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    As soon as Gu Xingzhi left, Ji Yaoge turned around and immediately summoned Hua Mian and Hu Xiaoliu, and the hall was still closed for discussion.

    "Xiao Liu, please send a letter to Jieli, Qin Miao and others, inviting them to come to Chixiu in the near future. The supplies in Luhai, the manpower arrangement of the Anhai Alliance, and the current reserves of Chixiu's supplies, all the details will be sorted out in the next two days.  Give me."

    Having agreed to cooperate with Gu Xingzhi, all arrangements should be made as soon as possible.  The two candidates, Jieli and Qin Miao, were already decided in her mind during the bargaining process with Gu Xingzhi, and she was planning to invite them to Huangquan.

    "Amian, I've had to work hard for you these days. I want to implement the cooperation with Changpeng Zong before I go to the Sanxing Guyue Pavilion. The small test in the Zongmen should also be completed before I go. Is that okay?  "

    There are only less than two months left before the Sanxing Guyue Pavilion's Stranger Things Fair. Given the shortage of manpower, the time is naturally very tight, but Ji Yaoge said it so cautiously, and Hua Mian didn't mean to shirk it.  Sweeping away the lazy expression, he simply replied: "Leave it to me."

    Ji Yaoge looked at Hua Mian and Hu Xiaoliu, and felt that the burden of work was on the two of them. He felt a little sorry, and secretly thought that it would not work in the long run, so he became more and more thirsty for talents.

    In the next few days, Chi Xiuzong became busy.  Needless to say, Hu Xiaoliu and Hua Mian, one of them was originally in charge of monsters and the other was in charge of Fanxiu, but now they have to work hand in hand, they are so busy that they are so busy, Ji Yaoge also has no time to spare, and must try his best to take advantage of it.  In the short time before the Strange Objects Meeting, most of the matters were settled, and I met people one by one every day.

    In this way, several important positions in Chi Xiuzong were determined.  Under the patriarch, there is a vice-zong, who is Hua Mian, two protectors, several elders, and several deacons, who are in charge of affairs at all levels of the sect, including punishment, internal and external miscellaneous duties, affairs of each peak, treasury management, teaching and practice, and alchemy workshops.  Qifang, Yaoyuan Mining, etc., the various responsibilities are listed, and then the elders and deacons are distinguished. The disciples in the sect are temporarily divided into three points-the inner sect, the outer sect and the named disciples, and then go outside, that is, outside the Beishengzhai  The big and small sects attached to them are all counted as the Chixiu branch.

    The vacant hills in Chixiu Island are also divided into different areas. Except for Chixiu Peak and Chixiu Hall, which are under the sole ownership of Ji Yaoge, the rest are allocated to everyone for practice according to Chixiu's current situation. Dharma protectors, elders, and deacons  The caves where the disciples and monsters rest in the sect are clearly divided and listed in a booklet. In addition, there are more than 20 service points such as Si Xing Tang, Lingbao Pavilion, Shenbing Building, Yujian Peak, Service Office, Shanxiu Hall, etc.  , and then list the materials that can be received every month according to the size of each important position and the level of monks.  In this way, we will wait for the key positions to be filled with talents, and then they will formulate each detail, the required manpower, and so on.

    ?Besides, Chi Xiuzong released rumors to recruit talents in Wanhua.  With Ji Yaoge's current wealth, Chixiu Island's recruitment conditions are undoubtedly generous. Even the Changpeng people who stayed in Chixiu heard it, and they couldn't help being very moved.

    For a while, with Ji Yaoge's return, Chi Xiuzong was like a boiling fire, sweeping away the slack situation of the previous three years.


    By the beginning of May, Hua Mian had already selected a group of disciples with his eyes, and assigned them to his subordinates to be dispatched. It turned out that all the monsters on Chixiu Island were under the command of Ji Yaoge alone, and they were her personal soldiers.  People can be dispatched without authorization.  Ji Yaoge personally summoned several famous teachers for Chixiu to sit on the peaks and be responsible for the basic teaching of the disciples in the sect, among them was Hua Zhen, the little aunt of the Hua family.  Hua Zhen has left the Hua family. Although her relationship with Kundu has slowed down in recent years, she is proud and arrogant. After being expelled, she does not want to return to Kundu.  The post of elder.  Although she started out as a swordsmith, she has dabbled in all kinds of knowledge. She is more than enough to teach the basics of the disciples. One person can double as a teacher. She is straightforward and lovely. She has only attended two classes, and she is already deeply loved by the disciples.

