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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Horror -> Operation Thunder [Criminal Investigation]

Chapter 122

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    In the thick night, a taxi suddenly turned around on this street, and the dim yellow street lights above the head stretched the shadow of the taxi for a long time.  After paying the money, He Shu got out of the car, and looked up at the big shiny characters hanging on the roof of the building in front of her.

    Not long after, someone got off from a black jeep diagonally opposite. They were two men, both of whom looked quite young.  They walked up to her, and the short, slightly fat man said hello first: "Captain He, right? Hello, I'm Ye Ming from the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the District Public Security Bureau, and the one next to you is Xiaotao."  Just do it."

    He Shuke shook hands with the two of them politely, and said with some embarrassment: "It's really embarrassing to drag you two out at such a late hour."

    "It's nothing, I just don't know how we can cooperate with you?" Ye Ming was a little puzzled. What they had was just an ordinary fight. One party was seriously injured.  Injury, so the law and order has been turned into a crime, and there is no need for the city bureau to intervene.  In fact, there is nothing to talk about in this case. The witnesses and material evidence are all complete, and it is only waiting for the next step to be handed over to the court.

    "In the case in your hands, there is a person involved named Bai Yujiang, right?" He Shu asked.

    Ye Ming thought about it for a while before nodding: "It seems that there is a person surnamed Bai, but the other party just made a record as a witness at the scene of the crime." As he spoke, he roughly explained the situation of the case, but it was in the bar  In , both parties drank too much wine, and then had a quarrel over a trivial matter, thus scuffling together.

    The party who caused the minor injury is still being treated in the hospital, while the party who beat the person has been temporarily detained in the district bureau and has not yet been transferred to the detention center.

    "However, does Team He know that Bai Yujiang? He and the assailant are colleagues. They said they came to Jinghuai City on business together. They had finished work in the past two days and were going back. They wanted to go to the bar to relax.  , I didn¡¯t expect this kind of thing to happen.¡± The man¡¯s sixth sense is quite keen, and he can deduce the real reason why the Municipal Bureau wants this case just by relying on her inquiring words.  , I am afraid that he cannot be separated from this person surnamed Bai.

    "This Bai Yujiang is indeed involved in another case. Because you collected his identity information when you recorded him, we have paid special attention to him in the past two days, so we discovered your uploaded  case report." He Shu explained a bit.

    Ye Ming and Xiao Tao nodded clearly, and patted their chests in response: "Captain He, don't worry, we will try our best to cooperate in a while."

    Before they saw He Shu, they felt a little uncomfortable. Not to mention that Haohaoer was suddenly taken out of the field at night, they said that the above issued a notice saying that the case would be handed over to the Municipal Bureau.  , which is enough to make people feel suffocated.  Why is the case that is about to be closed suddenly handed over? Is there a problem with their handling of the case or something?

    Now that I know that there is another hidden story, it is estimated that the city bureau will spend so much trouble, maybe there will be a big one behind, and there is a hint of excitement in the eyes of the two of them.  Anyway, tonight can be considered to have participated in the case of the special case team of the Municipal Bureau. Even if you can't see any results, it is good to open your eyes and gain insights.

    "Thank you then, I'll invite you to dinner later." He Shu was very satisfied with these two clever colleagues, smiled and patted Ye Ming's shoulder encouragingly.

    After that, the group of three turned around and entered Chenxing Express Hotel. Unexpectedly, the person at the front desk still remembered her, so they didn't waste much time. After the other party asked the manager for instructions, they took the elevator to the fifth floor.

    Arriving in front of Room 507, Ye Ming raised his hand and knocked on the door, but there was no movement at first.  After about ten seconds, there was the sound of the door opening, and then Bai Yujiang's shiny old face poked out along the half-open door.  The first thing he saw were two big men, because he had seen them before when he was taken back to the Public Security Bureau to make notes, so he greeted him very naturally: "Eh? Two police officers, it's so late, what are you  ?¡±

    While he was talking, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the woman who was leaning against the wall of the room, and the smile froze on his face.  Her lips moved, but she couldn't say anything, and even made a strange throat roar.

