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Body 115 [Army Expansion and Reorganization]

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    Ji'an Fucheng is not a good place for military training.

    Because it is too prosperous, even the simple peasant soldiers are gradually corrupted by the desires of the city.

    Zhao Han killed five soldiers in one go, one of them was a veteran of Wuxing Town, one was a soldier recruited on the way, and three were recruits recruited in Fucheng.

    Originally, I wanted to let the veterans take the recruits and send them to the south of the city to maintain order.

    Unexpectedly, when three recruits from homeless background told their tragic experiences, the two veterans were filled with righteous indignation.  The five people left the patrolling block without permission, broke into a profiteering business, killed the entire male family of the profiteer, and under the lure of the recruits, raped and humiliated the woman of the family, and then looted the property.

    There are too many military orders violated, and no one can keep them.


    At the southern pier of the city, five soldiers lined up, kneeling on the ground waiting to be beheaded.

    Countless residents of Fucheng came to watch the excitement, the splashed blood, and the rolling heads made the timid scream and the daring excited.

    Zhao Han said loudly: "These five people disobeyed military orders, left their posts without authorization, raped, murdered and robbed, and now they are being punished by the public!"


    Some people started to applaud, presumably they were bullied by Zhao Han's soldiers.

    "Come on!"

    Zhao Han gave an order, and more than ten people were brought to the pier.

    Zhao Han said to the onlookers: "These people either don't give money for food, or forcefully buy goods at low prices. They should be punished with military sticks!"

    Originally, according to Zhao Han's intention, he planned to abolish corporal punishment such as military batons, and instead use confinement and punishment for running.  But he gradually discovered that he couldn't suppress it without the baton, so he could only resume some corporal punishment.

    "Crack, clap, clap!"

    The executioner has shown mercy, otherwise dozens of army sticks will kill and maim people on the spot.

    Even so, the soldiers who were beaten with boards couldn't bear it.  Pain is one aspect, and there are also psychological factors. In front of thousands of people, taking off their pants and spanking, it is really embarrassing to grandma's house.

    After the punishment was completed, Zhao Han immediately reorganized the army and promulgated more detailed military laws at the same time.

    A total of nearly 4,000 people were re-selected and re-trained according to the battalion post system during the Jiajing period.

    ?Five people form a team, two teams form a team, three teams form a team, three teams form a whistle, five whistles form a general, and five generals form a battalion.

    Zhao Han led the entire army himself as the commander-in-chief.

    Fei Ruhe was the battalion deputy and general manager, who assisted Zhao Han in commanding the entire army, and personally led 500 members of the Chinese army.

    Jiang Dashan, Huang Yao, Huang Shun, Li Zheng, and Jiang Liang are all generals, each leading 500 people.

    Li Xiangui, a military judge, led the French army of 50 people.

    Chen Maosheng, as a mission officer, led a mission team of 120 people, including prostitutes, turtles and actors.

    He also selected domestic slaves and people from military households to form Zhao Han's personal soldiers "Nuer Army", currently only 92 people.  Zhang Tieniu is the captain of the soldiers, Liu Zhu is the deputy captain of the soldiers, and the banner is the word "slave" written in blood on the white cloth.

    The remaining hundreds of people were organized into a supply team, and Xiao Huan was in charge of logistics.

    In addition, Fei Chun actually supervised the money and food, and Huang Shunde served as the chief bookkeeper (Zhao Han's military secretary).

    Each sentry (about 100 people) must be equipped with a missionary officer, who is responsible for propagating Datong thought, explaining military law and discipline to soldiers, and caring for the lives of ordinary soldiers.  However, the officers must not interfere with the command of operations!

    Except for the troops on duty, all the rest returned to the city for drills, and the generals' office and the city guard battalion were designated as training grounds.

    After several days of practice, the recruits can barely form an array, but unfortunately, a slight movement will cause chaos.

    Why didn't Zhao Han rob money and food from big households outside the city?

    ?Because the entire Ji'an Mansion, the autumn grain delivered by the counties one after another, all the grain is in the Xicheng warehouse, and all the money is in the inner courtyard of the magistrate.  These money and food will not be shipped to the capital until February next year, and now they are all cheaper for Zhao Han.

    The military pay is sufficient and the meals are full. Even though the drills are hard and the military laws are strict, the soldiers are full of energy.

    Whenever there is a break, the missionary officers of each sentry will start to ask for their health.  After getting closer to the soldiers, the missionaries preached military law and various popular ideas of Datong.

    In fact, these missionary officers are also a little confused.

    When the soldiers were training, they listened to Chen Maosheng's lectures.  When the soldiers were resting, they learned what they learned and sold it now, and told the soldiers what they had just learned.

    Sometimes, the mission officer was even confused by the soldiers, and ran to ask Chen Maosheng with a question mark, which made the soldiers at all posts laugh.

    Just when the recruit training was on the right track, Zhao Han suddenly received news that the governor Xie Xuelong had brought the troops.

    Zhao Han immediately stopped training,If thousands of officers and soldiers fight for ten years, don't even think about defeating them.

    It doesn't even take much effort to maintain law and order, because more than 80% of the residents live in various markets outside the city.

    Xie Xuelong also bullied Zhao Han that he didn't have a navy, and all the large merchant ships outside the city ran away, and Zhao Han only grabbed a few large ships.  This guy blocked Fucheng with ships, stationed troops on Bailuzhou, and began to recruit laborers to make siege equipment.

    Then he discovered that blacksmiths and carpenters were in short supply, and Zhao Han had brought them into the city to make weapons.

    Then you can only go to the surrounding towns to recruit!

    The craftsmen and common people were miserable, and each of them was full of resentment. Instead of being bullied by the rebels, they were oppressed by the government.

    There is no money for the government to recruit conscripts. They are all in the nature of service, and they have to bring their own dry food and tools.  Moreover, Xie Xuelong has temporarily cut off the logistics and is sending ships to other state capitals to collect food, and there is currently no extra money and food to pay the laborers.

    The laborers were full of anger, and they were naturally lazy at work, and the speed of manufacturing siege equipment was worrying.

    Xie Xuelong was anxious, so he could only keep urging, and the officials below followed him to urge the work, beating, drinking and cursing were commonplace.

    The gentry merchants who were conscripted into merchant ships urged Xie Xuelong to return the ships as soon as possible. They had to go to other places to do business, and they would lose a lot of money if they were delayed for one more day.

    The eunuch's impeachment memorial is already on its way to the capital.

    These gentry and merchants should not be underestimated, because there are too many Jinshi in Jiangxi, and too many officials in the court.  They started their relationship one after another, and the impeachment memorial floated to the capital like snowflakes.

    In order to exterminate the rebels, Xie Xuelong conscripted food and conscripts, which also made the common people hate it.

    This Governor Xie has already offended eunuchs, gentry, businessmen, and common people!

    Regardless of whether he can take back Fucheng, his official career is definitely over.

    (Thank you for this is a monster, Yanhan Wuxin, for rewarding the leader of Xishigu, thank you all book friends for your support and rewards. In addition, ask for a monthly ticket with the cheek. ?
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