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Text Chapter 377 Why does an expert cast spells

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    For normal tower climbers, there are only two types of creatures in the tower: progressive and non-progressive.

    This kind of general mentality of looking at numbers will not have additional emotional ups and downs at all.

    Just like playing a game of fighting monsters and upgrading, there is no compassion for those monsters who are destined to die under the knife, which represents experience.

    No matter how many deaths there are, the word "innocent" will not be used.

    Before that.

    Wang Wen is also a normal tower climber, and she also views the creatures in the tower in the same way.

    There is no mercy, let alone feeling innocent.

    As long as it is conducive to customs clearance, it can be done.

    Even if some extra things are done, it is nothing more than to test some items or rules.

    Even open to devour the world and eat up the whole world.

    Although that world only has ice and snow, platypus monsters who make things difficult, and fish as big as islands.

    Two lives are regarded as enemies, but they are not worthy of death.

    The platypus monstrosity and the world of ice and snow perish together.

    The big fish on the island swallowed Wang Wen back and was blown away by the power of heaven and earth.

    Even if Wang Wen didn't kill it himself, he couldn't get rid of it.

    But there has never been the slightest turmoil in his heart.

    In addition, in the later stage, whether it is the "progress" in the super power empire for "repelling the basket" and increasing the number of skill usage times to swallow the world and lead to death.

    Still so many bugs died in the bug room to earn points.

    In Wang Wen's heart, they can't be called innocent at all.

    It's just some data that gives him experience in the game.



    In this not so powerful, or even weak world.

    His mentality changed.

    I began to feel that these weak and helpless beings who were forced to become progress without knowing it were a bit innocent and pitiful.

    Especially under the cover of such a coincidental plague, people died in large numbers.

    It seems that fate is never in their own hands.

    Living, for them, has never been something that can be achieved with hard work.

    It depends on the level.

    Before the tower climbers appeared, they were still alive.

    Once they become the progress of the tower climbers, they will be harvested in pieces without knowing it.


    In their perspective.

    Famine and plague are nothing but inevitable disasters.

    When things come to an end, they can only curse helplessly, "God thief".

    But I don't know that these disasters are probably just "difficulty" under certain rules.

    The difficulty is high.

    The tower climber will fail to get out of the tower at worst.

    The dead "progress" can only be buried in the cold ground to rot slowly.

    Even until he died, he didn't know why he died.

    I thought that the "thief God" was blind, and instead of punishing corrupt officials, he would definitely take action against the suffering people.

    This feeling is terrible.

    Wang Wen can even think of herself.

    Whether I have been living in the "checkpoint" of others, and the future death is also because I have become a certain "progress".

    and everyone in the world.

    you me him.

    It's all "progress" without knowing it.

    A war, a natural disaster, or, a plague.

    Who can tell that these are just accidents and not some kind of "level rules"?

    At least in this world in front of them, those farts who died one after another, they don't know.

    So that it is so cheap to die.

    So ignorant.

    Thinking of these, Wang Wen was greatly moved.

    There has been a big change in mentality.

    This transformation seems to be subconscious, and he may not even realize it.

    He sympathizes with these innocent, helpless, and ignorant lives that died, and feels a little sad about this controlled fate.

    For this reason, a small number of resources were used at all costs, just to eliminate or reduce the lethality and infectivity of the plague.

    He also specially picked a desolate and uninhabited space to devour the world.

    Especially considering that staying in one place for too long may cause continental plate movement and other natural disasters, and change places from time to time to devour the power of heaven and earth. As the proficiency of using skills increases, he can now perceive and freely choose the range of skills  withinSome areas are devoured.

    Pick areas that are less likely to cause problems as much as possible.

    For example, those rivers blocked by sediment or raised riverbed lakes, etc.

    Swallow the sediment, the river water becomes clear, the water storage capacity of the river and lake increases, and the chance of floods decreases.

    When the gray tornado that runs through the world appears in the eyes of thousands of people.

    Those infected with the plague were surprised to find that their bodies seemed much lighter.

    So many previously painful symptoms became trivial in the blink of an eye.

    If it weren't for the residual inertial comparison, they even thought they were never sick.

    In addition, the cities of the major prefectures opened their warehouses to release grain on a large scale.

    Even the stomach is filled with really filling cereals.

    The people under the plague feel that they seem to be healthier than before the plague.

    All of them prostrated themselves on the ground to thank the emperor for his kindness, and by the way secretly bowed in their hearts to a certain rumor that had been quietly spread recently.

    On the high steps outside the Imperial Palace.

    The young emperor also followed the eyes of the middle-aged man to see the gray line reaching the sky.

    I only heard the middle-aged man murmur in a somewhat unbelievable soft voice: "In Qicheng, I once heard a group of porridge cooking villagers under the hands of the expert talk about it, saying that the expert called himself a devil who received servants.  Volume, if the gray line in the sky is closer, it is really similar to the towering tornado they are talking about."

    The voice of the young man hesitated: "Could it be that an expert is casting spells? I have never seen an expert cast spells formally in the bordering countries of the southeast, northwest, and north. Why is it now?"

    Speaking of which.

    A thunderbolt seemed to flash through the hearts of the two people standing on the steps.

    Looking at each other in unison: "No, can't you?"

    It seems to be confirming the speculation in their hearts.

    A quick report appeared in front of the palace.

    Approaching the main hall, someone dismounted and staggered to pass the information to the servant.

    The servant listened to what the visitor had to say.

    Pull up your legs and sprint towards the main hall.

    The speed is so fast that it seems to use light work and true energy.

    In a few breaths, the information was presented to the young emperor who had been waiting anxiously for a long time and even ran down the steps to meet him regardless of his identity.

    The young man couldn't wait to start checking after receiving the information.

    Listening to the short report of the servant: "The disease in the neighboring government office is rapidly relieving, and a large number of people suffering from the disease said that the pain has been relieved and the body is back to health!"

    As the confidant of the youth's confidant, the middle-aged Wu Sheng has long been allowed to avoid any state affairs.

    At this time, I heard the report from the servant.

    The middle-aged man looked shocked, and the guess in his heart became more and more certain.

    There seemed to be an electric current rushing up to the top of the back, and the hands, feet and limbs exploded with a tingling feeling of horror.

    The young man stuffed the information into the hands of the middle-aged man, turned around and strode back to the main hall with the hem of his clothes in his hands.

    Rushed all the way to the table and frantically grabbed the table full of memorials.

    Every time I spread out a memorial, my eyes and fingers search for the words simultaneously, and then I repeat in my mouth: "East, west, river, inland, Tucheng, Zhannan Prefecture!"

    One by one was spread out, covering the entire tabletop, and even the ground at the foot of the table was covered with fallen paper books.

    Wait until the middle-aged Martial Saint followed to the table with a solemn face.

    The young man held the scattered memorials with both hands, stared at the gray line outside the palace gate with red eyes, and said in a trembling voice: "It's everywhere! Diseases are all over the world! How is it possible? How is it possible!"

    The middle-aged Martial Saint frowned, and words that even he couldn't believe came out of his mouth: "A master is using his own power to save the world!"</div&gt
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