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Text 092 [Occupying Huangjia Town]

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    Jiang Dashan's actions were not smooth, because he had a foreign surname, and many people did not listen to him.

    However, Huang Yao and Huang Shun quickly broke the situation. They first recruited the masons, and threatened that if they killed any more, they would not be given the land.  More than a dozen stonemasons were separated, each looking for a tenant with a good relationship, half threatening and half dissuading, so that everyone stopped.

    As for Zhang Tieniu and Chen Maosheng, they had no acquaintances in the village and town, so they could only violently rescue women and children along the way.

    Well, Chen Maosheng is no longer in the atmosphere group.

    Zhang Tieniu was in charge of rescuing people, and Chen Maosheng was in charge of soothing people's hearts, and let the women and children follow behind him.

    With just one stick of incense, the situation has stabilized.

    A tenant regained his sanity, looked at the corpses all over the ground, and vomited out with a "wow".

    Zhao Han did not take any action himself, but carefully observed the situation.

    Jiang Dashan has courage and brains, but because of his foreign surname, he is often isolated.

    Huang Shun, courageous, a little irritable in his work, directly beat and kicked tenants who did not listen to persuasion.  But taking the overall situation into consideration, when Zhao Han summoned his men, he came only after stopping the arson incident.

    Huang Yao, who doesn't talk much, is calm and delicate, has strong self-control and execution, and has a high prestige in Huangjia Town.

    If Zhao Han didn't show up and they rebelled on their own, Huang Yao must be the leader of the peasant army.

    "Mr. Zhao, help me!"

    Master Huang's confidant servant Huang Sanshui, who was not beaten to death, crawled out with a bruised nose and a swollen face to beg for mercy.

    Huang Shun walked over quickly, stepped on his vest, and stomped Huang Sanshui to the ground: "Master Zhao, anyone can forgive him, but Huang Sanshui alone can't."

    Huang Yao and Jiang Dashan also came, one with a pole and the other with a shovel, ready to beat Huang Sanshui to death at any time.

    Huang Sanshui shouted in horror: "Master Zhao, help me, I know where Huang Zundao's money is hidden!"

    Zhao Han smiled and said, "Tie it up."

    Holding an axe, Zhang Tieniu led Chen Maosheng this way, followed by a group of old and weak women and children.

    They gathered all the survivors, and Chen Maosheng was doing ideological work while walking: "My son is kind-hearted, and he is dedicated to making decisions for the poor. Don't be afraid, as long as you listen to your son, he will protect you"

    Zhao Han took a glance and asked, "Is it all ready?"

    Of course no one is willing to leave. The tenants and masons are still waiting for Mr. Zhao to divide the land.

    "You guys, are you willing to listen to me?" Zhao Han asked.

    Jiang Dashan suddenly knelt down: "It's all up to Mr. Zhao, and we all listen to Mr. Zhao!"

    "Listen to Mr. Zhao!"

    Everyone reacted and knelt on the ground in unison, begging Zhao Han to fulfill the promise of dividing the land.

    Zhao Han scolded: "Stand up, I don't like weak knees."

    Some people stood up, some were still kneeling, they all looked at Zhao Han eagerly, and all they could think about was dividing the land.

    Zhao Han pointed to the open space in the courtyard: "There was no rule before. You kill people indiscriminately, and I can't punish you. Now make the first rule, hand over all the things you robbed, and put them there for me to deal with! Who dares to privately  Hidden, if I find it, I won't give him any land!"

    Everyone was horrified and handed over their belongings one after another, fearing that Zhao Han would send someone to search him.

    Zhao Han said again: "Dashan, you count the number of tenants. Maosheng, you count the Huang family who are still alive."

    The two acted immediately. There were 103 tenants (including masons) and 18 surviving Huang family members (including maids and servants).

    There are also a few seriously injured, life and death depend on God's will, and there is only one poor doctor in the town.

    Zhao Han announced: "I will share half of Huang Zundao's land property, and give priority to the ones you cultivated. After all, there are still crops you planted in the field."

    Suddenly, a tenant said: "Master Zhao, can we redistribute the land? My tenants are all Xia Tian."

    "Yes, my family's farmland is not good either." Another tenant echoed.

    Zhao Han said: "If it is assigned to Xiatian, I will compensate you according to the circumstances, and give you more."

    Hearing this, no one has any more objections.

    Zhao Han continued: "Those who have done meritorious service today, Chen Maosheng, Zhang Tieniu, Huang Yao, Huang Shun, Jiang Dashan, Jiang Liang, and Liu Zhu. Each of you can get two more acres of land!"

    "Thank you, Mr. Zhao!" Huang Shun was overjoyed, and quickly knelt down.

    The rest of the recipients also knelt down one after another.

    Jiang Liang and Liu Zhu are both people with foreign surnames who followed Jiang Dashan and crossed the river together to meet the masons.

    Zhao Han then announced that those who took the lead in submitting their certificates included that old man Huang.Good sir.

    I have to admit that Zhao Han has also tasted the sweetness, and is even a little addicted to it.

    However, Zhao Han quickly sobered up.

    These peasants voluntarily surrendered the seized land, nothing more than letting Zhao Han bear the pressure from the government.

    ? If you can't bear it, everything will stop.

    The land must be used as a link to integrate the farmers into a whole.

    Establish rules, gather people's hearts, organize ranks, and clarify rewards and punishments.

    What's the use of holding so much land by yourself?

    ? In the future, rewards will be given for meritorious service. Those who make small contributions will be rewarded with money, and those who have made great achievements will be given land. It doesn't matter if you divide all your land.

    As long as external threats exist, these farmers are bound.

    Peasants who have been allocated land will not easily compromise with the government.

    Moreover, if the incident in Huangjia Town is spread to the neighboring villages and towns, some people may take the opportunity to riot.

    The peasant uprising is like a virus, and it is terrible when it breaks out.

    Take southern Fujian as an example. The big landowner surnamed Shi was exploiting so much that the peasants on the outskirts of Fucheng could only endure it.

    In the early years of Chongzhen, suddenly there was a peasant uprising, hundreds of people rushed into the landlord's house, wiped out Master Shi's family and divided the land.

    When the news spread, it was like sparks starting a prairie fire.

    ? Nan'an, Anxi, Yongchun, Dehua, Changtai, Youxi, Datian, Yongfu, Minqing, Xianyou Across prefectures and prefectures, riots took place one after another, occupying more than ten counties in ten months.

    It's a pity that they all started spontaneously, and the peasant army was scattered and wiped out by the government army within half a year.

    After cleaning and scrubbing the Huang family's ancestral house, Zhao Han lived in that night, and escorted Huang Sanshui to get Master Huang's money.

    (Thanks to the leaders of echoss, Longxiang Shengteng, Jiaojiaomingyuejianfeiyang, hello Mr. Fu for their rewards. In addition, I discovered that Dan Lingdi is the master of this book, thank you His Majesty Lingdi for flipping the card.?
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