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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Returned from Nine Hundred Levels

Chapter 414 Are you here to shit?

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    What is the concept of 10,000 people?

    It can almost squeeze the city gate area to the brim.

    From a visual point of view, there is already a concept of "many".

    So, what about 100,000 people?

    At this magnitude, it is basically impossible to use the word "see" to describe it, because you can't see the edge at a glance.

    The main force of the rebel army from outside the city, the black armor of water, is like a wriggling horizon. You can't see the end on the left and right sides, and you can't see the "bottom" directly in front of you.

    Seeing this scene, the 10,000 Blood Demon clansmen who had just surrendered to the royal family felt very desperate.

    Almost in just a few steps out of the city gate, morale dropped to freezing point.

    Most people's faces were ashen, they had surrendered just now, and the other side would not give a chance to turn around and surrender a second time.

    If it is easy to drop back and forth and compare the number of people before the fight is over, wouldn't the war be like a child's play.

    Ten thousand steps back.

    Even if the generals of the opposing army are all stupid pigs, they can really surrender again.

    People like myself will not have any trust or promotion treatment after they pass.

    Only the most dangerous or hardest jobs will be left behind. It is called to prove its value, but it is actually cannon fodder that has been completely abandoned.

    at the moment.

    For them, there are only two ways left, either to rush forward and die in battle, or to scatter and hide in all directions, and live a life of darkness without daring to show their heads.

    Thinking of this, many people's eyes lost color, their eyes were dull and their expressions were numb, and their whole people moved slowly with the flow like a walking dead.

    In their view, no matter which choice they choose in the current situation, their life is over.

    Unless there is a miracle, there is a god descending, or the kind of top-notch patron saint who puts aside other affairs and rushes over to make a move for this side and target that side!

    Otherwise, this battle has been lost from the moment the rebel army appeared.

    The grief of ten thousand people spread like a tidal wave.

    Even those leaders and patriarchs who were released from the stone prison, recovered from their injuries and regained their lives, did not persuade "tens of thousands" with "hundreds", but finally showed despair when they faced "hundreds of thousands" with "tens of thousands".

    This is not simply a ratio of numbers to sizes.

    Although the proportion of the former has a larger span.

    However, "hundreds" versus "thousands" may still make up for the gap in quantity through sufficiently elite quality.

    How to make up for "10,000" to "100,000"?

    What's more, in terms of quality, it is obvious that the "one hundred thousand" side is more elite.

    ? More quantity, better quality.

    Is there any reason to lose?

    Where is the loss point?  ?

    It's useless even if there are top magicians from the mainland on your side to help out.

    In this kind of large-scale battle, the great magician can only have a certain influence on the situation unless he releases the forbidden spell, but the forbidden spell is very detrimental to himself, and even the greatest magician will be seriously injured if he uses the forbidden spell.

    Not to mention that the record of the forbidden curse in the war is only a hundred thousand at most.

    It is still the kind of half-human high-level cannon fodder that is used to attack fortifications and kill people.

    If you really want to fight against the heavily armed main force in front of you, you will be lucky if you can kill 50,000 people in half.

    The opponent can completely fight against the forbidden curse and kill the magician!

    The mainland's top magicians will come to save people, so it's impossible to put their lives here, right?

    This battle, no matter how you look at it, is over.

    Many leaders who have just been reborn from prison feel that their lives are gloomy, as if fate made a joke with themselves, are you happy to release people from prison first and say you are free?  The next second to say sorry you are going to die.

    There is simply no plot with more twists and turns than this.

    The chiefs are sad.

    I changed the suicide note several times in my heart, but I still felt unsatisfied and refused to sign it for a long time.

    at this time.

    A tall and burly general slowly walked out of the black armored troops in front of him. Although he was wearing black armor together, he had fine gold thread tattoos on the edge of the armor.

    The general in black armor and gold thread did not speak.

    Just waved his hand arrogantly.

    There was commotion in the depths of the black-armored army.

    After a while, like a row of majestic giants coming up from the horizon, they separated from the black crowd and walked to the front.

    At the gate of the city, people who were already desperate enough saw the giant appear, and directly connected to the last??Bury her with that fat red man, after all mother and child cannot be separated.  "

    The princess's mouth is always oooo, and there are no other expressions, very monotonous.

    Wang Wen resisted the urge to find something to stuff in, and turned around to ask many of the guards who rushed up again and failed again: "Is there anyone else in charge? Can you have a calm talk?"

    This time.

    No one paid any attention to him.

    All of them smashed the transparent barrier with their weapons like crazy.

    Energy is depleted quickly.

    It is falling at a rate of one hundred thousandth of a second.

    Based on the current amount of energy contained in Wang Wen's body, the opponent only needs to persevere for about 186 days to cut Wang Wen out of power.

    Wang Wen was a little uneasy.

    With a wave of his hand, he crushed a group of people into rotten bananas.

    The style of painting suddenly became a bit abstract.

    The princess next to her grew up in a peaceful age, and she hadn't experienced many cruel wars except for the few times she was broken up by the side branch's betrayal.

    Seeing the works in front of you like abstract art masters.

    His face turned from red to pink.

    It is estimated that it is mixed with some white.

    Wang Wen looked around at the remaining black armor troops.

    Everyone who was caught by his eyes felt as if they were the next banana to be crushed, and they backed away in fright.

    Looking down from above.

    Wang Wen's eyes seem to be lethal. Whichever way you look, the Kuroshio will retreat back into a red open space.

    Only the blood giant seems to have no brains.

    ? After accepting the command, it will continue to execute until the command is completed or it burps by itself.

    Wang Wen watched one after another foolishly rushing towards her, and then turned into blood-red powder one after another, and asked the princess with some regret: "Can you recruit these big guys? If there is no way, I will kill them all."  Already?"

    The princess woke up from her dream.

    Wen Yan said softly, "I'll give it a try."

    She pinched her earlobe and said a few words to the substance on it that she didn't know whether it was stone or flesh.

    A few people approached cautiously at the city gate behind.

    It was the blood mages who cooperated with Wang Wen in the experiment before.

    Several people came to the princess, separated after listening to the princess's instructions, and tried to get close to the blood giants rushing one by one, continuously waving blood-red mist from their hands.

    I saw the blood-red mist wrapping towards the whole body of the blood giant.

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