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52. Chase

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    While the machine puppet court was in flames of war, somewhere in the void river, a huge energy barrier like soap bubbles suddenly rose slowly from the river.

    After surfacing out of the Void River, the energy barrier slowly lowered and dissipated, revealing a huge shadow behind the barrier.

    A bronze-colored emperor-level machine puppet with ten arms and a size comparable to a giant planet, holding several huge cities in its palm, sat on the surface of the Void River with fingers.

    Eden, the refuge world hidden in Mechanism's territory, also took this opportunity to quietly surface.

    "30,000 years a full 30,000 years."

    The bronze-colored machine puppet opened its eyes, and there was a blue light in the eyes, but there were complex emotions in the eyes that the machine puppet would not appear.

    "We finally returned to this void."

    In the cities in its palm, there are also countless different races sticking their heads out, looking at the void full of bright worlds on the void river, their expressions are extremely excited.

    The emperor-level machine puppet looked at it for a while, then slowly spread its palms, searched for a material world nearby, and placed the cities in its hands on the surface of this world.

    "You are waiting for me here."

    It says:

    "According to our agreement with that foreigner, I will help him hunt down Mech."

    This matter has been agreed as early as the beginning. Although other people in Eden feel that it is inappropriate, they have no intention of preventing the collective consciousness of manipulating the emperor-level machine puppet.

    Although it sounds ugly, the truth is just like what the foreigner said when he came to ask about the location of the machine god center, whether it is the machine god or the fairy world, it is impossible for them, the refugees from the world of Eden.  The presence of resistance.

    Now that the Immortal Realm and the Mechanic God Court are at war, if Eden chooses not to help each other at this time, then after defeating the Mechanic God in the Immortal Realm, the best result for Eden is to be expelled from this void by the Immortal Realm and become a wanderer in the extraterritorial void  Those who can no longer return to their hometown.

    Bai Qiuran also confessed to them that he himself really hoped that Eden would stay in the nearby worlds, but after all, this is a matter between civilization and civilization. He is not the one who is currently in charge of the fairy world, and he himself has no face.  It cannot be equated with the face of the entire civilization of the fairy world.

    There is no sympathy between civilizations. If Eden does not choose to stand in line at this time, as the ruler of the fairyland, Le Zhentian will definitely not have a good way to deal with Eden after the war.

    All the wealth in the territory of the machine puppet god is concentrated in the hands of the machine god. If you win it, the fairy world can get everything, and only this old emperor-level machine puppet in Eden's hands can get it.  As far as it is concerned, it does not even have the capital to trade.

    And as long as Le Zhentian's handling method does not hinder the overall evolution and development of material creatures, Bai Qiuran will not care about it. After all, he is also a person from the fairy world, and he must put the interests of the fairy world first.

    Because of this, Bai Qiuran and the collective consciousness of the Rainbow Sheath Clan reached an agreement. While Bai Qiuran and Tang Ruowei attacked the Machine God Center, Eden must help them track down the escaped Machine God body.

    And the price is that after the victory of the war, the Immortal Realm, in addition to taking away the things of the Puppet God Court, donated the entire void to Eden to govern, and even the Immortal Realm will leave corresponding infrastructure and some assistance to Eden  , so that they can develop again.

    In order to let Le Zhentian reach a deal with the collective consciousness of the Rainbow Sheath Clan, Bai Qiuran even delayed the time to launch the attack, and acted as a messenger himself, passing through the puppet's defense line back and forth.

    "The leader."

    Seeing that the collective consciousness of the Rainbow Sheath tribe is manipulating the emperor-level machine puppet to leave, other high-level officials in Eden hurriedly asked:

    "Do you need us to send a fleet to follow you?"

    "No, we don't have many ships in the first place, and this void is not completely safe except Mechanism. You stay and protect our city and people."

    The collective consciousness of the Rainbow Sheath Clan commanded:

    "If the machine god escapes, in order to narrow the target, it will definitely not bring too many machine puppets with him. It knows that with the combat power of that foreigner, it will be useless even if it takes the entire battle group. The emperor-level machine I used  Although the machine puppet is a bit old, it should be able to handle it."

    After finishing speaking, the collective consciousness of the Rainbow Sheath Clan manipulated this emperor-level machine puppet named "Glory" at the beginning, and slowly left the giant city, along the Void River, towards the direction outside the territory of the machine puppet god court  .

    The territory of the Mechanic God Court is just like the style of the Mechanic God. It is a perfect circle under absolute law.

    ? Void River from Consciousness BarrierConverging from the outside, passing through the center of the Mechgod Court, one side of the Mechgod territory is bordered by the barrier of consciousness, and the other side is in the depths of the distant void, and the location of the Mechgod Center is exactly in the center of this circle, from  The distance from the Mekineium to the Barrier of Consciousness is the same as to Outland.

    And because of the special nature of the void, there are not many directions that the Mech God can escape.

    The barrier of consciousness is the front line of the battle between the machine puppet court and the army of the fairy world. It is impossible to escape there, and if it wants to go to the outer domain, it has only two choices.

    One is to walk along the Void River, which is also a common method used by super civilizations who have developed out-of-world shuttle technology. Although the Void River is a violent torrent of energy, if the spaceship that can travel through the void is suspended on a slightly higher surface of the river  In this place, the spaceship can turn this energy river into a track, just like a maglev train, and easily travel between worlds.

    Another way is to abandon the natural waterway of the Void River, ignore it directly, choose a direction at random, and head towards the depths of the void. However, this method has great risks and drawbacks.

    Not all civilizations have the ability to develop power sources capable of non-stop navigation in the boundless void. Civilizations that have just stepped out of the world, usually their aircraft can only circle around their own world barrier.

    There is nothing in the void, and the farther away from the void river, the farther the distance between the material world will be. If you go too far, the spaceship will not be able to get supplies at all, and the final result can only be exhausted in the depths of the void.  A good one turns into a piece of Katz floating in the void, and if you are lucky, you will be swallowed by the energy storms that appear from time to time in the void.

    Even in super civilizations such as Immortal Realm and Machine Puppet God Court, only powerful individuals who have reached the level of Immortal Emperor or Emperor Level Machine Puppet dare to go out to explore the unknown void alone, and when exploring, they also  Take a big risk.

    During the great expansion of the Immortal World, several Immortal Emperors died because they encountered storms or some dangerous Void Protozoa while exploring the outside world.

    If you want to cross the void without the void river, you must have the ability to transform energy from the void, which is endless. In the realm of the immortal emperor, the six reincarnations of the purple mansion in the body have already been completed, and there is still a piece of heaven covered in the sky to protect the fragile.  Inside the Zifu, it is possible to continuously extract energy from the void by virtue of the six paths of reincarnation.

    However, the emperor-level machine puppet of the machine puppet court uses the special energy conversion runes on the body developed by the Immortal Emperor Shuhua to absorb energy from the void.

    However, this does not mean that with this technology, one can sail in places without void rivers as lightly and conveniently as void rivers.

    First of all, the speed of sailing on the Void River is much faster than that of crossing the Void, and there is no need to worry about the crisis of energy shortage. The Void River itself is an inexhaustible and endless source of energy.  Conversion extraction is, this technology is much simpler than converting energy from the void.

    Therefore, if the machine god chooses to escape directly from the void, with Bai Qiuran's speed and consciousness to scan the range, even if it is allowed to run for a year, Bai Qiuran can easily catch up and pull it out.  (Remember the site URL:
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