    "Oh, it's the case of your colleague hurting someone. Some details may need to be confirmed." Ye Ming shrugged, with a very calm expression.

    "Butbut isn't your district Public Security Bureau responsible for his case? This police officer He shouldn't be from your district Public Security Bureau?" Bai Yujiang felt that his IQ had been insulted, and the situation tonight was obviously aimed at him.  comeThe spread of ? mainly depends on TV and newspapers. He has tasted the sweetness in the first two reports. He learned that there was a surviving witness in the fifth case committed by the water ghost. He was very excited.  Time rushed to the hospital where the survivors were.

    It was a little girl who was only fourteen years old. It may be because of what happened to her that she was lying on the hospital bed, covered with white sheets and hospital clothes, so weak.  He directly stated the purpose of his visit, and the girl whose pupils had been dizzy since he entered the door finally reacted. She blinked first, then slowly turned her head to look at him, and asked word by word: "How about this?"  Can you catch the murderer who killed my aunt?"

    "Does it mean that I can catch the murderer by accepting your interview?" Due to physical reasons, it was difficult for the other party to speak, but his face was full of hope.

    How did he answer at that time?  He said out of conscience: "Yes, little sister, if this incident is reported, more people will pay attention to it. Only then can the police feel the pressure and work harder to solve the case."

    After that, he got what he wanted, and how did he do it?  He felt that truthful reports would not attract much attention, and reports that could not be widely discussed by the public were destined to be unpopular, so he chose the same narrative method as the previous two reports.  All specious hints are made in the article, so that everyone who reads the news will naturally feel that the deceased¡¯s indiscretion in his private life led to the murder. In this way, under his deliberate actions, public opinion succeeded  The formation of two opposites, the people each hold their own views, spraying each other with great joy.

    He is very proficient in doing this kind of thing. Afterwards, the family members of the victims will come to the door, but there is nothing they can do about him.  Because the report did not explicitly mention any words that would damage the reputation of the person concerned, everything is just the imagination of the people who eat melons, and has nothing to do with him.

    It was the same that time, the difference was that he also posted a photo of the survivor, which was taken in the hospital, the little girl was weak and weak, logically speaking, she should be pitiful.  But under his deliberate guidance again, all the people focused on why she became a 'survivor'.  You must know that in the previous murders, there was no second person at the scene, let alone any survivors. Why did the murderer arrest her this time and kill her?

    Oh, she must be the same as the deceased, she is a little bitch, look at how lowly she is, so that the murderer who has never shot children can't stand it?

    The popularity of the fifth water ghost case was unexpectedly high, which really brought Bai Yujiang to the pinnacle of his career as a reporter. While enjoying the joy of success, he patted his ass and left the local area.  I thought about the little girl lying on the hospital bed.

    I never thought about how much fear she suffered, how much bullying she encountered, how much insult she heard because of that report, and what kind of dark life she lived in those few years.

    Will he be guilty even if he finds out?  There is a high probability that it will not, and even when the report was widely discussed in various news media, he still showed a smug smile at the photo.

    "Reporter Bai? What are you thinking about?" He Shu looked at the man who suddenly fell silent, the corners of her lips curled up, and she took out two tissues and handed them over: "Wipe your sweat again."

    Looking at the white tissue that was suddenly stuffed in front of his eyes, Bai Yujiang was so frightened that he leaned back a bit, and the movement was so big that the other two people looked sideways.  After he settled down, he took the tissue carefully and thanked him softly.

    While wiping the sweat dripping down his forehead, he sneaked a peek at the woman standing in front of him out of the corner of his eye, comforting himself in his heart: It doesn't matter, even if she is a policeman, it's still the same.  Can't do anything to him!


    Thanks for the mines of 'Nuomi Duanzi Bentuan', 'Mi Feifei'er' and 'Yantai'!  (Remember the site URL:
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