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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Fantasy -> The ancestor is reincarnated again (fast time travel)

Chapter 50 Ghost Ten in the Mirror

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    There is a big news in Siluo Lane recently, Zhou Feiyin from Zhou Zhai has someone!  Although he is a man, he is basically out of order!

    Zhou Feiyin is not only an 'otaku', but also a secular 'monk', with a single dog.

    Someone also hooked him up, but it turned out the grass on the grave was probably four feet high.

    Zhou Feiyin got out of the order, and almost everyone in Siluo Lane was discussing this matter, as if Zhou Feiyin talked about a partner and the whole world celebrated.

    In Zhou's house, Bai Qi was sitting by the artificial pond with a small bowl in his hand to feed the fish. It wasn't that he was in a good mood, but that Hei Qi was too noisy.

    After the treasure fight, Bai Qi eats, drinks and has fun all day long, and doesn't care about the fragments in the map of Fengshan Qiujing Yungui, so Hei Qi has been arguing with him every day recently.

    Bai Qi was disturbed by Heiqi and couldn't live in peace, so he simply came out to hide.

    But Lu Haoming didn't ask him out during this time, and Bai Qi had nowhere to go, so he could only lay down by the pond in boredom, feeding and teasing the fish.

    "Let's eat, let's eat, whoever eats the fattest will get off the pot." Bai Qi muttered as he sprinkled fish food.

    "Whew!" The school of fish that were still scrambling for food just now dispersed in an instant.

    Bai Qi "" Is this group of fish all mature?

    "Ah Hua." Zhou Feiyin controlled the wheelchair and came by himself.

    Bai Qi sprinkled all the fish food in the bowl into the pool, then patted his wrinkled clothes and stood up.

    "What's the matter?" Bai Qi asked.

    "Let you watch something." Zhou Feiyin gestured to him for the computer on his lap.

    Bai Qi dragged a chair and sat beside Zhou Feiyin, staring at him as he turned on the computer and searched for a video news page.

    In the video is an excavation site of an ancient tomb. A group of people are carefully cleaning up the ancient objects excavated from the tomb.

    It was the tomb of a historian in the state of Zhou. Unearthed copper, porcelain and jade wares, as well as many stone murals and silk scripts, recorded some things about the state of Zhou.

    When sorting out silk books, archaeologists translated a shocking secret that has deceived the world for thousands of years.

    During the Zhou Dynasty, there were two royal painters in the palace, one was Du Xiao, and the other was Qingyun Gongzi Gu Hua.

    ?The two live in the painting garden, eat and live together, although they are not related by blood, they are better than inviting brothers.

    Gu Hua, son of Qingyun, knew a thousand characters at the age of two, read a thousand poems and essays at the age of five, and was famous all over the world for his painting "Peony Banquet" at the age of twelve.

    At the age of fifteen, Gu Hua was ordered to enter the palace as an imperial painter, and was trapped in a golden cage and isolated from the outside world.

    Gu Hua, who had lost his freedom, missed the vast world outside, and spent five years painting a masterpiece that has been handed down from generation to generation-the map of Fengshan Autumn Scenery and Clouds Returning.

    One year, the birthday of King Zhou Guoguo, ordered Du Xiaogu to paint his birthday painting, and Gu Huayu wanted to present the "Autumn Landscape of Fengshan Mountain with Clouds Returning".

    Unexpectedly, on the night of the palace banquet, Du Xiao presented the "Autumn View of Maple Mountains and Returning Clouds", while Gu Hua's painting was a picture of a blind black dragon falling into the sea.

    Du Xiao leaped to the Dragon Gate because of his painting. He was proud of his life and became a celebrity through the ages.

    However, Gu Hua was imprisoned, was stabbed blind, had his limbs and bones severed, and died of injustice.

    As soon as this news came out, the whole country was in an uproar. The Du family, who had always been proud of their ancestors, panicked and came forward to question whether the silk script in the tomb was believed.

    'The Autumn Scenery of Fengshan Mountain and Cloud Returning Picture' is a national treasure, and countless famous artists hoped to see the authentic one, but now there is such a scandal.

    There was a lot of discussion on the Internet at this time, with some believing and some doubting, but no matter what, the Du family was pushed to the forefront.

    Zhou Feiyin closed the computer and asked Bai Qi, "What did you do?"

    "Yes." Bai Qi replied naturally, "There are countless unofficial biographies in history, shouldn't I be allowed to invent one?"

    Zhou Feiyin stared at Bai Qi, and it took him a long time to reply, "It's not a fabrication."

    The records on the silk book are all facts, Zhou Feiyin feels distressed every time he thinks of the pain Bai Qi endured during his lifetime.

    "The tomb is real, and everything inside is also real. I just added one more thing inside." Bai Qi said.

    "The content on the silk book can indeed cause the Du family to be in chaos for a while, but it won't last long." Zhou Feiyin reminded him.

    Although dealing with the Du family was a bit troublesome, it was not difficult for Zhou Feiyin. If Bai Qi hadn't stopped him, he would have taught them a lesson.

    "So, we have to strike while the iron is hot." Bai Qi wrapped his hands around Zhou Feiyin's shoulders like boneless snakes.

    The cold touch of the skin made Zhou Feiyin's body stiff, and his throat rolled up and down a few times, "What do you want me to do?"

    "I heard that you know how to find dragons and acupuncture points?"


    Zhou Feiyin admitted that he didn't say a word about the fact that he had washed his hands and never touched the things in the tomb.

    "I need a tomb."?I can¡¯t get in through the door.

    Zhou Feiyin's jealousy is measured in tons, and Lu Haoming had to keep a distance from Bai Qi because he was afraid of being retaliated against.

    "I want to tell you about the Du family." Lu Haoming changed the topic, "The Du family is in big trouble."

    The Lu family and the Du family are sworn enemies now, and Lu Haoming wished that the Du family would suffer bad luck. If it wasn't for fear of bad influence, he would have bought firecrackers from the east of City C to the west of City C to celebrate.

    "Is it the real owner of the map of Fengshan Qiujing Yungui? I already know from the news." Bai Qi said.

    "The painter Master Qingyun recorded on the tomb owner's silk script is also named Gu Hua, and has the same name as you. Do you think it's a coincidence?"

    Bai Qi looked out the window, with a slight smile on his face, "What a coincidence, I was also taken aback."

    Black Seven "" the host of the playwright.

    In a secret room in Zhou's residence, nine ever-burning lamps were lit in a circle, with cumbersome runes carved on the ground, and the secret room was sealed on all sides.

    Zhou Feiyin held a copper compass in his hand, and there was a dragon entrenched on the cover of the compass.

    Zhou Feiyin seemed to be tired. He closed his eyes and closed the compass cover, and leaned all his weight on the wheelchair.

    After a while, Zhou Feiyin's eyes opened again. He supported the table and stood up slowly with his body supported.

    When his body left the wheelchair, he paused for a while and tentatively moved forward.

    "Bang!" The weak legs made Zhou Feiyin's body go limp, and he fell to the ground.

    Zhou Feiyin fell to the ground, slowly clenched his hands supporting the ground, staring at his legs with a sullen expression.

    He paid the price of his legs in exchange for something that shouldn't belong to him, but now, the price that he didn't care about at first is

    He waited for him, and he could present the best of everything in the world to him for him to choose, but he couldn't give him the best of himself.

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