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Volume 12 Wang Min Arrives

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    Section 12 Wang Wen is here

    Wang Wen's shock did not come from the scene.

    I am used to seeing all kinds of scenes in my previous life.

    His shock was because the head of the Ministry of Intelligence really came to look for him in person!

    As an elite cultivated by the First Consortium, Wang Wen had the most contact with the intelligence department in the past. He knew very well what the head of the intelligence department of the First Consortium meant.

    This old man, who is more than seventy years old, has a higher status than the rulers of certain regions!

    And the regional ruler, in ancient times, was equivalent to the status of the head of a country.

    When there are elderly people, let alone the dean of this college, he has to stand obediently no matter how high he is.


    The attitude of others towards the elderly may be respect, fear, flattery, or reverence.

    Only Wang Wen, the moment he saw the figure of the old man, his eyes were already filled with tears.

    No amount of calmness could offset his nostalgia for the old man.

    In the last life, Wang Wen had no family, and the old man had no family either.

    Both close relatives died in the World Tower.

    It is no big deal to say that there are too many people who died in the World Tower in the world.

    But there are not many people who die so cleanly and crisply like Wang Wen and the old man.

    ?The days when the two first got along were noisy and noisy, and they both looked down on each other.

    Wang Wen wanted to inherit her parents' last wish and enter the World Tower to win the first place in the world. It would be best if she could break through the damn thousand floors and see what secrets are hidden in the sky.

    The old man especially hates seeing tower climbers. As the head of the intelligence department, he has seen too much information about the World Tower, and he has also seen too many intrigues and intrigues.

    In addition, all his close relatives died in the tower, and his perception of the World Tower is even more disgusting.

    ?I think that there is an ominous place, and all the climbers are just greedy for wealth and status.

    He has been serving as the head of the intelligence department and will not retire. In addition to the group trying to keep him in every possible way, he just wants to see with his own eyes what the World Tower will turn the world into.

    Wang Wen didn't want to talk about her fate.

    Just keep your head down and practice hard and try to do your best.

    The old man hates tower climbers, so naturally he hates Wang Wen even more who must enter the World Tower every week and never stops.

    Always make things difficult for him, entrusting him with the most dangerous and hard work of intelligence testing.

    Wang Wen is also the top iron.

    Never refuse or refuse, no matter how difficult or tiring the test is, I will accept it.

    No complaints and all tests are in place with quality and quantity.

    Anyway, he thinks that his life will be thrown in the World Tower after all, it doesn't matter if it is sooner or later.

    At that time, no one could do better than him in the testing work of the Ministry of Intelligence. He even exaggerated that the team leader of the previous team was brought out by himself, and he would respectfully call Wang Wen Master every time they met.

    ?Wang Min is not afraid of death, not too tired, not afraid of hard work, not picky about the fat, picks the thin, prefers the light and fears the heavy.


    The two quarreled as soon as they met.

    One is the elites that the group focuses on training, and their hard work is well known to all.

    One is that most of his life has been devoted to intelligence work, and he has seen more intelligence than young people have eaten rice. Sometimes a new intelligence comes up and you can see the true and false details at a glance.

    Both are the treasures of the group.

    It's not fair for the group to pull anyone, so they can only persuade them helplessly, and most of the time they can only let the two fight until they are tired and leave the show independently.

    This quarrel has been going on for many years.

    It was so noisy that the whole group was used to it.

    It was so noisy that Wang Wen found that the information he could read was getting higher and higher.

    So noisy that every time Wang Wen was about to go to the portal of the World Tower, she could see an old man sitting in a chair and watching from the French windows of the tall group building.

    The old man always thought that the group building was so far away from the ground that the ant-sized man would definitely not be able to see himself in the reflective glass.

    But I don't know that since Wang Wen broke through the 600th floor, she can even see the gums in the corners of the birds' eyes flying across the sky clearly.

    This is the ability brought by the super high-level, and the intelligence of the intelligence department can no longer keep up with Wang Wen's progress.

    The two still quarreled as soon as they met.

    The old man still likes to make things difficult for him.

    He never gave the old man a smile.

    However, the Ministry of Intelligence has become like Wang Wen's home, with unlimited access.


    The skin all over the body is oozing blood.

    However, he didn't know it, opened the door gently, and walked into the room with bloodstains on his feet.

    Everyone inside stood up in shock, and someone near the bed whispered "Wang Wen is here" beside the old man.

    The old man who could no longer see things and did not respond to the sound suddenly blinked and slowly opened his eyes.

    At that moment, everyone in the room covered their mouths and burst into tears.

    Wang Wen walked to the old man's bed step by step.

    The old man turned his eyes and was able to accurately capture the direction of Wang Wen's face.

    I saw him move the muscles of his face, showing an expression of unknown meaning, opened and closed his mouth a few times, finally took a deep breath, and closed his eyes forever.

    Wang Wen, the all-round tower climber, is proficient in various languages, and lip language is naturally easy.

    He understood the mouth shape of the old man when he was dying.

    Peace is good enough.

    This is the last breath of the old man.

    Seeing people makes him feel at ease.

    After speaking, he became at ease.

    Everyone was crying, but Wang Wen was laughing.

    I have never given the old man a smiling face, and if I don¡¯t, it will be too late.
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