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Chapter 1949 Styx Abyss

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    "This is!!"

    The deeper the Styx goes, the steeper the slope of the river becomes.

    The river has reached a 40¡ã inclination, coupled with the propulsion of the turbulent water, the wooden boat is moving forward at almost rapid speed the front end is not right.

    The gradually thickening fog between the rivers made the visibility no more than five meters, and the whispers surrounding the ears disturbed the brain's thinking.

    The most important point is that there is an extremely strong magnetic field in this area, which makes Yu Jing's "Phaseless Chaos Mind Method" unable to operate normally and cannot fly.


    Even Dean Wuxin's "Yin Jing" was disturbed and even interrupted from time to time.  He couldn't control the boundless Yin Qi in his body normally, and he couldn't fly, so he could only stay on the boat for the time being.

    The more you move toward the depths of the Styx, the stronger this sense of oppression will be.

    ?Unable to control the mind, everyone on board is in danger, and must find a way to stabilize the situation and think about the game.


    A large number of vines grew out of Yu Jing's arms, connecting the left and right banks, trying to temporarily stop in the rushing downward river.

    "what happened?"

    The River Styx, which was originally more than 500 meters wide, seemed to be boundless at this moment. The plants that had spread for kilometers still failed to touch the rocks on the bank, and countless people found leverage to stop the boats.

    In an emergency, Yu Jing retracted the vine, and threw the two seeds in his palm forward with all his strength.


    The seeds fell into the Styx River, and the huge amount of vitality contained in the seeds was fully released.

    Quickly broke the shell, grew thick roots, and tried to take root at the bottom of the river Who knew that the initial exploration of the river was only 100 meters deep, but now it seems to be in the middle of the sea, and the roots could not reach the bottom of the river in a short time.

    Just when the inclination of the river reached about 60¡ã, the roots of the tree finally touched the bottom of the river.

    Two huge sky trees jumped out of the river, which can be used as a good leverage point.

    Fortunately, Yu Jing threw the tree seed far enough away with all his strength at the beginning, otherwise the boat would have already passed two trees due to the time spent during the rooting period.

    The current distance is just right, and Yujing's arms grow vines to connect with the two sky trees on the left and right, stopping the wooden boat going forward.

    "Huh this! What kind of place is this?"

    When the wooden boat came to a complete stop, Dean Wuxin and Bi Dongshan stood at the bow, staring straight ahead.

    Just at a distance of only 20 meters from the front end, the river was cut off!  Originally, the river Styx was already inclined at 70 degrees, but if it is completely cut off at the front end, it is equivalent to being vertically downward at 90 degrees, forming a unique waterfall, corresponding to the boundless huge abyss!

    Bi Dongshan has already sensed in advance that countless souls are hovering in the abyss The souls of the dead in the old world returned to the Styx River, or after the souls of the strangers who strayed into the Styx River were sucked away, these souls would flow into this river along the Styx River.  In an abyss.

    "Yu Jing slowly released the plants and let the boat approach the edge of the waterfall."


    When carefully keeping the boat on the edge of the waterfall, Bi Dongshan looked down at the bottom for a moment, and suddenly coughed violently, blood oozing from the pupils of his eyes.

    However, Yu Jing and Dean Wuxin felt a little uncomfortable when they stared at the abyss.

    "The disadvantages of soul power users." Dean Wuxin said softly.

    Bi Dongshan immediately healed himself, replied in a short time, and gave a decisive statement: "The number of souls here is hard to estimate! Moreover, there is a certain individual or object whose soul level is higher than mine, so that I  When I was spying on the soul just now, I was backlashed."

    "Soul region? "Styx" is enough to be regarded as a big forbidden zone in the old world. Even Dean Wuxin and I were affected, unable to use the mental method The same is true for other powerhouses in the old world, plus  In this dangerous abyss, it is no wonder that no one can explore the essence of the Styx.  However, the general manager may know the inside story, but he did not disclose the information to the outside world.  "

    Now that he found this place, Yu Jing can basically be sure that the chief manager is below in all likelihood It seems that Dean Wuxin went to the [Royal Tomb] as soon as he came to the Gaia Continent, and the chief manager may have his own  Purpose.

    Yu Jing was not afraid of anything, and asked the two people beside him, "Do you want to go down? Both of you."


    Bi Dongshan nodded. To be honest, this is the first time he has seen an area where so much soul power is accumulated, and it basically proves that Styx is the reincarnation area Leaving aside the final battle of this field, Bi Dongshan is also very fond of this area.  If you are interested, it may be a great opportunity for self-improvement.

    "Let's go!"

    Yu Jing borrowedThe two sky trees rooted at the bottom of the river were used as fulcrums, and the plants wrapped around the bodies of the three of them, falling at a constant speed.

    The magnetic field remains the same, interfering with the release of the abilities of the three of them. At the same time, the more downward, a strong sense of soul absorption makes the three of them dare not relax their vigilance, as if the soul will be pulled out of the body if they don't pay attention.

    At a depth of about 10,000 meters, I finally saw the bottom.


    Below the abyss is not the imaginary hell scene of "thousand souls roaring", but a stunning beauty.

    A sea of ??white flowers, a rainbow waterfall, and paths regularly distributed among them.

    "These flowers are not plantsshould be the transformation of individual souls."

    "That's right!"

    Bi Dongshan gently attracted, a ray of soul was absorbed into the body, and the flower withered quickly.

    However, this kind of soul of an ordinary person does not have much effect on improving Bi Dongshan, and can only be regarded as a nourishment.

    "Let's be more conservative and trim it up a little bit. Not to mention that the mental method can't work, the soul in the body is constantly running around, and I feel like I want to leave the body at any timeOnce the soul is severely injured, the soul may leave the body and die quickly."

    Yu Jing sat cross-legged, and then he will face the formidable enemy of the general manager, and there must be no problems.

    "Sure enough, someone came here one step ahead of us."

    Bi Dongshan once again discovered that through the control of the soul, he can read information from these soul flowers After all, the flowers are transformed from a complete individual soul, with a certain degree of consciousness and memory.

    "Everyone, after adjusting your breath, follow me. The direction the other party is heading is also the place where the soul induction is strongest."

    It was replaced by Bi Dongshan as the leader, and proceeded cautiously in the path between the sea of ??flowers.

    During this period, Yu Jing also roughly understood the way of reincarnation in the old world. The soul of the deceased came to the abyss through the Styx River and became a member of the sea of ??flowers. During the growth of the flowers, the "impurities" in the body gradually evolvedthat is, the memories of life,  The exercises of practice and so on, let the soul return to the baby state.

    Everyone walked slowly from one end of the waterfall to the other end of the sea of ??flowers.

    A cave and a stone gate stood in front of everyone, with the word [Dead Gate] written in hieroglyphs on it.

    A flash of light flashed in Yu Jing's mind.

    "By the way, is there any relationship between the back of the stone gate and the [Forbidden Space] at the bottom of the Great Demon Mountain that oppresses Azathoth? The forbidden space is also an area where strangers stop?"

    "It is possible, let's see how to open the door?"

    While Bi Dongshan was searching for the secret of Shimen, boom!  A loud noise frightened Bi Dongshan who was concentrating on deciphering Shimen.

    Dean Wuxin smashed Shimen into pieces with one punch.

    "Let's go." (Remember this website URL:
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