hu Dinggui came over with his job bowl in his hand, and said with a smile: "It's better to be a thief than a county honorer. You are a good official. It's a pity to give your life to the dog emperor."

    The title of Emperor Dog made Han Chengxuan dumbfounded. He had heard it countless times in Jiangxi.  I was angry at firstBegging for food in the wilderness, countless people starved to death along the way.

    By the Longkou River.

    Ding Jiasheng, a poor scholar who had been starving for a whole day, approached some friends in the same village and said, "There was a severe drought along the way, and the small households had no food left, and the big households were closed and refused to give food. If this continues,  Sooner or later you will starve to death, I think it is better to rebel."

    "Can we succeed in rebelling?" asked a friend.

    Ding Jiasheng took out a copy of "Da Tong Ji" from his arms, and said: "There is a Zhao Tianwang in the south.  I found it at the door of Master Zhou's house."

    The other friends have never read the book, and asked: "What is this book about?"

    "How rebellious it is written," Ding Jiasheng said, "I have been reading every day for the past year, and I can recite everything written in the book. Let's kill a few landlords first, open warehouses to release grain, and recruit more people. Divide the land  I'm afraid it will be difficult, so let's take people directly to attack the county seat. After the city is taken down, we will invite Zhao Tianwang to be the master, and we can also be heroes. Remember, Zhao Tianwang is benevolent, forbidding to kill people, and forbidding to rape women  .These two rules cannot be broken, if anyone breaks, I will turn my face and deny anyone."

    On the same day, Ding Jiasheng instigated hundreds of people to break into the landlord's house.  While opening the warehouse to release the grain, he also killed a few Liwei who had bad manners.

    ?They engulfed hungry people along the way and robbed landlords to raise food for the army.

    ?The troops were divided halfway, and the large force headed for the capital city of Raozhou. Ding Jiasheng personally led a small group of main forces to go straight to Duchang County, disguised as civilians, and seized the county seat in one fell swoop.

    At the same time, the banner of Zhao Tianwang was unfurled, and countless hungry people came to seek refuge.

    This person also selected talents, and even started to distribute land to the people around the county town.
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