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Chapter VII The Prince Regent's Beloved VI

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    The news that the regent Wen Renqian accepted Huo Yuan, the fourth son of the Huo family, as a male favourite, spread throughout the capital overnight. Almost all the streets and alleys, restaurants and teahouses were discussing the matter, and even King Ning Wenrenyou mentioned it in the early court.

    It is well known in the whole capital that Wen Renqian is in love with a village girl unrequitedly, and the king regent, who is famous in the outside world, has repeatedly bumped into walls in front of that village girl. Is there any inside story behind this kind of thing now?

    There are various versions of the rumors outside. Some people say that the regent was driven crazy because he begged for it, while others said that the village girl broke the heart of the regent and made the regent lose all hope of women. After all, there is nothing worse than death.

    However, when the entire capital was discussing the matter of the Prince Regent's 'bending', another news came out from the palace that shocked countless people's jaws. The Prince Regent's Palace is going to hold a happy event!  !

    The village girl named Liu Xian was going to marry, and the other party was not Wen Renqian but a dead man.  Marriage to the dead?  Is the regent taking revenge on that village girl because of love and hatred?

    The people in the capital have different opinions, but no one agrees that no matter which version is full of loopholes, they cannot be fully believed. In fact, the people's gossip is just for fun, and it is the officials in the court who suffer.

    Will they come to congratulate the Prince Regent's House for a happy event?  If you don't go, will you be hated by the regent?  But if you go to flatter and die on the horse's leg, it's even worse. It's so distressing.

    Regardless of what the outside world is talking about, the Prince Regent's Mansion has been decorated because of Bai Qi's words, and the red silk hanging up has added some joy and popularity to the originally cold palace.

    In the study, Bai Qi was sitting behind the desk reviewing the memorial sent by the palace servants in the morning. His heart was full of reluctance and resentment, but in order not to collapse the "personal design", he could only work hard without complaint.

    Although Wen Renqian's skin is far inferior to Bai Qi's body, she is a first-class beauty in the mortal world, and now she is assisted by the temperament of Bai Qi, a ten thousand-year-old god, and her damage value has soared to the critical point of mortals.

    A red robe with peony flowers woven with gold threads, three thousand blue silks draped softly behind the shoulders, revealing a delicate jade-like side face, with a well-articulated right hand holding a pen to outline and review the memorial back and forth.

    'Male Beloved' Huo Yuan stood on one side grinding the grinder, a flash of amazement flashed in the eyes glued to Wen Renqian's body.

    Wen Renqian was 'expelled' by Emperor Kang Yuan since he was a child, and immediately after returning to Beijing, the bloody clean-up began. Huo Yuan once caught a glimpse of him from a distance, but when he really saw his appearance, he was at the execution ground.

    Huo Yuan lowered his eyes to conceal the murderous intent in his eyes, so what if he was beautiful?  But he has the black heart of a jackal, and now he and his younger sister are under his control, and he has no choice but to submit humiliatingly and let him humiliate him.

    But one day, he will no longer be under his control, and he will repay the humiliation he gave today a thousand times. His pride, arrogance, and arrogance will all be crushed and crushed under his feet.

    The ink-stained brush left an ink mark on Huo Yuan's face, Bai Qi looked at him jokingly, "Next time, hide your evil spirit better, why bother to make me angry if you can't kill me now?"

    Huo Yuan wiped his face hard, the smudged ink marks made him look funny, "You"

    "You hate me but you can't kill me, you look like a dying beast in a trap." Bai Qi continued to stimulate him.

    "Heh!" Huo Yuan sneered, "When the enraged beast rushes out of the trap, do you know what will happen to the hunter?"

    "The wild beast fell in love with the hunter and surrendered willingly." Bai Qi said.

    "" Huo Yuan.

    'It's really shameless.  ¡¯771 despised.

    "My lord." The butler came in from the outside, bowed and asked for instructions, "Just now someone from the princess' mansion came to report that Princess Ying is on a hunger strike."

    Bai Qi put down his pen and leaned lazily on the back of the chair, "Who offended her?"

    "For His Majesty's birthday next month, all nations will come to congratulate him, and Gusheng Kingdom will also be here," said the steward.

    Bai Qi remembered, it was the Gusheng Kingdom who planned to marry Nanqiu Kingdom, right?  As the only princess of Nanqiu Kingdom, Wen Renjing must be the one to be traded.

    "Hunger strike is not the priority when committing suicide. It is troublesome and painful." Bai Qi pointed at the table and thought for a moment, then said, "Order someone to bring a knife and a bottle of poison to her house, and tell her to wipe her neck and  Take poison. Death is the easiest."

    "Yes." The butler stepped back stiffly, and the prince became even more vicious after being ill.

    If he knew what the butler thought, Bai Qi would definitely call for grievances, he would really consider it from the standpoint of Wen Renjing, wiping his neck and taking poison would be the first choice for mortals when they commit suicide with less pain and complete death.

    After the butler left, Bai Qi picked up his pen and stared at the memorial for a long time without falling. Suddenly, he glanced at Huo Yuan, "Wen Renjing knelt in the mansion for two days in order to beg my king to save you.  Wang Chengquan you?"

    Huo Yuan was grinding the grinder in his hand, his expression didn't change.Jian Qiang stood firm, his throat was sweet and he vomited blood, but he swallowed it back.

    "Mr. Huo!" Someone stepped forward to help him, but Huo Yuan threw him away, "Don't touch me!"

    Huo Yuan walked back to the house with a pale face, and the two servants showed worry. The man in front of him is now being favored by the prince. If something happens to them, the servants who serve them will not survive.

    After Huo Yuan returned to the room, he poured a glass of water to rinse away the smell of blood in his mouth, then drank another saliva to suppress the nausea and vomiting in his stomach, and then went back to the bed and sat down.

    In the quiet room, Huo Yuan stared at the penis tied on the wall in a dark and silent manner. It was the Black Cloud Spear of Xuanji inherited from the Huo family. It was also taken away after the Huo family was ransacked.  Qi found it and gave it to him again.

    'In the future, I will definitely use the Huo Family Xuanji Black Cloud Spear to kill my enemy Wen Renqian!  !  ¡¯ The hostility in Huo Yuan¡¯s eyes was frightening.

    He will use his actions to tell the arrogant Wen Renqian what it means to keep tigers infested!  Beasts and hunters are natural enemies, and there is only immortality between them!  (Remember the site URL:
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