    What's more, the two refining masters sent by Yuan Huan and the two monks recommended by Gu Chaosheng are both talents with good Taoism and practice, and they both serve as elders in Chixiu.  As for Gao Badou, who has been with Ji Yaoge for the longest time, she is determined not to let him mess around anymore, and just throws him into the treasure book building where Chixiu collects books.  Transcribe it.  The remaining vacancies will be selected at the Chixiu event in mid-May.

    The reason why the inner sect small test turned into a grand event was because Huamian released rumors to attract talents, and because of the cooperative relationship with Chang Pengzong, Yang Changling hoped that the two schools would deepen the relationship, so he proposed to bring Chang Pengzong's disciples to come to compete on the day of the grand event  Try each other, and the three small sects attached to Beishengzhai also want to come, so the news spreads all over Wanhua in a blink of an eye, and those who want to make friends or join Chixiu all send invitations, each sect and each sect  The giving of gifts, the sending of people, the small test turned into a big test, and it became the most watched event in the three years of Chi Xiuzong's tenure in Wanhua.

    For this trial, Hao Guang, Jie Li, Qin Miao and others all returned around the first ten days of May, and Kundu also sent people to, he is indeed somewhat charming, extremely seductive.  Ji Yaoge bowed his head slightly, chewing and looking at him with a smile.  She thought she should react, after all, the body also needs, but looking at the person in front of her, another person flashed in her mind.

    "Sovereign, Qingguan wants to be your man." Qingguan mistook her silence for emotion, touched her knee with her unrestrained hand, and slid deep.

    But Ji Yaoge suddenly laughed out loud - she thought that she had been in Meimen for more than two hundred years and was used to such scenes, but she never thought that one day, someone would come to seduce her.  Regardless of men and women above Wanhua, there are countless low-cultivation cultivators who cling to the immortals. She suddenly realized that at some point, she had changed from being a low-cultivation cultivator who needed to be seduced and cling to others in the eyes of others.  The object to cling to.

    Among them, there are eight hundred years of vicissitudes.

    Qing Guan was overwhelmed by her laughter, and continued to encourage: "The suzerain"

    Ji Yaoge shook his hands heavily, threw him off the rosette, and said coldly, "Go out, I don't need anyone to serve me."

    Qingguan still wanted to move forward, but the heavy coercion had come from the rosette, with the meaning of warning, so that he no longer had the courage to go forward, and the previous demeanor of being an immortal was lost, and he bowed and ran away in panic  Go out to watch the sea platform.  Realizing that there was no one around, Ji Yaoge took back the coercion, looked at Yuankong and thought for a moment, and suddenly took out a piece of sapphire.

    A green light flashed, and a phantom appeared in midair.

    Yuan still appeared in the phantom, behind him was a messy tower room, with blueprints all over the floor, he stood in the middle of the tower room with his long hair disheveled, his robe was dotted with ink, and his cuffs were rolled up to his elbows, but he didn't have the slightest air of elegance.  Although the sound transmission was connected, he didn't pay much attention to Ji Yaoge, as if he was still stuck in deduction and calculation.

    Prior to this, Ji Yaoge had not communicated with him for more than two years.

    "Yuan Huan!" She called out.

    Only his absent-minded answer came from the other side: "Well. What's the matter?"

    "A male cultivator seduced me just now," she said.

    "Oh, what does it look like?" He still didn't raise his eyes.

    "Hairier than you, gentler than you, and considerate than you."

    "Are you moved?"

    "A little bit closer." She just wanted to say that she is now a coveted immortal.

    Thinking so, it is true.

    "Since when have you not been coveted?" Yuan was already used to it - it's not that he has never seen Ji Yaoge's ability before, and his charm is invisible.

    When Ji Yaoge thought about it, it seemed that this was really the case.

    "You are so boring." She complained to him.

    Yuan Huan, who is immersed in his own field, is indeed very boring.

    "That's why you came to me?" Yuan Huan mocked her.

    The magic weapon of sound transmission is not unlimited.

    "There are other important things." She said seriously.

    Yuan Huan raised his head, his face was a little unruly, incomparable to the green crown he had just dressed up.

    "I miss you." She said her important things carefully.

    Yuan looked at her for a while before answering: "Are you thinking about the flesh or people?"

    "Think about it all." Ji Yaoge laughed.

    "Then come and find me." Yuan Huan temporarily let go of what he was doing, agreeing with Ji Yaoge's "important matter", "Acacia couch I've built it."

    "" Ji Yaoge actually thought about it seriously, and then realized, "I don't have time."

    The magic weapon of sound and image transmission, which can only be used three times, was wasted by Ji Yaoge on her sudden thoughts the first time.

    She really missed him.


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